getListProgram() ?>

0): ?> getCustomStyle() == '1'): ?> getBlock()): ?> getLayout()->createBlock($program->getBlock())->toHtml(); ?> getCode() == 'payperlead'): ?> getLevelCount()) $rowspan += $program->getLevelCount()+1;?> getSecLevelCount()) $rowspan += $program->getSecLevelCount()+1; ?> getValidFrom()) $rowspan++; ?> getValidTo()) $rowspan++; ?> getLevelCount()): ?> getTierCommission() as $tierCommission): ?> getSecLevelCount()): ?> getSecTierCommission() as $tierCommission): ?> getValidFrom()): ?> getValidTo()): ?>
__('OUR PROGRAM') ?> __('OUR PROGRAMS') ?>
getName() ?> __('Commission Type') ?> getCommissionText() ?>
getName(); ?> getCommission() ?> getSecondaryCommission() ?> __('Commission Type') ?> getCommissionType() == 'fixed') { $commissionText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($commission); } elseif ($program->getCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed') { // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014 $commissionText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($commission) . ' ' . $this->__(''); } else { $commissionText = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%.2f", $commission), '0'), '.') . '%'; } if ($program->getSecCommissionType() == 'fixed') { $secText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($secCommission); } elseif ($program->getSecCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed') { // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014 $secText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($secCommission) . ' ' . $this->__(''); } else { $secText = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%.2f", $secCommission), '0'), '.') . '%'; } $typeIsProfit = Mage::helper('affiliateplus')->affiliateTypeIsProfit(); if ($program->getAffiliateType()) { $typeIsProfit = (bool) ($program->getAffiliateType() == 'profit'); } ?> __('Pay-per-Profit') ?> __('Pay-per-Sale') ?> hasSecondaryCommission($program)): ?> getCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed'): // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014?> __('%s %s for whole cart you deliver', $commissionText, $profitText) ?> __('%s %s for each sale you deliver', $commissionText, $profitText) ?> getCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed' && $program->getSecCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed'): // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014 ?> __('%s %s for whole cart for the first order of a customer, %s for next orders', $commissionText, $profitText, $secText) ?> __('%s %s for the first order of a customer, %s for next orders', $commissionText, $profitText, $secText) ?> $addText)); Mage::dispatchEvent('affiliateplus_show_program_on_welcome', array( 'text_object' => $obj, 'program' => $program, )); $addText = $obj->getText(); if ($addText) echo $addText; ?>
__('Tier Commission') ?> getSecLevelCount()): ?>
(__('for the first order of a customer') ?>)
__('Level %d', 1) ?> getSecLevelCount() && $this->hasSecondaryCommission($program)) { echo $this->__('%s for the first order of a customer', $commissionText); echo '
'; echo $this->__('%s for next orders', $secText); } else { if ($program->getCommissionType() == 'fixed') { echo $this->__('%s per sale', $commissionText); } elseif ($program->getCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed') { // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014 echo $this->__('%s for whole cart', $commissionText); } else { echo $this->__('%s of sales amount', $commissionText); } } ?>
__('Tier Commission') ?>
(__('for next orders') ?>)
__('Level %d', 1) ?> hasSecondaryCommission($program)) $commissionText = $secText; ?> getSecCommissionType() == 'fixed') { ?> __('%s per sale', $commissionText); ?> getSecCommissionType() == 'cart_fixed') { // Changed By Adam 22/07/2014 ?> __('%s for whole cart', $commissionText); ?> __('%s of sales amount', $commissionText); ?>
__('Payout Requirements') ?> __('%s - Minimum balance required for payout.', Mage::helper('core')->currency($this->getMinPaymentRelease())) ?>
__('Discount policy') ?> getDiscount(); $secDiscount = $program->getSecondaryDiscount(); if ($program->getDiscountType() == 'fixed') { $discountText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($discount); $discountText .= ' ' . $this->__('discount on each purchased item'); } else if ($program->getDiscountType() == 'percentage') { $discountText = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%.2f", $discount), '0'), '.') . '%'; $discountText .= ' ' . $this->__('discount on each purchased item'); } else if ($this->hasSecondaryDiscount($program)) { $discountText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($discount); $discountText .= ' ' . $this->__('discount'); } else { $discountText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($discount); $discountText .= ' ' . $this->__('discount on each order'); } if ($program->getSecDiscountType() == 'fixed') { $secText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($secDiscount); $secText .= ' ' . $this->__('on each purchased item'); } else if ($program->getSecDiscountType() == 'percentage') { $secText = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%.2f", $secDiscount), '0'), '.') . '%'; $secText .= ' ' . $this->__('on each purchased item'); } else { $secText = Mage::helper('core')->currency($secDiscount); $secText .= ' '; } ?> hasSecondaryDiscount($program)): ?> __('%s on the first order, %s of next orders', $discountText, $secText) ?>
__('From Date') ?> formatDate($program->getValidFrom(), 'medium', false) ?>
__('To Date') ?> formatDate($program->getValidTo(), 'medium', false) ?>