getTranslator()->translate($args); } public function getMerchantId() { if (!$this->hasData('merchant_id')) { $this->setData('merchant_id', Mage::getStoreConfig('google/checkout/merchant_id', $this->getStoreId())); } return $this->getData('merchant_id'); } public function getMerchantKey() { if (!$this->hasData('merchant_key')) { $this->setData('merchant_key', Mage::getStoreConfig('google/checkout/merchant_key', $this->getStoreId())); } return $this->getData('merchant_key'); } public function getServerType() { if (!$this->hasData('server_type')) { $this->setData( 'server_type', Mage::getStoreConfig('google/checkout/sandbox', $this->getStoreId()) ? "sandbox" : "" ); } return $this->getData('server_type'); } public function getLocale() { if (!$this->hasData('locale')) { $this->setData('locale', Mage::getStoreConfig('google/checkout/locale', $this->getStoreId())); } return $this->getData('locale'); } public function getCurrency() { if (!$this->hasData('currency')) { $this->setData('currency', Mage::app()->getStore()->getBaseCurrencyCode()); //$this->setData('currency', $this->getLocale()=='en_US' ? 'USD' : 'GBP'); } return $this->getData('currency'); } /** * Google Checkout Request instance * * @return GoogleRequest */ public function getGRequest() { if (!$this->hasData('g_request')) { $this->setData('g_request', new GoogleRequest( $this->getMerchantId(), $this->getMerchantKey(), $this->getServerType(), $this->getCurrency() )); //Setup the log file $logDir = Mage::getBaseDir('log'); $this->getData('g_request')->SetLogFiles( $logDir . DS . 'googleerror.log', $logDir . DS . 'googlemessage.log', L_ALL ); } return $this->getData('g_request'); } /** * Google Checkout Response instance * * @return GoogleResponse */ public function getGResponse() { if (!$this->hasData('g_response')) { $this->setData('g_response', new GoogleResponse( $this->getMerchantId(), $this->getMerchantKey() )); //Setup the log file $logDir = Mage::getBaseDir('log'); $this->getData('g_response')->SetLogFiles( $logDir . DS . 'googleerror.log', $logDir . DS . 'googlemessage.log', L_ALL ); } return $this->getData('g_response'); } protected function _getBaseApiUrl() { $url = 'https://'; if ($this->getServerType()=='sandbox') { $url .= ''; } else { $url .= ''; } return $url; } abstract protected function _getApiUrl(); public function _call($xml) { $auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($this->getMerchantId() . ':' . $this->getMerchantKey()); $headers = array( 'Authorization: ' . $auth, 'Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'Accept: application/xml;charset=UTF-8', ); $url = $this->_getApiUrl(); $xml = '' . "\r\n" . $xml; $debugData = array('request' => $xml, 'dir' => 'out'); try { $http = new Varien_Http_Adapter_Curl(); $http->write('POST', $url, '1.1', $headers, $xml); $response = $http->read(); $response = preg_split('/^\r?$/m', $response, 2); $response = trim($response[1]); $debugData['result'] = $response; $http->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { $debugData['result'] = array('error' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode()); $this->getApi()->debugData($debugData); throw $e; } $this->getApi()->debugData($debugData); $result = @simplexml_load_string($response); if (!$result) { $result = simplexml_load_string( 'Invalid response from Google Checkout server' ); } if ($result->getName() == 'error') { $this->setError($this->__('Google Checkout: %s', (string)$result->{'error-message'})); $this->setWarnings((array)$result->{'warning-messages'}); } else { $this->unsError()->unsWarnings(); } $this->setResult($result); return $result; } protected function _getCallbackUrl() { return Mage::getUrl( 'googlecheckout/api', array('_forced_secure'=>Mage::getStoreConfig('google/checkout/use_secure_callback_url',$this->getStoreId())) ); } /** * Recalculate amount to store currency * * @param float $amount * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote * @return float */ protected function _reCalculateToStoreCurrency($amount, $quote) { if ($quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode() != $quote->getBaseCurrencyCode()) { $amount = $amount * $quote->getStoreToQuoteRate(); $amount = Mage::app()->getStore()->roundPrice($amount); } return $amount; } /** * Get Tax Class for Shipping option * * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Quote $quote * @return mixed */ protected function _getTaxClassForShipping($quote) { return Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Tax_Model_Config::CONFIG_XML_PATH_SHIPPING_TAX_CLASS, $quote->getStoreId()); } }