var qs = { scriptBaseUrl: null, createObject: function() { return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * @deprecated 'create' name is reserved, use createObject instead */ create: function() { return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }, getScriptBaseUrl: function () { if (null === qs.scriptBaseUrl) { qs.scriptBaseUrl = BASE_URL + '/js' + SITE_REVISION_SUFFIX; } return qs.scriptBaseUrl; }, includeBodyScript: function(src) { $.ajaxSetup({async: false}); $.getScript(qs.getScriptBaseUrl() + '/' + src); $.ajaxSetup({async: true}); }, getParentTag: function (obj, tag) { var tmp = obj; while (tmp = tmp.parentNode) { if (tmp.nodeName == tag) { return tmp; } } return null; }, getPreviousTag: function(obj, tag) { var tmp = obj; while (tmp = tmp.previousSibling) { if (tmp.nodeName == tag) { return tmp; } } return null; }, getNextTag: function(obj, tag) { var tmp = obj; while (tmp = tmp.nextSibling) { if (tmp.nodeName == tag) { return tmp; } } return null; }, openPopupByLocation: function(location, target, width, height) { if (typeof width != 'number') { if (width == 'MAX') { width = screen.width; } else { width = screen.width/2; } } if (typeof height != 'number') { if (height == 'MAX') { height = screen.height; } else { height = screen.height - screen.height/3; } } var top = screen.height/2-height/2; var left = screen.width/2-width/2; var params = 'toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,status=0,scrollbars=yes,screenX=' + left + ',screenY=' + top + ',top=' + top + ',left=' + left + ',width=' + width + ',height=' + height; var wnd =, target, params); if (typeof wnd == 'object' && wnd != null) { wnd.opener = self; wnd.focus(); } else { alert('Popup blocked by your browser.'); } }, openPopup: function (a, width, height) { qs.openPopupByLocation(a.href, a.getAttribute('target'), width, height); return false; }, // getElementPos getPosition: function (obj) { var l = 0; var t = 0; var w = obj.offsetWidth; var h = obj.offsetHeight; while (obj) { l += obj.offsetLeft; t += obj.offsetTop; if ((obj.tagName != "TABLE") && (obj.tagName != "BODY")) { l += (obj.clientLeft)?obj.clientLeft:0; t += (obj.clientTop)?obj.clientTop:0; } obj = obj.offsetParent; } var res = new Object(); res.x = l; res.y = t; res.left = l; = t; res.w = w; res.h = h; res.width = w; res.height = h; return res; }, popupImage: function (url) { var startW = 150; var startH = 100; var top = screen.height/2-startH; var left = screen.width/2-startW/2; var params = 'Toolbar=0,location=0,Menubar=0,resizable=0,Scrollbars=no';//,screenX='+left+',screenY='+top+',top='+top+',left='+left; var wnd ='', 'ppimg', params); wnd.resizeTo(300, 450); wnd.document.writeln(''); wnd.document.writeln('
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defaultValue : null; } data = data[name]; } } return data; }, set: function (data, field, value) { if (typeof field == 'undefined') { return false; } field = field.replace(/\]/g, ''); var parts = field.split(/\[/); var _data = data; while ((name = array_shift(parts))) { if (parts.length == 0) { _data[name] = value; break; } if (!array_key_exists(name, _data)) { _data[name] = {}; } _data = _data[name]; } return true; }, isAssoc: function (array) { if (is_array(array)) { return false; } var i = 0; for (var j in array) { if (parseInt(j, 10) != i++) { return true; } } return false; }, collapse: function(array, belongsTo) { if (typeof belongsTo == 'undefined') { belongsTo = ''; } result = {}; for (var key in array) { var value = array[key]; var itemBelongsTo = belongsTo + (empty(belongsTo) ? key : '[' + key + ']'); if (is_array(value)) { result = array_merge(result, Qs_Array.collapse(value, itemBelongsTo)); } else { result[itemBelongsTo] = value; } } return result; } }; var Qs_ViewHelper = { escape: function (value) { return value; }, _initId: function (attribs) { if (false === { delete; return false; } if (typeof != 'undefined') { return false; } var id =; if (id.substr(-2) == '[]') { id = id.substr(0, id.length - 2); } if (-1 != id.indexOf(']')) { id = trim(id, ']'); id = id.replace(/\]\[/, '-'); id = id.replace(/\[/, '-'); } = id; }, _initClass: function (attribs) { if (typeof attribs['class'] == 'undefined') { attribs['class'] = attribs.type; } }, renderAttribs: function (attribs) { var content = ''; for (var name in attribs) { content += name + '="' + Qs_ViewHelper.escape(attribs[name]) + '" '; } return content; }, formHidden: function (name, value, attribs) { if (typeof attribs == 'undefined') { attribs = {}; } if (typeof value == 'undefined') { value = ''; } attribs.type = 'hidden'; = name; attribs.value = value; Qs_ViewHelper._initId(attribs); Qs_ViewHelper._initClass(attribs); return ''; }, formText: function (name, value, attribs) { if (typeof attribs == 'undefined') { attribs = {}; } if (typeof value == 'undefined') { value = ''; } attribs.type = 'text'; = name; attribs.value = value; Qs_ViewHelper._initId(attribs); Qs_ViewHelper._initClass(attribs); return ''; }, formCheckbox: function (name, value, attribs, checkedOptions) { if (typeof attribs == 'undefined') { attribs = {}; } if (typeof value == 'undefined') { value = ''; } if (typeof checkedOptions == 'undefined') { checkedOptions = {checkedValue: 1, uncheckedValue: 0}; } hiddenAttribs = {name: name, type: 'hidden', value: checkedOptions.uncheckedValue}; attribs.type = 'checkbox'; = name; attribs.value = checkedOptions.checkedValue; if (value == attribs.value) { attribs.checked = true; } Qs_ViewHelper._initId(attribs); Qs_ViewHelper._initClass(attribs); Qs_ViewHelper._initClass(hiddenAttribs); if (typeof attribs.checked != 'undefined') { if (attribs.checked) { attribs.checked = 'checked'; } } return '' + ''; }, formLabel: function (name, value, attribs) { if (typeof attribs == 'undefined') { attribs = {}; } if (typeof value == 'undefined') { value = ''; } = name; Qs_ViewHelper._initId(attribs); attribs['for'] =; delete; delete; if (typeof attribs.disableFor != 'undefined' && attribs.disableFor) { delete attribs['for']; } return ''; } }; var Qs_Form_Element_Select = { /** * * @param HTMLSelectElement element * @param options Object * @param mixed emptyTitle string|bool|undefined */ setOptions: function (element, options, emptyTitle) { var i; var emptyOption = false; if (typeof emptyTitle == 'string') { emptyOption = document.createElement('OPTION'); emptyOption.text = emptyTitle; emptyOption.value = ''; } else if (true === emptyTitle) { var firstOption = element.options.item(0); if (firstOption) { emptyOption = document.createElement('OPTION'); emptyOption.text = firstOption.text; emptyOption.value = firstOption.value; } } for(i = element.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { element.remove(i); } if (false !== emptyOption) { element.options.add(emptyOption); } var isAssoc = Qs_Array.isAssoc(options); for (i in options) { var option = document.createElement('OPTION'); option.value = isAssoc ? i : options[i].value; option.text = isAssoc ? options[i] : options[i].text; element.options.add(option); } }, getValue: function (element) { if (element.multiple) { var value = []; for (var j in element.options) { if ( element.options[j] != null && typeof element.options[j].tagName == 'string' && element.options[j].tagName == 'OPTION' && element.options[j].selected ) { value.push(element.options[j].value); } } return value; } else { return element.value; } }, setValue: function(element, value) { if (element.multiple) { if (!is_array(value)) { value = [value]; } for (var j in element.options) { if ( element.options[j] != null && typeof element.options[j].tagName == 'string' && element.options[j].tagName == 'OPTION' ) { element.options[j].selected = in_array(element.options[j].value, value); } } } else { element.value = value; } } }; var Qs_Http = { redirect: function (url) { document.location = url; } };