getRequest()->getParam('category', false); $productId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $params = new Varien_Object(); $params->setCategoryId($categoryId); return Mage::helper('catalog/product')->initProduct($productId, $this, $params); } /** * Initialize product view layout * * @param Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product * @return Mage_Catalog_ProductController */ protected function _initProductLayout($product) { Mage::helper('catalog/product_view')->initProductLayout($product, $this); return $this; } /** * Recursively apply custom design settings to product if it's container * category custom_use_for_products option is setted to 1. * If not or product shows not in category - applyes product's internal settings * * @deprecated after, functionality moved to Mage_Catalog_Model_Design * @param Mage_Catalog_Model_Category|Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $object * @param Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Update $update */ protected function _applyCustomDesignSettings($object, $update) { if ($object instanceof Mage_Catalog_Model_Category) { // lookup the proper category recursively if ($object->getCustomUseParentSettings()) { $parentCategory = $object->getParentCategory(); if ($parentCategory && $parentCategory->getId() && $parentCategory->getLevel() > 1) { $this->_applyCustomDesignSettings($parentCategory, $update); } return; } // don't apply to the product if (!$object->getCustomApplyToProducts()) { return; } } if ($this->_designProductSettingsApplied) { return; } $date = $object->getCustomDesignDate(); if (array_key_exists('from', $date) && array_key_exists('to', $date) && Mage::app()->getLocale()->isStoreDateInInterval(null, $date['from'], $date['to']) ) { if ($object->getPageLayout()) { $this->_designProductSettingsApplied['layout'] = $object->getPageLayout(); } $this->_designProductSettingsApplied['update'] = $object->getCustomLayoutUpdate(); } } /** * Product view action */ public function viewAction() { // Get initial data from request $categoryId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('category', false); $productId = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $specifyOptions = $this->getRequest()->getParam('options'); // Prepare helper and params $viewHelper = Mage::helper('catalog/product_view'); $params = new Varien_Object(); $params->setCategoryId($categoryId); $params->setSpecifyOptions($specifyOptions); // Render page try { $viewHelper->prepareAndRender($productId, $this, $params); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == $viewHelper->ERR_NO_PRODUCT_LOADED) { if (isset($_GET['store']) && !$this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) { $this->_redirect(''); } elseif (!$this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) { $this->_forward('noRoute'); } } else { Mage::logException($e); $this->_forward('noRoute'); } } } /** * View product gallery action */ public function galleryAction() { if (!$this->_initProduct()) { if (isset($_GET['store']) && !$this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) { $this->_redirect(''); } elseif (!$this->getResponse()->isRedirect()) { $this->_forward('noRoute'); } return; } $this->loadLayout(); $this->renderLayout(); } /** * Display product image action * * @deprecated */ public function imageAction() { /* * All logic has been cut to avoid possible malicious usage of the method */ $this->_forward('noRoute'); } }