*/ class Mage_Archive_Tar extends Mage_Archive_Abstract implements Mage_Archive_Interface { /** * Tar block size * * @const int */ const TAR_BLOCK_SIZE = 512; /** * Keep file or directory for packing. * * @var string */ protected $_currentFile; /** * Keep path to file or directory for packing. * * @var mixed */ protected $_currentPath; /** * Skip first level parent directory. Example: * use test/fip.php instead test/test/fip.php; * * @var mixed */ protected $_skipRoot; /** * Tarball data writer * * @var Mage_Archive_Helper_File */ protected $_writer; /** * Tarball data reader * * @var Mage_Archive_Helper_File */ protected $_reader; /** * Path to file where tarball should be placed * * @var string */ protected $_destinationFilePath; /** * Initialize tarball writer * * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _initWriter() { $this->_writer = new Mage_Archive_Helper_File($this->_destinationFilePath); $this->_writer->open('w'); return $this; } /** * Returns string that is used for tar's header parsing * * @return string */ protected static final function _getFormatParseHeader() { return 'a100name/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/a8checksum/a1type/a100symlink/a6magic/a2version/' . 'a32uname/a32gname/a8devmajor/a8devminor/a155prefix/a12closer'; } /** * Destroy tarball writer * * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _destroyWriter() { if ($this->_writer instanceof Mage_Archive_Helper_File) { $this->_writer->close(); $this->_writer = null; } return $this; } /** * Get tarball writer * * @return Mage_Archive_Helper_File */ protected function _getWriter() { if (!$this->_writer) { $this->_initWriter(); } return $this->_writer; } /** * Initialize tarball reader * * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _initReader() { $this->_reader = new Mage_Archive_Helper_File($this->_getCurrentFile()); $this->_reader->open('r'); return $this; } /** * Destroy tarball reader * * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _destroyReader() { if ($this->_reader instanceof Mage_Archive_Helper_File) { $this->_reader->close(); $this->_reader = null; } return $this; } /** * Get tarball reader * * @return Mage_Archive_Helper_File */ protected function _getReader() { if (!$this->_reader) { $this->_initReader(); } return $this->_reader; } /** * Set option that define ability skip first catalog level. * * @param mixed $skipRoot * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _setSkipRoot($skipRoot) { $this->_skipRoot = $skipRoot; return $this; } /** * Set file which is packing. * * @param string $file * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _setCurrentFile($file) { $this->_currentFile = $file .((!is_link($file) && is_dir($file) && substr($file, -1) != DS) ? DS : ''); return $this; } /** * Set path to file where tarball should be placed * * @param string $destinationFilePath * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _setDestinationFilePath($destinationFilePath) { $this->_destinationFilePath = $destinationFilePath; return $this; } /** * Retrieve file which is packing. * * @return string */ protected function _getCurrentFile() { return $this->_currentFile; } /** * Set path to file which is packing. * * @param string $path * @return Mage_Archive_Tar */ protected function _setCurrentPath($path) { if ($this->_skipRoot && is_dir($path)) { $this->_currentPath = $path.(substr($path, -1)!=DS?DS:''); } else { $this->_currentPath = dirname($path) . DS; } return $this; } /** * Retrieve path to file which is packing. * * @return string */ protected function _getCurrentPath() { return $this->_currentPath; } /** * Walk through directory and add to tar file or directory. * Result is packed string on TAR format. * * @deprecated after * @param boolean $skipRoot * @return string */ protected function _packToTar($skipRoot=false) { $file = $this->_getCurrentFile(); $header = ''; $data = ''; if (!$skipRoot) { $header = $this->_composeHeader(); $data = $this->_readFile($file); $data = str_pad($data, floor(((is_dir($file) ? 0 : filesize($file)) + 512 - 1) / 512) * 512, "\0"); } $sub = ''; if (is_dir($file)) { $treeDir = scandir($file); if (empty($treeDir)) { throw new Mage_Exception('Can\'t scan dir: ' . $file); } array_shift($treeDir); /* remove './'*/ array_shift($treeDir); /* remove '../'*/ foreach ($treeDir as $item) { $sub .= $this->_setCurrentFile($file.$item)->_packToTar(false); } } $tarData = $header . $data . $sub; $tarData = str_pad($tarData, floor((strlen($tarData) - 1) / 1536) * 1536, "\0"); return $tarData; } /** * Recursively walk through file tree and create tarball * * @param boolean $skipRoot * @param boolean $finalize * @throws Mage_Exception */ protected function _createTar($skipRoot = false, $finalize = false) { if (!$skipRoot) { $this->_packAndWriteCurrentFile(); } $file = $this->_getCurrentFile(); if (is_dir($file)) { $dirFiles = scandir($file); if (false === $dirFiles) { throw new Mage_Exception('Can\'t scan dir: ' . $file); } array_shift($dirFiles); /* remove './'*/ array_shift($dirFiles); /* remove '../'*/ foreach ($dirFiles as $item) { $this->_setCurrentFile($file . $item)->_createTar(); } } if ($finalize) { $this->_getWriter()->write(str_repeat("\0", self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE * 12)); } } /** * Write current file to tarball */ protected function _packAndWriteCurrentFile() { $archiveWriter = $this->_getWriter(); $archiveWriter->write($this->_composeHeader()); $currentFile = $this->_getCurrentFile(); $fileSize = 0; if (is_file($currentFile) && !is_link($currentFile)) { $fileReader = new Mage_Archive_Helper_File($currentFile); $fileReader->open('r'); while (!$fileReader->eof()) { $archiveWriter->write($fileReader->read()); } $fileReader->close(); $fileSize = filesize($currentFile); } $appendZerosCount = (self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE - $fileSize % self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) % self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE; $archiveWriter->write(str_repeat("\0", $appendZerosCount)); } /** * Compose header for current file in TAR format. * If length of file's name greater 100 characters, * method breaks header into two pieces. First contains * header and data with long name. Second contain only header. * * @param boolean $long * @return string */ protected function _composeHeader($long = false) { $file = $this->_getCurrentFile(); $path = $this->_getCurrentPath(); $infoFile = stat($file); $nameFile = str_replace($path, '', $file); $nameFile = str_replace('\\', '/', $nameFile); $packedHeader = ''; $longHeader = ''; if (!$long && strlen($nameFile)>100) { $longHeader = $this->_composeHeader(true); $longHeader .= str_pad($nameFile, floor((strlen($nameFile) + 512 - 1) / 512) * 512, "\0"); } $header = array(); $header['100-name'] = $long?'././@LongLink':substr($nameFile, 0, 100); $header['8-mode'] = $long ? ' ' : str_pad(substr(sprintf("%07o", $infoFile['mode']),-4), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $header['8-uid'] = $long || $infoFile['uid']==0?"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0":sprintf("%07o", $infoFile['uid']); $header['8-gid'] = $long || $infoFile['gid']==0?"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0":sprintf("%07o", $infoFile['gid']); $header['12-size'] = $long ? sprintf("%011o", strlen($nameFile)) : sprintf("%011o", is_dir($file) ? 0 : filesize($file)); $header['12-mtime'] = $long?'00000000000':sprintf("%011o", $infoFile['mtime']); $header['8-check'] = sprintf('% 8s', ''); $header['1-type'] = $long ? 'L' : (is_link($file) ? 2 : (is_dir($file) ? 5 : 0)); $header['100-symlink'] = is_link($file) ? readlink($file) : ''; $header['6-magic'] = 'ustar '; $header['2-version'] = ' '; $a=function_exists('posix_getpwuid')?posix_getpwuid (fileowner($file)):array('name'=>''); $header['32-uname'] = $a['name']; $a=function_exists('posix_getgrgid')?posix_getgrgid (filegroup($file)):array('name'=>''); $header['32-gname'] = $a['name']; $header['8-devmajor'] = ''; $header['8-devminor'] = ''; $header['155-prefix'] = ''; $header['12-closer'] = ''; $packedHeader = ''; foreach ($header as $key=>$element) { $length = explode('-', $key); $packedHeader .= pack('a' . $length[0], $element); } $checksum = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { $checksum += ord(substr($packedHeader, $i, 1)); } $packedHeader = substr_replace($packedHeader, sprintf("%07o", $checksum)."\0", 148, 8); return $longHeader . $packedHeader; } /** * Read TAR string from file, and unpacked it. * Create files and directories information about discribed * in the string. * * @param string $destination path to file is unpacked * @return array list of files * @throws Mage_Exception */ protected function _unpackCurrentTar($destination) { $archiveReader = $this->_getReader(); $list = array(); while (!$archiveReader->eof()) { $header = $this->_extractFileHeader(); if (!$header) { continue; } $currentFile = $destination . $header['name']; $dirname = dirname($currentFile); if (in_array($header['type'], array("0",chr(0), ''))) { if(!file_exists($dirname)) { $mkdirResult = @mkdir($dirname, 0777, true); if (false === $mkdirResult) { throw new Mage_Exception('Failed to create directory ' . $dirname); } } $this->_extractAndWriteFile($header, $currentFile); $list[] = $currentFile; } elseif ($header['type'] == '5') { if(!file_exists($dirname)) { $mkdirResult = @mkdir($currentFile, $header['mode'], true); if (false === $mkdirResult) { throw new Mage_Exception('Failed to create directory ' . $currentFile); } } $list[] = $currentFile . DS; } elseif ($header['type'] == '2') { //we do not interrupt unpack process if symlink creation failed as symlinks are not so important @symlink($header['symlink'], $currentFile); } } return $list; } /** * Get header from TAR string and unpacked it by format. * * @deprecated after * @param resource $pointer * @return string */ protected function _parseHeader(&$pointer) { $firstLine = fread($pointer, 512); if (strlen($firstLine)<512){ return false; } $fmt = self::_getFormatParseHeader(); $header = unpack ($fmt, $firstLine); $header['mode']=$header['mode']+0; $header['uid']=octdec($header['uid']); $header['gid']=octdec($header['gid']); $header['size']=octdec($header['size']); $header['mtime']=octdec($header['mtime']); $header['checksum']=octdec($header['checksum']); if ($header['type'] == "5") { $header['size'] = 0; } $checksum = 0; $firstLine = substr_replace($firstLine, ' ', 148, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { $checksum += ord(substr($firstLine, $i, 1)); } $isUstar = 'ustar' == strtolower(substr($header['magic'], 0, 5)); $checksumOk = $header['checksum'] == $checksum; if (isset($header['name']) && $checksumOk) { if ($header['name'] == '././@LongLink' && $header['type'] == 'L') { $realName = substr(fread($pointer, floor(($header['size'] + 512 - 1) / 512) * 512), 0, $header['size']); $headerMain = $this->_parseHeader($pointer); $headerMain['name'] = $realName; return $headerMain; } else { if ($header['size']>0) { $header['data'] = substr(fread($pointer, floor(($header['size'] + 512 - 1) / 512) * 512), 0, $header['size']); } else { $header['data'] = ''; } return $header; } } return false; } /** * Read and decode file header information from tarball * * @return array|boolean */ protected function _extractFileHeader() { $archiveReader = $this->_getReader(); $headerBlock = $archiveReader->read(self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE); if (strlen($headerBlock) < self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) { return false; } $header = unpack(self::_getFormatParseHeader(), $headerBlock); $header['mode'] = octdec($header['mode']); $header['uid'] = octdec($header['uid']); $header['gid'] = octdec($header['gid']); $header['size'] = octdec($header['size']); $header['mtime'] = octdec($header['mtime']); $header['checksum'] = octdec($header['checksum']); if ($header['type'] == "5") { $header['size'] = 0; } $checksum = 0; $headerBlock = substr_replace($headerBlock, ' ', 148, 8); for ($i = 0; $i < 512; $i++) { $checksum += ord(substr($headerBlock, $i, 1)); } $checksumOk = $header['checksum'] == $checksum; if (isset($header['name']) && $checksumOk) { if (!($header['name'] == '././@LongLink' && $header['type'] == 'L')) { $header['name'] = trim($header['name']); return $header; } $realNameBlockSize = floor(($header['size'] + self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE; $realNameBlock = $archiveReader->read($realNameBlockSize); $realName = substr($realNameBlock, 0, $header['size']); $headerMain = $this->_extractFileHeader(); $headerMain['name'] = trim($realName); return $headerMain; } return false; } /** * Extract next file from tarball by its $header information and save it to $destination * * @param array $fileHeader * @param string $destination */ protected function _extractAndWriteFile($fileHeader, $destination) { $fileWriter = new Mage_Archive_Helper_File($destination); $fileWriter->open('w', $fileHeader['mode']); $archiveReader = $this->_getReader(); $filesize = $fileHeader['size']; $bytesExtracted = 0; while ($filesize > $bytesExtracted && !$archiveReader->eof()) { $block = $archiveReader->read(self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE); $nonExtractedBytesCount = $filesize - $bytesExtracted; $data = substr($block, 0, $nonExtractedBytesCount); $fileWriter->write($data); $bytesExtracted += strlen($block); } } /** * Pack file to TAR (Tape Archiver). * * @param string $source * @param string $destination * @param boolean $skipRoot * @return string */ public function pack($source, $destination, $skipRoot = false) { $this->_setSkipRoot($skipRoot); $source = realpath($source); $tarData = $this->_setCurrentPath($source) ->_setDestinationFilePath($destination) ->_setCurrentFile($source); $this->_initWriter(); $this->_createTar($skipRoot, true); $this->_destroyWriter(); return $destination; } /** * Unpack file from TAR (Tape Archiver). * * @param string $source * @param string $destination * @return string */ public function unpack($source, $destination) { $this->_setCurrentFile($source) ->_setCurrentPath($source); $this->_initReader(); $this->_unpackCurrentTar($destination); $this->_destroyReader(); return $destination; } /** * Extract one file from TAR (Tape Archiver). * * @param string $file * @param string $source * @param string $destination * @return string */ public function extract($file, $source, $destination) { $this->_setCurrentFile($source); $this->_initReader(); $archiveReader = $this->_getReader(); $extractedFile = ''; while (!$archiveReader->eof()) { $header = $this->_extractFileHeader(); if ($header['name'] == $file) { $extractedFile = $destination . basename($header['name']); $this->_extractAndWriteFile($header, $extractedFile); break; } if ($header['type'] != 5){ $skipBytes = floor(($header['size'] + self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE) * self::TAR_BLOCK_SIZE; $archiveReader->read($skipBytes); } } $this->_destroyReader(); return $extractedFile; } }