"Cron (Scheduled Tasks) - all the times are in minutes","Cron (Scheduled Tasks) - all the times are in minutes" "Daily","Daily" "For correct URLs generated during cron runs please make sure that Web > Secure and Unsecure Base URLs are explicitly set.","For correct URLs generated during cron runs please make sure that Web > Secure and Unsecure Base URLs are explicitly set." "Generate schedules every","Generate schedules every" "History cleanup every","History cleanup every" "Invalid callback: %s::%s does not exist","Invalid callback: %s::%s does not exist" "Invalid model/method definition, expecting ""model/class::method"".","Invalid model/method definition, expecting ""model/class::method""." "No callbacks found","No callbacks found" "Too late for the schedule","Too late for the schedule" "Unknown error","Unknown error" "Missed if not run within","Пропущено, якщо не було виконано в межах:" "Unable to save Cron expression","Неможливо зберегти Cron expression" "Success history lifetime","Термін давності для журналу успішно виконаних операцій" "Failure history lifetime","Термін давності для журналу помилок" "Weekly","Щотижнево" "Monthly","Щомісячно" "Schedule ahead for","Запланувати наперед на:"