Original Author * @author Shane Caraveo Port to PEAR and more * @author Chuck Hagenbuch Maintenance * @author Jan Schneider Maintenance * @copyright 2003-2005 The PHP Group * @license http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt PHP License 2.02 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/SOAP */ require_once 'SOAP/Base.php'; require_once 'SOAP/Value.php'; /** * SOAP Parser * * This class is used by SOAP::Message and SOAP::Server to parse soap * packets. Originally based on SOAPx4 by Dietrich Ayala * http://dietrich.ganx4.com/soapx4 * * @access public * @package SOAP * @author Shane Caraveo Conversion to PEAR and updates * @author Dietrich Ayala Original Author */ class SOAP_Parser extends SOAP_Base { var $status = ''; var $position = 0; var $depth = 0; var $default_namespace = ''; var $message = array(); var $depth_array = array(); var $parent = 0; var $root_struct_name = array(); var $header_struct_name = array(); var $curent_root_struct_name = ''; var $root_struct = array(); var $header_struct = array(); var $curent_root_struct = 0; var $references = array(); var $need_references = array(); /** * Used to handle non-root elements before root body element. * * @var integer */ var $bodyDepth; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $xml XML content. * @param string $encoding Character set encoding, defaults to 'UTF-8'. * @param array $attachments List of attachments. */ function SOAP_Parser($xml, $encoding = SOAP_DEFAULT_ENCODING, $attachments = null) { parent::SOAP_Base('Parser'); $this->_setSchemaVersion(SOAP_XML_SCHEMA_VERSION); $this->attachments = $attachments; // Check the XML tag for encoding. if (preg_match('/<\?xml[^>]+encoding\s*?=\s*?(\'([^\']*)\'|"([^"]*)")[^>]*?[\?]>/', $xml, $m)) { $encoding = strtoupper($m[2] ? $m[2] : $m[3]); } // Determine where in the message we are (envelope, header, body, // method). Check whether content has been read. if (!empty($xml)) { // Prepare the XML parser. $parser = xml_parser_create($encoding); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_set_object($parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($parser, '_startElement', '_endElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, '_characterData'); // Some lame SOAP implementations add nul bytes at the end of the // SOAP stream, and expat chokes on that. if ($xml[strlen($xml) - 1] == 0) { $xml = trim($xml); } // Parse the XML file. if (!xml_parse($parser, $xml, true)) { $err = sprintf('XML error on line %d col %d byte %d %s', xml_get_current_line_number($parser), xml_get_current_column_number($parser), xml_get_current_byte_index($parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser))); $this->_raiseSoapFault($err, htmlspecialchars($xml)); } xml_parser_free($parser); } } /** * Returns an array of responses. * * After parsing a SOAP message, use this to get the response. * * @return array */ function getResponse() { if (!empty($this->root_struct[0])) { return $this->_buildResponse($this->root_struct[0]); } else { return $this->_raiseSoapFault('Cannot build response'); } } /** * Returns an array of header responses. * * After parsing a SOAP message, use this to get the response. * * @return array */ function getHeaders() { if (!empty($this->header_struct[0])) { return $this->_buildResponse($this->header_struct[0]); } else { // We don't fault if there are no headers; that can be handled by // the application if necessary. return null; } } /** * Recurses to build a multi dimensional array. * * @see _buildResponse() */ function _domulti($d, &$ar, &$r, &$v, $ad = 0) { if ($d) { $this->_domulti($d - 1, $ar, $r[$ar[$ad]], $v, $ad + 1); } else { $r = $v; } } /** * Loops through the message, building response structures. * * @param integer $pos Position. * * @return SOAP_Value */ function _buildResponse($pos) { $response = null; if (isset($this->message[$pos]['children'])) { $children = explode('|', $this->message[$pos]['children']); foreach ($children as $c => $child_pos) { if ($this->message[$child_pos]['type'] != null) { $response[] = $this->_buildResponse($child_pos); } } if (isset($this->message[$pos]['arraySize'])) { $ardepth = count($this->message[$pos]['arraySize']); if ($ardepth > 1) { $ar = array_pad(array(), $ardepth, 0); if (isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $ardepth; $i++) { $ar[$i] += $this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset'][$i]; } } $elc = count($response); for ($i = 0; $i < $elc; $i++) { // Recurse to build a multi dimensional array. $this->_domulti($ardepth, $ar, $newresp, $response[$i]); // Increment our array pointers. $ad = $ardepth - 1; $ar[$ad]++; while ($ad > 0 && $ar[$ad] >= $this->message[$pos]['arraySize'][$ad]) { $ar[$ad] = 0; $ad--; $ar[$ad]++; } } $response = $newresp; } elseif (isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset']) && $this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset'][0] > 0) { // Check for padding. $pad = $this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset'][0] + count($response) * -1; $response = array_pad($response, $pad, null); } } } // Build attributes. $attrs = array(); foreach ($this->message[$pos]['attrs'] as $atn => $atv) { if (!strstr($atn, 'xmlns') && !strpos($atn, ':')) { $attrs[$atn] = $atv; } } // Add current node's value. $nqn = new QName($this->message[$pos]['name'], $this->message[$pos]['namespace']); $tqn = new QName($this->message[$pos]['type'], $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']); if ($response) { $response = new SOAP_Value($nqn->fqn(), $tqn->fqn(), $response, $attrs); if (isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayType'])) { $response->arrayType = $this->message[$pos]['arrayType']; } } else { // Check if value is an empty array if ($tqn->name == 'Array') { $response = new SOAP_Value($nqn->fqn(), $tqn->fqn(), array(), $attrs); //if ($pos == 4) var_dump($this->message[$pos], $response); } else { $response = new SOAP_Value($nqn->fqn(), $tqn->fqn(), $this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $attrs); } } // Handle header attribute that we need. if (array_key_exists('actor', $this->message[$pos])) { $response->actor = $this->message[$pos]['actor']; } if (array_key_exists('mustUnderstand', $this->message[$pos])) { $response->mustunderstand = $this->message[$pos]['mustUnderstand']; } return $response; } /** * Start element handler used with the XML parser. */ function _startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { // Position in a total number of elements, starting from 0. // Update class level position. $pos = $this->position++; // And set mine. $this->message[$pos] = array( 'type' => '', 'type_namespace' => '', 'cdata' => '', 'pos' => $pos, 'id' => ''); // Parent/child/depth determinations. // depth = How many levels removed from root? // Set mine as current global depth and increment global depth value. $this->message[$pos]['depth'] = $this->depth++; // Else add self as child to whoever the current parent is. if ($pos != 0) { if (isset($this->message[$this->parent]['children'])) { $this->message[$this->parent]['children'] .= '|' . $pos; } else { $this->message[$this->parent]['children'] = $pos; } } // Set my parent. $this->message[$pos]['parent'] = $this->parent; // Set self as current value for this depth. $this->depth_array[$this->depth] = $pos; // Set self as current parent. $this->parent = $pos; $qname = new QName($name); // Set status. if (strcasecmp('envelope', $qname->name) == 0) { $this->status = 'envelope'; } elseif (strcasecmp('header', $qname->name) == 0) { $this->status = 'header'; $this->header_struct_name[] = $this->curent_root_struct_name = $qname->name; $this->header_struct[] = $this->curent_root_struct = $pos; $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Struct'; } elseif (strcasecmp('body', $qname->name) == 0) { $this->status = 'body'; $this->bodyDepth = $this->depth; // Set method } elseif ($this->status == 'body') { // Is this element allowed to be a root? // TODO: this needs to be optimized, we loop through $attrs twice // now. $can_root = $this->depth == $this->bodyDepth + 1; if ($can_root) { foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) { if (stristr($key, ':root') && !$value) { $can_root = false; } } } if ($can_root) { $this->status = 'method'; $this->root_struct_name[] = $this->curent_root_struct_name = $qname->name; $this->root_struct[] = $this->curent_root_struct = $pos; $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Struct'; } } // Set my status. $this->message[$pos]['status'] = $this->status; // Set name. $this->message[$pos]['name'] = htmlspecialchars($qname->name); // Set attributes. $this->message[$pos]['attrs'] = $attrs; // Loop through attributes, logging ns and type declarations. foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) { // If ns declarations, add to class level array of valid // namespaces. $kqn = new QName($key); if ($kqn->ns == 'xmlns') { $prefix = $kqn->name; if (in_array($value, $this->_XMLSchema)) { $this->_setSchemaVersion($value); } $this->_namespaces[$value] = $prefix; // Set method namespace. } elseif ($key == 'xmlns') { $qname->ns = $this->_getNamespacePrefix($value); $qname->namespace = $value; } elseif ($kqn->name == 'actor') { $this->message[$pos]['actor'] = $value; } elseif ($kqn->name == 'mustUnderstand') { $this->message[$pos]['mustUnderstand'] = $value; // If it's a type declaration, set type. } elseif ($kqn->name == 'type') { $vqn = new QName($value); $this->message[$pos]['type'] = $vqn->name; $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $this->_getNamespaceForPrefix($vqn->ns); // Should do something here with the namespace of specified // type? } elseif ($kqn->name == 'arrayType') { $vqn = new QName($value); $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Array'; if (isset($vqn->arraySize)) { $this->message[$pos]['arraySize'] = $vqn->arraySize; } $this->message[$pos]['arrayType'] = $vqn->name; } elseif ($kqn->name == 'offset') { $this->message[$pos]['arrayOffset'] = explode(',', substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2)); } elseif ($kqn->name == 'id') { // Save id to reference array. $this->references[$value] = $pos; $this->message[$pos]['id'] = $value; } elseif ($kqn->name == 'href') { if ($value[0] == '#') { $ref = substr($value, 1); if (isset($this->references[$ref])) { // cdata, type, inval. $ref_pos = $this->references[$ref]; $this->message[$pos]['children'] = &$this->message[$ref_pos]['children']; $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] = &$this->message[$ref_pos]['cdata']; $this->message[$pos]['type'] = &$this->message[$ref_pos]['type']; $this->message[$pos]['arraySize'] = &$this->message[$ref_pos]['arraySize']; $this->message[$pos]['arrayType'] = &$this->message[$ref_pos]['arrayType']; } else { // Reverse reference, store in 'need reference'. if (!isset($this->need_references[$ref])) { $this->need_references[$ref] = array(); } $this->need_references[$ref][] = $pos; } } elseif (isset($this->attachments[$value])) { $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] = $this->attachments[$value]; } } } // See if namespace is defined in tag. if (isset($attrs['xmlns:' . $qname->ns])) { $namespace = $attrs['xmlns:' . $qname->ns]; } elseif ($qname->ns && !$qname->namespace) { $namespace = $this->_getNamespaceForPrefix($qname->ns); } else { // Get namespace. $namespace = $qname->namespace ? $qname->namespace : $this->default_namespace; } $this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $namespace; $this->default_namespace = $namespace; } /** * End element handler used with the XML parser. */ function _endElement($parser, $name) { // Position of current element is equal to the last value left in // depth_array for my depth. $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; // Bring depth down a notch. $this->depth--; $qname = new QName($name); // Get type if not explicitly declared in an xsi:type attribute. // TODO: check on integrating WSDL validation here. if ($this->message[$pos]['type'] == '') { if (isset($this->message[$pos]['children'])) { /* this is slow, need to look at some faster method $children = explode('|', $this->message[$pos]['children']); if (count($children) > 2 && $this->message[$children[1]]['name'] == $this->message[$children[2]]['name']) { $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Array'; } else { $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Struct'; }*/ $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'Struct'; } else { $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent']; if ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'Array' && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) { $this->message[$pos]['type'] = $this->message[$parent]['arrayType']; } else { $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'string'; } } } // If tag we are currently closing is the method wrapper. if ($pos == $this->curent_root_struct) { $this->status = 'body'; } elseif ($qname->name == 'Body' || $qname->name == 'Header') { $this->status = 'envelope'; } // Set parent back to my parent. $this->parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent']; // Handle any reverse references now. $idref = $this->message[$pos]['id']; if ($idref != '' && isset($this->need_references[$idref])) { foreach ($this->need_references[$idref] as $ref_pos) { // XXX is this stuff there already? $this->message[$ref_pos]['children'] = &$this->message[$pos]['children']; $this->message[$ref_pos]['cdata'] = &$this->message[$pos]['cdata']; $this->message[$ref_pos]['type'] = &$this->message[$pos]['type']; $this->message[$ref_pos]['arraySize'] = &$this->message[$pos]['arraySize']; $this->message[$ref_pos]['arrayType'] = &$this->message[$pos]['arrayType']; } } } /** * Element content handler used with the XML parser. */ function _characterData($parser, $data) { $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) { $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data; } else { $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] = $data; } } }