/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magentocommerce.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magentocommerce.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Magento Inc. (http://www.magentocommerce.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ function setLocation(url){ window.location.href = url; } function confirmSetLocation(message, url){ if( confirm(message) ) { setLocation(url); } return false; } function deleteConfirm(message, url) { confirmSetLocation(message, url); } function setElementDisable(element, disable){ if($(element)){ $(element).disabled = disable; } } function toggleParentVis(obj) { obj = $(obj).parentNode; if( obj.style.display == 'none' ) { obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } } // to fix new app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/widget/form/renderer/fieldset.phtml // with toggleParentVis function toggleFieldsetVis(obj) { id = obj; obj = $(obj); if( obj.style.display == 'none' ) { obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } obj = obj.parentNode.childElements(); for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { if (obj[i].id != undefined && obj[i].id == id && obj[(i-1)].classNames() == 'entry-edit-head') { if (obj[i-1].style.display == 'none') { obj[i-1].style.display = ''; } else { obj[i-1].style.display = 'none'; } } } } function toggleVis(obj) { obj = $(obj); if( obj.style.display == 'none' ) { obj.style.display = ''; } else { obj.style.display = 'none'; } } function imagePreview(element){ if($(element)){ var win = window.open('', 'preview', 'width=400,height=400,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'); win.document.open(); win.document.write('
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'&isAjax=true' : '?isAjax=true'); new Ajax.Request(url, { parameters: $H(data), loaderArea: area, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { if (transport.responseText.isJSON()) { var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON() if (response.error) { alert(response.message); } if(response.ajaxExpired && response.ajaxRedirect) { setLocation(response.ajaxRedirect); } } else { $(area).update(transport.responseText); } } catch (e) { $(area).update(transport.responseText); } } }); } } /********** MESSAGES ***********/ /* Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { $$('.messages .error-msg').each(function(el) { new Effect.Highlight(el, {startcolor:'#E13422', endcolor:'#fdf9f8', duration:1}); }); $$('.messages .warning-msg').each(function(el) { new Effect.Highlight(el, {startcolor:'#E13422', endcolor:'#fdf9f8', duration:1}); }); $$('.messages .notice-msg').each(function(el) { new Effect.Highlight(el, {startcolor:'#E5B82C', endcolor:'#fbf7e9', duration:1}); }); $$('.messages .success-msg').each(function(el) { new Effect.Highlight(el, {startcolor:'#507477', endcolor:'#f2fafb', duration:1}); }); }); */ function syncOnchangeValue(baseElem, distElem){ var compare = {baseElem:baseElem, distElem:distElem} Event.observe(baseElem, 'change', function(){ if($(this.baseElem) && $(this.distElem)){ $(this.distElem).value = $(this.baseElem).value; } }.bind(compare)); } // Insert some content to the cursor position of input element function updateElementAtCursor(el, value, win) { if (win == undefined) { win = window.self; } if (document.selection) { el.focus(); sel = win.document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = value; } else if (el.selectionStart || el.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = el.selectionStart; var endPos = el.selectionEnd; el.value = el.value.substring(0, startPos) + value + el.value.substring(endPos, el.value.length); } else { el.value += value; } } // Firebug detection function firebugEnabled() { if(window.console && window.console.firebug) { return true; } return false; } function disableElement(elem) { elem.disabled = true; elem.addClassName('disabled'); } function enableElement(elem) { elem.disabled = false; elem.removeClassName('disabled'); } function disableElements(search){ $$('.' + search).each(disableElement); } function enableElements(search){ $$('.' + search).each(enableElement); } /********** Toolbar toggle object to manage normal/floating toolbar toggle during vertical scroll ***********/ var toolbarToggle = { // Properties header: null, // Normal toolbar headerOffset: null, // Normal toolbar offset - calculated once headerCopy: null, // Floating toolbar eventsAdded: false, // We're listening to scroll/resize compatible: !navigator.appVersion.match('MSIE 6.'), // Whether object is compatible with browser (do not support old browsers, legacy code) // Inits object and pushes it into work. Can be used to init/reset(update) object by current DOM. reset: function () { // Maybe we are already using floating toolbar - just remove it to update from html if (this.headerCopy) { this.headerCopy.remove(); } this.createToolbar(); this.updateForScroll(); }, // Creates toolbar and inits all needed properties createToolbar: function () { if (!this.compatible) { return; } // Extract header that we will use as toolbar var headers = $$('.content-header'); for (var i = headers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!headers[i].hasClassName('skip-header')) { this.header = headers[i]; break; } } if (!this.header) { return; } // Calculate header offset once - for optimization this.headerOffset = Element.cumulativeOffset(this.header)[1]; // Toolbar buttons var buttons = $$('.content-buttons')[0]; if (buttons) { // Wrap buttons with 'placeholder' div - to serve as container for buttons Element.insert(buttons, {before: ''}); buttons.placeholder = buttons.previous('.content-buttons-placeholder'); buttons.remove(); buttons.placeholder.appendChild(buttons); this.headerOffset = Element.cumulativeOffset(buttons)[1]; } // Create copy of header, that will serve as floating toolbar docked to top of window this.headerCopy = $(document.createElement('div')); this.headerCopy.appendChild(this.header.cloneNode(true)); document.body.insertBefore(this.headerCopy, document.body.lastChild) this.headerCopy.addClassName('content-header-floating'); // Remove duplicated buttons and their container var placeholder = this.headerCopy.down('.content-buttons-placeholder'); if (placeholder) { placeholder.remove(); } }, // Checks whether object properties are ready and valid ready: function () { // Return definitely boolean value return (this.compatible && this.header && this.headerCopy && this.headerCopy.parentNode) ? true : false; }, // Updates toolbars for current scroll - shows/hides normal and floating toolbar updateForScroll: function () { if (!this.ready()) { return; } // scrolling offset calculation via www.quirksmode.org var s; if (self.pageYOffset){ s = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { s = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { s = document.body.scrollTop; } // Show floating or normal toolbar if (s > this.headerOffset) { // Page offset is more than header offset, switch to floating toolbar this.showFloatingToolbar(); } else { // Page offset is less than header offset, switch to normal toolbar this.showNormalToolbar(); } }, // Shows normal toolbar (and hides floating one) showNormalToolbar: function () { if (!this.ready()) { return; } var buttons = $$('.content-buttons')[0]; if (buttons && buttons.oldParent && buttons.oldParent != buttons.parentNode) { buttons.remove(); if(buttons.oldBefore) { buttons.oldParent.insertBefore(buttons, buttons.oldBefore); } else { buttons.oldParent.appendChild(buttons); } } this.headerCopy.style.display = 'none'; }, // Shows floating toolbar (and hides normal one) // Notice that buttons could had changed in html by setting new inner html, // so our added custom properties (placeholder, oldParent) can be not present in them any more showFloatingToolbar: function () { if (!this.ready()) { return; } var buttons = $$('.content-buttons')[0]; if (buttons) { // Remember original parent in normal toolbar to which these buttons belong if (!buttons.oldParent) { buttons.oldParent = buttons.parentNode; buttons.oldBefore = buttons.previous(); } // Move buttons from normal to floating toolbar if (buttons.oldParent == buttons.parentNode) { // Make static dimensions for placeholder, so it's not collapsed when buttons are removed if (buttons.placeholder) { var dimensions = buttons.placeholder.getDimensions() buttons.placeholder.style.width = dimensions.width + 'px'; buttons.placeholder.style.height = dimensions.height + 'px'; } // Move to floating var target = this.headerCopy.down('div'); if (target) { buttons.hide(); buttons.remove(); target.appendChild(buttons); buttons.show(); } } } this.headerCopy.style.display = 'block'; }, // Starts object on window load startOnLoad: function () { if (!this.compatible) { return; } if (!this.funcOnWindowLoad) { this.funcOnWindowLoad = this.start.bind(this); } Event.observe(window, 'load', this.funcOnWindowLoad); }, // Removes object start on window load removeOnLoad: function () { if (!this.funcOnWindowLoad) { return; } Event.stopObserving(window, 'load', this.funcOnWindowLoad); }, // Starts object by creating toolbar and enabling scroll/resize events start: function () { if (!this.compatible) { return; } this.reset(); this.startListening(); }, // Stops object by removing toolbar and stopping listening to events stop: function () { this.stopListening(); this.removeOnLoad(); this.showNormalToolbar(); }, // Addes events on scroll/resize startListening: function () { if (this.eventsAdded) { return; } if (!this.funcUpdateForViewport) { this.funcUpdateForViewport = this.updateForScroll.bind(this); } Event.observe(window, 'scroll', this.funcUpdateForViewport); Event.observe(window, 'resize', this.funcUpdateForViewport); this.eventsAdded = true; }, // Removes listening to events on resize/update stopListening: function () { if (!this.eventsAdded) { return; } Event.stopObserving(window, 'scroll', this.funcUpdateForViewport); Event.stopObserving(window, 'resize', this.funcUpdateForViewport); this.eventsAdded = false; } } // Deprecated since - use toolbarToggle.reset() instead function updateTopButtonToolbarToggle() { toolbarToggle.reset(); } // Deprecated since - use toolbarToggle.createToolbar() instead function createTopButtonToolbarToggle() { toolbarToggle.createToolbar(); } // Deprecated since - use toolbarToggle.updateForScroll() instead function floatingTopButtonToolbarToggle() { toolbarToggle.updateForScroll(); } // Start toolbar on window load toolbarToggle.startOnLoad(); /** Cookie Reading And Writing **/ var Cookie = { all: function() { var pairs = document.cookie.split(';'); var cookies = {}; pairs.each(function(item, index) { var pair = item.strip().split('='); cookies[unescape(pair[0])] = unescape(pair[1]); }); return cookies; }, read: function(cookieName) { var cookies = this.all(); if(cookies[cookieName]) { return cookies[cookieName]; } return null; }, write: function(cookieName, cookieValue, cookieLifeTime) { var expires = ''; if (cookieLifeTime) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(cookieLifeTime*1000)); expires = '; expires='+date.toGMTString(); } var urlPath = '/' + BASE_URL.split('/').slice(3).join('/'); // Get relative path document.cookie = escape(cookieName) + "=" + escape(cookieValue) + expires + "; path=" + urlPath; }, clear: function(cookieName) { this.write(cookieName, '', -1); } }; var Fieldset = { cookiePrefix: 'fh-', applyCollapse: function(containerId) { //var collapsed = Cookie.read(this.cookiePrefix + containerId); //if (collapsed !== null) { // Cookie.clear(this.cookiePrefix + containerId); //} if ($(containerId + '-state')) { collapsed = $(containerId + '-state').value == 1 ? 0 : 1; } else { collapsed = $(containerId + '-head').collapsed; } if (collapsed==1 || collapsed===undefined) { $(containerId + '-head').removeClassName('open'); if($(containerId + '-head').up('.section-config')) { $(containerId + '-head').up('.section-config').removeClassName('active'); } $(containerId).hide(); } else { $(containerId + '-head').addClassName('open'); if($(containerId + '-head').up('.section-config')) { $(containerId + '-head').up('.section-config').addClassName('active'); } $(containerId).show(); } }, toggleCollapse: function(containerId, saveThroughAjax) { if ($(containerId + '-state')) { collapsed = $(containerId + '-state').value == 1 ? 0 : 1; } else { collapsed = $(containerId + '-head').collapsed; } //Cookie.read(this.cookiePrefix + containerId); if(collapsed==1 || collapsed===undefined) { //Cookie.write(this.cookiePrefix + containerId, 0, 30*24*60*60); if ($(containerId + '-state')) { $(containerId + '-state').value = 1; } $(containerId + '-head').collapsed = 0; } else { //Cookie.clear(this.cookiePrefix + containerId); if ($(containerId + '-state')) { $(containerId + '-state').value = 0; } $(containerId + '-head').collapsed = 1; } this.applyCollapse(containerId); if (typeof saveThroughAjax != "undefined") { this.saveState(saveThroughAjax, {container: containerId, value: $(containerId + '-state').value}); } }, addToPrefix: function (value) { this.cookiePrefix += value + '-'; }, saveState: function(url, parameters) { new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', parameters: Object.toQueryString(parameters), loaderArea: false }); } }; var Base64 = { // private property _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", //'+/=', '-_,' // public method for encoding encode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output = output + this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } return output; }, // public method for decoding decode: function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); while (i < input.length) { enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 != 64) { output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); return output; }, mageEncode: function(input){ return this.encode(input).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, ','); }, mageDecode: function(output){ output = output.replace(/\-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/,/g, '='); return this.decode(output); }, idEncode: function(input){ return this.encode(input).replace(/\+/g, ':').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, '-'); }, idDecode: function(output){ output = output.replace(/\-/g, '=').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/\:/g, '\+'); return this.decode(output); }, // private method for UTF-8 encoding _utf8_encode : function (string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }, // private method for UTF-8 decoding _utf8_decode : function (utftext) { var string = ""; var i = 0; var c = c1 = c2 = 0; while ( i < utftext.length ) { c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 128) { string += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); i += 2; } else { c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); i += 3; } } return string; } }; /** * Array functions */ /** * Callback function for sort numeric values * * @param val1 * @param val2 */ function sortNumeric(val1, val2) { return val1 - val2; }