*/ class Ebizmarts_MageMonkey_Block_Lists extends Mage_Core_Block_Template { protected $_lists = array(); protected $_info = array(); protected $_myLists = array(); protected $_generalList = array(); protected $_form; protected $_api; /** * Get API instance (singleton) * * @return Ebizmarts_MageMonkey_Model_Api */ public function getApi() { if(is_null($this->_api)){ $this->_api = Mage::getSingleton('monkey/api'); } return $this->_api; } public function getSaveUrl() { return $this->getUrl('monkey/signup/saveadditional'); } /** * Check if GENERAL list can be shown on ALL LISTS template * * @return bool */ public function getShowGeneral() { $action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName(); $controller = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(); return (bool)!($action == 'savePayment' && $controller == 'onepage'); } public function notInMyAccount() { $action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName(); $controller = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(); $module = $this->getRequest()->getModuleName(); return (bool)!($action == 'index' && $controller == 'customer_account' && $module == 'monkey'); } /** * Show form items or not if customer is logged in and / or is on register page * * @return bool */ public function getCanShowButton() { $ary = array( '/customer/account/create/', '/checkout/onepage/savePayment/', '/onestepcheckout/', ); $requestString = $this->getRequest()->getRequestString(); return !in_array($requestString, $ary); } /** * Get default list data from MC * * @return array */ public function getGeneralList() { $list = $this->helper('monkey')->config('list'); if($list){ if(empty($this->_generalList)){ $api = $this->getApi(); $listData = $api->lists(array('list_id' => $list)); if(empty($this->_myLists)){ $this->_myLists = $api->listsForEmail($this->_getEmail()); } if($listData['total'] > 0){ $this->_generalList = array( 'id' => $listData['data'][0]['id'], 'name' => $this->__('General Subscription'), 'interest_groupings' => $this->helper('monkey')->filterShowGroupings($api->listInterestGroupings($listData['data'][0]['id'])), ); } } } return $this->_generalList; } /** * Get additional lists data from MC * * @return array */ public function getLists() { $additionalLists = $this->helper('monkey')->config('additional_lists'); if($additionalLists){ if(empty($this->_lists)){ $api = $this->getApi(); if(empty($this->_myLists)){ $this->_myLists = $api->listsForEmail($this->_getEmail()); } $lists = $api->lists(array('list_id' => $additionalLists)); if($lists['total'] > 0){ foreach($lists['data'] as $list){ $this->_lists []= array( 'id' => $list['id'], 'name' => $list['name'], 'interest_groupings' => $this->helper('monkey')->filterShowGroupings($api->listInterestGroupings($list['id'])), ); } } } } return $this->_lists; } /** * Getter for class property * * @return array */ public function getSubscribedLists() { if(!is_array($this->_myLists)){ return array(); } return $this->_myLists; } /** * Utility to generate HTML name for element * @param string $list * @param string $group * @param bool $multiple * @return string */ protected function _htmlGroupName($list, $group = NULL, $multiple = FALSE) { $htmlName = "list[{$list['id']}]"; if(!is_null($group)){ $htmlName .= "[{$group['id']}]"; } if(TRUE === $multiple){ $htmlName .= '[]'; } return $htmlName; } /** * Form getter/instantiation * * @return Varien_Data_Form */ public function getForm() { if ($this->_form instanceof Varien_Data_Form) { return $this->_form; } $form = new Varien_Data_Form(); return $form; } /** * Get MC member information for an specific list * * @param string $listId ID of list in MC * @return array Member info on list */ protected function _memberInfo($listId) { if( FALSE === array_key_exists($listId, $this->_info) ){ $this->_info[$listId] = $this->getApi()->listMemberInfo($listId, $this->_getEmail()); } return $this->_info[$listId]; } /** * Render interest grouping with its groups * * @param array $group Group data from MC * @param array $list List data from MC * @return string HTML code */ public function renderGroup($group, $list) { $fieldType = $group['form_field']; $memberInfo = $this->_memberInfo($list['id']); $myGroups = array(); if($memberInfo['success'] == 1){ $groupings = $memberInfo['data'][0]['merges']['GROUPINGS']; foreach($groupings as $_group){ if(!empty($_group['groups'])){ if($fieldType == 'checkboxes'){ $myGroups[$_group['id']] = explode(', ', $_group['groups']); }elseif($fieldType == 'radio'){ $myGroups[$_group['id']] = array($_group['groups']); }else{ $myGroups[$_group['id']] = $_group['groups']; } } } } switch ($fieldType) { case 'radio': $class = 'Varien_Data_Form_Element_Radios'; break; case 'checkboxes': $class = 'Varien_Data_Form_Element_Checkboxes'; break; case 'dropdown': $class = 'Varien_Data_Form_Element_Select'; break; default: $class = 'Varien_Data_Form_Element_Text'; break; } $object = new $class; $object->setForm($this->getForm()); //Check/select values if(isset($myGroups[$group['id']])){ $object->setValue($myGroups[$group['id']]); }else{ $object->setValue(array()); } if($fieldType == 'checkboxes' || $fieldType == 'dropdown'){ $options = array(); if($fieldType == 'dropdown'){ $options[''] = ''; } foreach($group['groups'] as $g){ $options [$g['name']] = $g['name']; } if(method_exists('Varien_Data_Form_Element_Checkboxes', 'addElementValues')){ $object->addElementValues($options); }else{ $object->setValues($options); } $object->setName( $this->_htmlGroupName($list, $group, ($fieldType == 'checkboxes' ? TRUE : FALSE)) ); $object->setHtmlId('interest-group'); $html = $object->getElementHtml(); }elseif($fieldType == 'radio'){ $options = array(); foreach($group['groups'] as $g){ $options [] = new Varien_Object(array('value' => $g['name'], 'label' => $g['name'])); } $object->setName($this->_htmlGroupName($list, $group)); $object->setHtmlId('interest-group'); if(method_exists('Varien_Data_Form_Element_Checkboxes', 'addElementValues')){ $object->addElementValues($options); }else{ $object->setValues($options); } $html = $object->getElementHtml(); } if($fieldType != 'checkboxes'){ $html = "
"; } return $html; } /** * Retrieve email from Customer object in session * * @return string Email address */ protected function _getEmail() { return $this->helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getEmail(); } /** * Return HTML code for list