echo '
', esc_html__( 'Homepage', 'wordpress-seo' ), '
$yform->textinput( 'title-home-wpseo', __( 'Title template', 'wordpress-seo' ), 'template homepage-template' );
$yform->textarea( 'metadesc-home-wpseo', __( 'Meta description template', 'wordpress-seo' ), array( 'class' => 'template homepage-template' ) );
if ( $options['usemetakeywords'] === true ) {
$yform->textinput( 'metakey-home-wpseo', __( 'Meta keywords template', 'wordpress-seo' ) );
echo '';
else {
echo '', esc_html__( 'Homepage & Front page', 'wordpress-seo' ), '
echo '';
/* translators: 1: link open tag; 2: link close tag. */
printf( __( 'You can determine the title and description for the front page by %1$sediting the front page itself »%2$s', 'wordpress-seo' ), '', '' );
echo '
if ( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) > 0 ) {
/* translators: 1: link open tag; 2: link close tag. */
echo '', sprintf( __( 'You can determine the title and description for the blog page by %1$sediting the blog page itself »%2$s', 'wordpress-seo' ), '', '' ), '