Technical Task for the "Lisa Christianson" project (
General information
A part of the web-site of real estate agency (?). The thing to do is the admin/search facility
Based on the mockups provided we should design the rest as appropriate....
Useful links:
The facility is meant for the users who can log into it, register their own properties and/or search for another ones.
The special type of the user (admin) is Lisa herself who can register other users besides the activities all users are able to perform.
The "property" possesses the following data attributes:
- Tenant/Lead name
- Use (refers to the editable list of possible uses)
- Current Locations (refers to editable list of cities)
- Min and Max Rent They Will Pay
- Min and Max Square Footage
- Looking for More Locations (TO ASK) what is the meaning of this?... does it need the special treatment?
(ANSWER) No special treatment
- End Cap, Pad or Inline (flags)
- Drive Thru (yes, no, hz)
- Traffic counts (TO ASK) what is the meaning of this?... does it need the special treatment?
(ANSWER) No special treatment
- Population within 3 miles (TO ASK) will we have more similar attributes (within 5 miles,
within 10 miles etc) or this is the only such one?... (ANSWER) No, we DO NOT need 5 miles, 10 miles, Ukraine, Pakistan etc.
- Min and Max Median Income Range
- Ideal Frontage (feet) (TO ASK) regarding the mock ups is this calculated field?... or user will have to
provide the value for it?... (ANSWER) It will be editable, so user will provide data.
- Represented by
- Last Contact Date (TO ASK) who should maintain the actuality of this field?... the system or the users?...
(ANSWER) The system.
(TO ASK) how this process should look like?... please describe...
(ANSWER) This field should be a date field that is set to the last time information was updated for the contact.
So, if the contact was added on July 5, 2005, that field would be July 5, 2005. If a person viewed it on January 5, 2005,
but didn't change it, the date would remain July 5, 2005. If a person edited the notes field on January 15, 2005
and clicked save, that field would be January 15th.
So I'd suggest to rename the field to something like "Last Update Date"
- Notes/Remarks
(TO ASK) should we allow the users to edit the propertis belonging to other users?...
do the properties have to "belong" to someone registered at the site?...
(ANSWER) Any admin can edit any property.
Description of site sections to do
- Logination page
A standard one, two inputs to enter the login and password. Refer to the link above regarding the design guidelines.
- "Staff" page - DEVELOP
The page for the users' registration. It is available for the admin (Lisa) only. Admin can add, edit and delete users,
find the users given the specified criteria. This page seems to be developed by us from the scratch.
The proposed users' data attributes are:
- full user name
- user login name
- user password
- user e-mail
- user's date of registration
- (TO ASK) what else do we need to keep about the users? (ANSWER) Nothing else.
So we need here two forms:
- user list form featuring the search (filtering), sorting and paginator alogn with the options column (edit/delete options)
- a form to edit or add user's data (the form is the same)
The ordinary users should neither view the link to this page nor be able to enter here by entering the direct URL.
(TO ASK) should we allow users to edit their profile data? or this can be done only by super-Lisa user?
(ANSWER) We should allow users to edit their own data
Based on the sentence above we need to place the link for the profile editing form to the left panel...
- "All Results" page
The page to show all the properties registered with the system.
The property list is a table with the variable number of columns. The collection of the actual columns is defined by the user
and is described here along with the form to edit them. The only fixed column here is
"Options" allowing to open detailed view, edit or delete the property.
The page features paginator, per column sorting and "Show XX results per page" selector. The same form (template) should
be used to represent all search results within the system.
- "View Specific Lead" page
Allows to view the detailed info about the selected property. Features all the data decribed above
- "Edit Specific Lead" page
The page allowing the user to edit the specific property data. The list of attributes is given above
Also there is one special input allowing the user to quickly add the city to the list of current locations without the need to
go to the Current Locations editing form.
(TO ASK) the "possible use" field is represented as the set of checkboxes as it is depicted
at the mock ups. Can we use the "select" element for them instead as it is done for the "possible locations"
(ANSWER) Yes, a select element will be fine
The same form should be used for property registering.
- "Add An Entry" page
The page allowing the user to register a new property with the system. This is the same form as the one for the property
- "Search Tenant/Lead Name" quick search input
Should be shown at the left panel along with the rest of menu items (see mock ups). I think that would be better to place it before
the Advanced Search item unlike it is shown at the mockups after it.
This function will open the "Search results" form with the properties having the Tenant/Lead name like the one searched.
- "Advanced Search" page
The form allowing the user to enter the whole set of search criteria in order to find the desired properties.
(TO ASK) we have the whole bunch of fields (attributes) to store and to search by...
What is the exact list of the fields we should use for the advanced search function?
(ANSWER) All 15 fields should be used (BTW, when user is searching by the date - we should give him an ability to use in
Date range - not just specific date)
This form will open the "Search results" form with the properties matching the desired set of criteria.
- "Customize the columns in search results" page
The form allowing the user to select what fields should be shown in all "Search results" forms. A list of fields with
the checkmarks next to them indicating whether the field would be visible or not.
This setting should be saved for each user personally.
(TO ASK) what is the "initial list" of fields which should be "on" for every new registered user?...
(ANSWER) Those fields, which are on the mock up selected - will be the "default" ones
(TO ASK) should we make some fool-proof here that won't allow user to switch off all the fields in the list?....
(ANSWER) yes, it will be nice. User should not be able to turn off Tenant Name.
- Logoff link
Will lead to Logination page upon its activation.
Besides the above items there are 2 more forms which are not represented at the left panel:
- Primary Use list editor
- Current Locations list editor
The both forms should feature the list of edited data, the "Add" link or the input to add the value immediately
and the "Options" column with "Edit" &
"Delete" actions.
(TO ASK) or should we display these both forms at the left panel, at least for the admin (Lisa)?
(ANSWER) Please have it displayed at the left panel for all the admins.