=== TinyMCE Color Grid === Contributors: kungtiger Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 1.7.2 Tags: bigger, chooser, color, custom, customizer, editor, expanded, extended, formatting, grid, iris, palette, picker, tinymce License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Replace the TinyMCE color picker with a bigger and adjustable color grid. Create a central color palette for an uniform look'n'feel! == Description == This plugin replaces the color picker for choosing a text or background color found inside the TinyMCE toolbar with a bigger and customizable color grid. You can also define a custom color palette complete with names of your choice. This palette is persistent and available to every picker. You can specify these colors via the settings menu. **New since 1.7:** You can now optionally make your color palette available to color pickers outside of the visual text editor TinyMCE, especially the Theme Customizer. Basically all plugins that make use of WordPress' Color Picker can benefit from this new feature. If you find your palette doesn't show up somewhere, please let me know what plugin it might be in which your palette doesn't appear. If you would like to see this plugin in your language please feel free to contribute: [translate.wordpress.org/plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid). == Installation == This plugin should work out of the box with a standard installation of WordPress. **WordPress' Plugin Search** 1. Goto your WordPress and open *Plugins* > *Add New* 2. Search for *TinyMCE Color Grid* 3. Click install and activate the plugin 4. Enjoy **WordPress' Plugin Repository** 1. Goto [wordpress.org/plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid](http://wordpress.org/plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid) and download the zip 2. Goto your WordPress. You can upload a plugin via `/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=upload` 3. Activate the plugin through the *Plugins* menu in WordPress 4. Enjoy **Manual installation** 1. Goto [wordpress.org/plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid](http://wordpress.org/plugins/kt-tinymce-color-grid) and download the zip 2. Upload the directory found inside the zip archive to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory 3. Activate the plugin through the *Plugins* menu in WordPress 4. Enjoy == Frequently Asked Questions == = So far nothing came up = If you have a question please [contact me](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/kt-tinymce-color-grid) and we'll see what we can do == Screenshots == 1. Bigger TinyMCE color selector 2. Customizer support since plugin version 1.7 3. Color palette editor == Changelog == = 1.7.2 = - Fixes JavaSript bug - Fixes conflict with Poedit = 1.7.1 = Corrected typos and some translation strings = 1.7 = - Theme Customizer support added - Color grid is now adjustable in type and size = 1.6.1 = Fixed hidden colors after defining more than 13 colors = 1.6 = - Useability improvements - Faster grid generation by using pre-calculated colors - Namespaced CSS IDs and HTML form variables to avoid name collisions - Fixed CSS errors = 1.5 = Added clean uninstall routine = 1.4.4 = - Fixed possible JavaScript error - Reduced overhead - Removed language files; now handled by GlotPress = 1.4.3 = Update for WordPress 4.4 = 1.4.2 = - Repaired headers already send error - Preparation for GlotPress = 1.4.1 = Fixed a broken script = 1.4 = - Improved settings page - Improved accessibility - Fixed security leaks - Fixed translation bugs = 1.3.1 = Changed HTML to conform with WordPress 4.3 = 1.3 = Added support for custom persistent colors = 1.2 = Fixes an error when using more than one TinyMCE = 1.1 = - Stylesheet gets enqueued only on pages with a TinyMCE - Reduced overhead = 1.0 = Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.7.2 = - Fixes JavaSript bug and conflict with Poedit = 1.7.1 = Corrects some spelling mistakes = 1.7 = Theme Customizer support added and color grid is now adjustable = 1.6.1 = Fixed hidden colors after defining more than 13 colors = 1.6 = Mayor useability improvements = 1.5 = Added clean uninstall routine = 1.4.4 = Fixes a possible JavaScript error = 1.4.3 = Update for WordPress 4.4 = 1.4.2 = Repairs header already send error = 1.4.1 = Fixes a broken script = 1.4 = Improves settings page and fixes security leaks = 1.3.1 = Minor changes for WordPress 4.3 = 1.3 = Added support for custom persistent colors = 1.2 = Fixes an error when using more than one TinyMCE = 1.1 = Just a few performance improvements = 1.0 = Initial release.