controlCharactersEscapingMap = $this->getControlCharactersEscapingMap(); } /** * Escapes the given string to make it compatible with XLSX * * @param string $string The string to escape * @return string The escaped string */ public function escape($string) { $escapedString = $this->escapeControlCharacters($string); $escapedString = htmlspecialchars($escapedString, ENT_QUOTES); return $escapedString; } /** * Unescapes the given string to make it compatible with XLSX * * @param string $string The string to unescape * @return string The unescaped string */ public function unescape($string) { $unescapedString = htmlspecialchars_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES); $unescapedString = $this->unescapeControlCharacters($unescapedString); return $unescapedString; } /** * Builds the map containing control characters to be escaped * mapped to their escaped values. * "\t", "\r" and "\n" don't need to be escaped. * * NOTE: the logic has been adapted from the XlsxWriter library (BSD License) * @link * * @return string[] */ protected function getControlCharactersEscapingMap() { $controlCharactersEscapingMap = []; $whitelistedControlCharacters = ["\t", "\r", "\n"]; // control characters values are from 0 to 1F (hex values) in the ASCII table for ($charValue = 0x0; $charValue <= 0x1F; $charValue++) { if (!in_array(chr($charValue), $whitelistedControlCharacters)) { $charHexValue = dechex($charValue); $escapedChar = '_x' . sprintf('%04s' , strtoupper($charHexValue)) . '_'; $controlCharactersEscapingMap[$escapedChar] = chr($charValue); } } return $controlCharactersEscapingMap; } /** * Converts PHP control characters from the given string to OpenXML escaped control characters * * Excel escapes control characters with _xHHHH_ and also escapes any * literal strings of that type by encoding the leading underscore. * So "\0" -> _x0000_ and "_x0000_" -> _x005F_x0000_. * * NOTE: the logic has been adapted from the XlsxWriter library (BSD License) * @link * * @param string $string String to escape * @return string */ protected function escapeControlCharacters($string) { $escapedString = $this->escapeEscapeCharacter($string); return str_replace(array_values($this->controlCharactersEscapingMap), array_keys($this->controlCharactersEscapingMap), $escapedString); } /** * Escapes the escape character: "_x0000_" -> "_x005F_x0000_" * * @param string $string String to escape * @return string The escaped string */ protected function escapeEscapeCharacter($string) { return preg_replace('/_(x[\dA-F]{4})_/', '_x005F_$1_', $string); } /** * Converts OpenXML escaped control characters from the given string to PHP control characters * * Excel escapes control characters with _xHHHH_ and also escapes any * literal strings of that type by encoding the leading underscore. * So "_x0000_" -> "\0" and "_x005F_x0000_" -> "_x0000_" * * NOTE: the logic has been adapted from the XlsxWriter library (BSD License) * @link * * @param string $string String to unescape * @return string */ protected function unescapeControlCharacters($string) { $unescapedString = $string; foreach ($this->controlCharactersEscapingMap as $escapedCharValue => $charValue) { // only unescape characters that don't contain the escaped escape character for now $unescapedString = preg_replace("/(?unescapeEscapeCharacter($unescapedString); } /** * Unecapes the escape character: "_x005F_x0000_" => "_x0000_" * * @param string $string String to unescape * @return string The unescaped string */ protected function unescapeEscapeCharacter($string) { return preg_replace('/_x005F(_x[\dA-F]{4}_)/', '$1', $string); } }