/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE_AFL.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@magentocommerce.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your * needs please refer to http://www.magentocommerce.com for more information. * * @category Mage * @package Mage_Adminhtml * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Magento Inc. (http://www.magentocommerce.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) */ MediabrowserUtility = { openDialog: function(url, width, height, title, options) { if ($('browser_window') && typeof(Windows) != 'undefined') { Windows.focus('browser_window'); return; } this.dialogWindow = Dialog.info(null, Object.extend({ closable: true, resizable: false, draggable: true, className: 'magento', windowClassName: 'popup-window', title: title || 'Insert File...', top: 50, width: width || 950, height: height || 600, zIndex: options && options.zIndex || 1000, recenterAuto: false, hideEffect: Element.hide, showEffect: Element.show, id: 'browser_window', onClose: this.closeDialog.bind(this) }, options || {})); new Ajax.Updater('modal_dialog_message', url, {evalScripts: true}); }, closeDialog: function(window) { if (!window) { window = this.dialogWindow; } if (window) { // IE fix - hidden form select fields after closing dialog WindowUtilities._showSelect(); window.close(); } } }; Mediabrowser = Class.create(); Mediabrowser.prototype = { targetElementId: null, contentsUrl: null, onInsertUrl: null, newFolderUrl: null, deleteFolderUrl: null, deleteFilesUrl: null, headerText: null, tree: null, currentNode: null, storeId: null, initialize: function (setup) { this.newFolderPrompt = setup.newFolderPrompt; this.deleteFolderConfirmationMessage = setup.deleteFolderConfirmationMessage; this.deleteFileConfirmationMessage = setup.deleteFileConfirmationMessage; this.targetElementId = setup.targetElementId; this.contentsUrl = setup.contentsUrl; this.onInsertUrl = setup.onInsertUrl; this.newFolderUrl = setup.newFolderUrl; this.deleteFolderUrl = setup.deleteFolderUrl; this.deleteFilesUrl = setup.deleteFilesUrl; this.headerText = setup.headerText; }, setTree: function (tree) { this.tree = tree; this.currentNode = tree.getRootNode(); }, getTree: function (tree) { return this.tree; }, selectFolder: function (node, event) { this.currentNode = node; this.hideFileButtons(); this.activateBlock('contents'); if(node.id == 'root') { this.hideElement('button_delete_folder'); } else { this.showElement('button_delete_folder'); } this.updateHeader(this.currentNode); this.drawBreadcrumbs(this.currentNode); this.showElement('loading-mask'); new Ajax.Request(this.contentsUrl, { parameters: {node: this.currentNode.id}, evalJS: true, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { this.currentNode.select(); this.onAjaxSuccess(transport); this.hideElement('loading-mask'); if ($('contents') != undefined) { $('contents').update(transport.responseText); $$('div.filecnt').each(function(s) { Event.observe(s.id, 'click', this.selectFile.bind(this)); Event.observe(s.id, 'dblclick', this.insert.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }); }, selectFolderById: function (nodeId) { var node = this.tree.getNodeById(nodeId); if (node.id) { this.selectFolder(node); } }, selectFile: function (event) { var div = Event.findElement(event, 'DIV'); $$('div.filecnt.selected[id!="' + div.id + '"]').each(function(e) { e.removeClassName('selected'); }) div.toggleClassName('selected'); if(div.hasClassName('selected')) { this.showFileButtons(); } else { this.hideFileButtons(); } }, showFileButtons: function () { this.showElement('button_delete_files'); this.showElement('button_insert_files'); }, hideFileButtons: function () { this.hideElement('button_delete_files'); this.hideElement('button_insert_files'); }, handleUploadComplete: function(files) { $$('div[class*="file-row complete"]').each(function(e) { $(e.id).remove(); }); this.selectFolder(this.currentNode); }, insert: function(event) { var div; if (event != undefined) { div = Event.findElement(event, 'DIV'); } else { $$('div.selected').each(function (e) { div = $(e.id); }); } if ($(div.id) == undefined) { return false; } var targetEl = this.getTargetElement(); if (! targetEl) { alert("Target element not found for content update"); Windows.close('browser_window'); return; } var params = {filename:div.id, node:this.currentNode.id, store:this.storeId}; if (targetEl.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') { params.as_is = 1; } new Ajax.Request(this.onInsertUrl, { parameters: params, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { this.onAjaxSuccess(transport); if (this.getMediaBrowserOpener()) { self.blur(); } Windows.close('browser_window'); if (targetEl.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'input') { targetEl.value = transport.responseText; } else { updateElementAtCursor(targetEl, transport.responseText); if (varienGlobalEvents) { varienGlobalEvents.fireEvent('tinymceChange'); } } } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }); }, /** * Find document target element in next order: * in acive file browser opener: * - input field with ID: "src" in opener window * - input field with ID: "href" in opener window * in document: * - element with target ID * * return HTMLelement | null */ getTargetElement: function() { if (typeof(tinyMCE) != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.get(this.targetElementId)) { if ((opener = this.getMediaBrowserOpener())) { var targetElementId = tinyMceEditors.get(this.targetElementId).getMediaBrowserTargetElementId(); return opener.document.getElementById(targetElementId); } else { return null; } } else { return document.getElementById(this.targetElementId); } }, /** * Return opener Window object if it exists, not closed and editor is active * * return object | null */ getMediaBrowserOpener: function() { if (typeof(tinyMCE) != 'undefined' && tinyMCE.get(this.targetElementId) && typeof(tinyMceEditors) != 'undefined' && ! tinyMceEditors.get(this.targetElementId).getMediaBrowserOpener().closed) { return tinyMceEditors.get(this.targetElementId).getMediaBrowserOpener(); } else { return null; } }, newFolder: function() { var folderName = prompt(this.newFolderPrompt); if (!folderName) { return false; } new Ajax.Request(this.newFolderUrl, { parameters: {name: folderName}, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { this.onAjaxSuccess(transport); if (transport.responseText.isJSON()) { var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON() var newNode = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({ text: response.short_name, draggable:false, id:response.id, expanded: true }); var child = this.currentNode.appendChild(newNode); this.tree.expandPath(child.getPath(), '', function(success, node) { this.selectFolder(node); }.bind(this)); } } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }) }, deleteFolder: function() { if (!confirm(this.deleteFolderConfirmationMessage)) { return false; } new Ajax.Request(this.deleteFolderUrl, { onSuccess: function(transport) { try { this.onAjaxSuccess(transport); var parent = this.currentNode.parentNode; parent.removeChild(this.currentNode); this.selectFolder(parent); } catch (e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }) }, deleteFiles: function() { if (!confirm(this.deleteFileConfirmationMessage)) { return false; } var ids = []; var i = 0; $$('div.selected').each(function (e) { ids[i] = e.id; i++; }); new Ajax.Request(this.deleteFilesUrl, { parameters: {files: Object.toJSON(ids)}, onSuccess: function(transport) { try { this.onAjaxSuccess(transport); this.selectFolder(this.currentNode); } catch(e) { alert(e.message); } }.bind(this) }); }, drawBreadcrumbs: function(node) { if ($('breadcrumbs') != undefined) { $('breadcrumbs').remove(); } if (node.id == 'root') { return; } var path = node.getPath().split('/'); var breadcrumbs = ''; for(var i = 0, length = path.length; i < length; i++) { if (path[i] == '') { continue; } var currNode = this.tree.getNodeById(path[i]); if (currNode.id) { breadcrumbs += '
  • '; breadcrumbs += '' + currNode.text + ''; if(i < (length - 1)) { breadcrumbs += ' /'; } breadcrumbs += '
  • '; } } if (breadcrumbs != '') { breadcrumbs = ''; $('content_header').insert({after: breadcrumbs}); } }, updateHeader: function(node) { var header = (node.id == 'root' ? this.headerText : node.text); if ($('content_header_text') != undefined) { $('content_header_text').innerHTML = header; } }, activateBlock: function(id) { //$$('div [id^=contents]').each(this.hideElement); this.showElement(id); }, hideElement: function(id) { if ($(id) != undefined) { $(id).addClassName('no-display'); $(id).hide(); } }, showElement: function(id) { if ($(id) != undefined) { $(id).removeClassName('no-display'); $(id).show(); } }, onAjaxSuccess: function(transport) { if (transport.responseText.isJSON()) { var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON() if (response.error) { throw response; } else if (response.ajaxExpired && response.ajaxRedirect) { setLocation(response.ajaxRedirect); } } } }