loadLayout(); // header $head = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head'); $head->setTitle( $this->__("eKomiMeetsMage Configuration")." - meets-ecommerce" ); $this->_setActiveMenu('meecom/ekomimeetsmage'); $url = Mage::helper("adminhtml") ->getUrl("ekomimeetsmage_admin/configuration/index/"); $request = $this->getRequest(); $helper = Mage::helper('ekomimeetsmage'); // Saver for the choosed running type if (strlen($request->getParam('running_mode')) > 0) { if ($request->getParam('running_mode') != $helper->getStoreType()) { // delete all other settings cause of switching $helper->reset(); } $helper->setStoreType( $this->getRequest()->getParam('running_mode') ); } // content $this->_addContent( $this->getLayout()->createBlock( 'ekomimeetsmage/adminhtml_api_configuration_head' ) ); $this->_setCustomHtml( '
'.$this->__("About the eKomiMeetsMage extension").'
'. $this->__( "In order to use this extension an eKomi Account is required.'. 'If you wish to create a new eKomi account, ". "please find the link to the eKomi website below." ). '