
I\'m just a plugin, not much I can do when called directly.

'; } exit; } if (!class_exists('kt_TinyMCE_Color_Grid')) { class kt_TinyMCE_Color_Grid { const VERSION = 172; const KEY = 'kt_tinymce_color_grid'; const NONCE = 'kt-tinymce-color-grid-save-editor'; const MAP = 'kt_color_grid_map'; const TYPE = 'kt_color_grid_type'; const ROWS = 'kt_color_grid_rows'; const COLS = 'kt_color_grid_cols'; const LUMA = 'kt_color_grid_luma'; const VISUAL = 'kt_color_grid_visual'; const BLOCKS = 'kt_color_grid_blocks'; const SIZE = 'kt_color_grid_block_size'; const PALETTE = 'kt_color_grid_palette'; const CUSTOMIZER = 'kt_color_grid_customizer'; const ACTIVE_VERSION = 'kt_color_grid_version'; const DEFAULT_SIZE = 5; const DEFAULT_ROWS = 9; const DEFAULT_COLS = 12; const DEFAULT_BLOCKS = 6; const DEFAULT_TYPE = 'rainbow'; const DEFAULT_LUMA = 'natural'; protected $picker; protected $wp_version = 0; protected $blocks = array(4, 6); protected $sizes = array(4, 5, 6); protected $columns = array(6, 12, 18); protected $rows = array(5, 7, 9, 11, 13); protected $types = array('default', 'rainbow', 'block'); protected $lumas = array('linear', 'cubic', 'sine', 'natural'); /** * Here we go ... * * Adds action and filter callbacks * @since 1.3 * @global string $wp_version */ public function __construct() { global $wp_version; $version = 0; if (preg_match('/^(\d+\.\d+)/', $wp_version, $version)) { $this->wp_version = floatval($version[1]); } add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_settings_scripts')); add_filter('plugin_action_links', array($this, 'add_action_link'), 10, 2); add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', array($this, 'pass_rainbow_map')); add_action('after_wp_tiny_mce', array($this, 'print_tinymce_style')); add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_settings_page')); add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'init_plugin')); $this->update_plugin(); } /** * Update procedures * @since 1.6 */ protected function update_plugin() { $version = get_option(self::ACTIVE_VERSION, 0); if ($version == self::VERSION) { return; } while ($version != self::VERSION) { switch ($version) { case 0: $sets = get_option('kt_color_grid_sets', array()); if ($sets) { foreach ($sets as &$set) { $set[0] = str_replace('#', '', $set[0]); } update_option('kt_color_grid_sets', $sets); } $version = 16; break; case 16: case 161: if (get_option('kt_color_grid_custom')) { update_option('kt_color_grid_visual', '1'); } $sets = get_option('kt_color_grid_sets', array()); if ($sets) { update_option('kt_color_grid_palette', $sets); } delete_option('kt_color_grid_custom'); delete_option('kt_color_grid_sets'); $this->render_rainbow(); $version = 170; break; default: $version = self::VERSION; } } update_option(self::ACTIVE_VERSION, self::VERSION); } /** * Init plugin * @since 1.4.4 */ public function init_plugin() { // load_plugin_textdomain is obsolete since WordPress 4.6 if ($this->wp_version < 4.6) { load_plugin_textdomain('kt-tinymce-color-grid'); } if (get_option(self::CUSTOMIZER)) { $fn = array($this, 'print_palette'); add_action('admin_print_scripts', $fn); add_action('admin_print_footer_scripts', $fn); add_action('customize_controls_print_scripts', $fn); add_action('customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', $fn); } } /** * Enqueue JavaScript and CSS files * @since 1.3 * @param string $hook Current page load hook */ public function enqueue_settings_scripts($hook) { if ($hook == 'settings_page_' . self::KEY) { wp_enqueue_script(self::KEY, plugins_url("settings.js", __FILE__), array('jquery-ui-position', 'jquery-ui-sortable'), self::VERSION); wp_enqueue_style(self::KEY, plugins_url('settings.css', __FILE__), array('farbtastic'), self::VERSION); $picker = preg_replace(array('/\s*\n\s*/', '/"/'), array('', "'"), $this->picker); wp_localize_script(self::KEY, 'kt_TinyMCE_color_picker', $picker); } } /** * Central color palette integration * @since 1.7 */ public function print_palette() { static $printed = false; if ($printed || !wp_script_is('wp-color-picker', 'done')) { return; } $palette = get_option(self::PALETTE); if (!$palette) { $printed = true; return; } $printed = true; $colors = array(); foreach ($palette as $set) { $colors[] = '"#' . esc_js($set[0]) . '"'; } $colors = array_pad($colors, 6, '"transparent"'); $colors = implode(',', $colors); echo ' '; } /** * Add dynamic CSS for TinyMCE * @since 1.3 */ public function print_tinymce_style() { if (get_option(self::TYPE, self::DEFAULT_TYPE) == 'default') { return; } $map = get_option(self::MAP); if (!$map) { return; } list($map, $cols, $extra, $_, $rows) = $map; $cols += $extra; echo '"; } /** * Pass color map to TinyMCE * @since 1.3 * @param array $init Wordpress' TinyMCE inits * @return array */ public function pass_rainbow_map($init) { if (get_option(self::TYPE, self::DEFAULT_TYPE) == 'default') { return $init; } $map = get_option(self::MAP); if ($map) { list($map, $cols, $extra, $mono, $rows) = $map; $init['textcolor_map'] = $map; $init['textcolor_cols'] = $cols + $extra + $mono; $init['textcolor_rows'] = $rows; } return $init; } /** * Add a link to the plugin listing * @since 1.4 * @param array $links Array holding HTML * @param string $file Current name of plugin file * @return array Modified array */ public function add_action_link($links, $file) { if (plugin_basename($file) == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) { $links[] = ' ' . esc_html__('Color Palette', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . ''; } return $links; } /** * Add settings page to WordPress' admin menu * @since 1.3 */ public function add_settings_page() { $name = esc_html__('TinyMCE Color Grid', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $hook = add_options_page($name, $name, 'manage_options', self::KEY, array($this, 'print_settings_page')); add_action("load-$hook", array($this, 'init_settings_page')); } /** * Initialize settings page * @since 1.4.4 */ public function init_settings_page() { $this->save_settings(); $this->add_help(); $this->picker = vsprintf('
%7$s %9$s
', array( '%1$s', '%2$s', '%3$s', esc_html__('Move up', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_html__('Move down', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_attr__('Color Picker', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_attr__('Hexadecimal Color', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_attr__('Unnamed Color', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_attr__('Name of Color', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_html__('Delete', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), esc_attr__('Three hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') )); } /** * Add help to settings page * @since 1.7 */ protected function add_help() { $screen = get_current_screen(); $screen->add_help_tab(array( 'id' => 'grid', 'title' => __('Color Grid', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'content' => '

' . __("Default leaves TinyMCE's color picker untouched.", 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . __("Rainbow takes hue and lightness components from the HSL space and thus creates a rainbow. The Luminescence option controls how the lightness for each hue is spread.", 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . __("Blocks takes sections from the RGB cube and places them next to one another. Block Count controls how many sections are taken, and Block Size determines their size.", 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' )); $screen->add_help_tab(array( 'id' => 'palette', 'title' => __('Central Palette', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'content' => '

' . __('You can create a color palette and include it to the Visual Editor and/or the Theme Customizer.', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . __('Add to Visual Editor adds the palette to the color picker of the text editor of posts and pages. This only works if you choose a color grid other than Default.', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . __("Add to Theme Customizer makes the palette available to the color picker of the Theme Customizer. This works by altering WordPress' color picker so every plugin using it receives the palette as well.", 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' )); $screen->add_help_tab(array( 'id' => 'aria', 'title' => __('Accessibility', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'content' => '

' . __('The palette editor consists of a toolbar and a list of entries. Every entry has a color picker, two text fields — one holding a hexadecimal representation of the color, and one for the name of the entry — and lastly a button to remove the entry.', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . __('You can reorder an entry by pressing the page keys. To delete an entry press the delete or backspace key. If a color picker has focus use the arrow keys, and plus and minus to change the color.', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' )); $screen->set_help_sidebar('

' . esc_html__('For more information:', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . esc_html__('Visit plugin site', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

' . esc_html__('Support Forums', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . '

'); } /** * Sanitize and saves settings * @since 1.7 */ protected function save_settings() { if (!wp_verify_nonce($this->get('kt_settings_nonce'), self::NONCE)) { return; } $visual = $this->get('kt_visual') ? '1' : false; update_option(self::VISUAL, $visual); $customizer = $this->get('kt_customizer') ? '1' : false; update_option(self::CUSTOMIZER, $customizer); $palette = array(); $colors = $this->get('kt_colors', array()); $names = $this->get('kt_names', array()); foreach ($names as $i => $name) { $color = $this->sanitize_color($colors[$i]); if ($color) { $name = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($name)); $palette[] = array($color, $name); } } $m = null; $l = count($palette); $action = $this->get('kt_action'); if ($action == 'add') { $palette[] = array('000000', ''); } else if ($l > 0 && preg_match('/remove-(\d+)/', $action, $m) && key_exists($m[1], $palette)) { array_splice($palette, $m[1], 1); } else if ($l > 1 && preg_match('/sort-(\d+)-(up|down)/', $action, $m) && key_exists($m[1], $palette)) { $i = $j = $m[1]; if ($m[2] == 'up' && $i > 0) { $j = $i - 1; } else if ($m[2] == 'down' && $i < ($l - 1)) { $j = $i + 1; } if ($i != $j) { $temp = $palette[$i]; $palette[$i] = $palette[$j]; $palette[$j] = $temp; } } update_option(self::PALETTE, $palette); $this->set('kt_type', $this->types, self::TYPE, self::DEFAULT_TYPE); $this->set('kt_rows', $this->rows, self::ROWS, self::DEFAULT_ROWS); $this->set('kt_cols', $this->columns, self::COLS, self::DEFAULT_COLS); $this->set('kt_luma', $this->lumas, self::LUMA, self::DEFAULT_LUMA); $this->set('kt_blocks', $this->blocks, self::BLOCKS, self::DEFAULT_BLOCKS); $this->set('kt_size', $this->sizes, self::SIZE, self::DEFAULT_SIZE); $this->render_map(); wp_redirect(add_query_arg('updated', $action == 'save' ? '1' : false)); exit; } /** * Pass a HTTP request value through a filter and stores it as option * @since 1.7 * @param string $key * @param array $constrain * @param string $option * @param mixed $default */ protected function set($key, $constrain, $option, $default) { $value = $this->get($key, $default); $value = in_array($value, $constrain) ? $value : $default; update_option($option, $value); } /** * Sanitize a string to RRGGBB * @since 1.4 * @param string $string String to be checked * @return string|boolean Returns a color of RRGGBB or false on failure */ protected function sanitize_color($string) { $string = strtoupper($string); $match = null; if (preg_match('/([0-9A-F]{6}|[0-9A-F]{3})/', $string, $match)) { if (strlen($match[1]) == 3) { return preg_replace('/[0-9A-F]/', '\1\1', $match[1]); } return $match[1]; } return false; } /** * Renders color map * @since 1.7 */ protected function render_map() { switch (get_option(self::TYPE, self::DEFAULT_TYPE)) { case 'rainbow': $this->render_rainbow(); break; case 'block': $this->render_blocks(); break; } } /** * Chunk palette into columns of constant size * @since 1.7 * @param type $rows * @return array */ protected function prepare_palette($rows) { $palette = array(); if (get_option(self::VISUAL)) { $palette = get_option(self::PALETTE, array()); if (count($palette)) { $palette = array_chunk($palette, $rows); $last = count($palette) - 1; $padded = array_pad($palette[$last], $rows, array('FFFFFF', '')); $palette[$last] = $padded; } } return $palette; } /** * Add a row from the palette to the color map * @since 1.7 * @param array $map passed by reference * @param array $palette passed by reference * @param int $row */ protected function add_palette(&$map, &$palette, $row) { $cols = count($palette); for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) { $color = $palette[$col][$row]; list($color, $name) = array_map('esc_js', $color); $map[] = '"' . $color . '","' . $name . '"'; } } /** * Add a monocrome/grayscale color to the color map * @since 1.7 * @param array $map passed by reference * @param int $row * @param int $rows */ protected function add_monocroma(&$map, $row, $rows) { if ($row == $rows - 1) { return; } $x = $this->float2hex($row / ($rows - 2)); $map[] = '"' . "$x$x$x" . '",""'; } /** * Render TinyMCE block color map * @since 1.7 */ protected function render_blocks() { $blocks = get_option(self::BLOCKS, self::DEFAULT_BLOCKS); $size = get_option(self::SIZE, self::DEFAULT_SIZE); $groups = 2; $rows = $size * $groups; $per_group = $blocks / $groups; $cols = $size * $per_group; $chunks = $square = array(); for ($i = 0, $step = 1 / ($size - 1); $i < $size; $i++) { $square[] = $this->float2hex($i * $step); } for ($i = 0, $step = 1 / ($blocks - 1); $i < $blocks; $i++) { $chunks[] = $this->float2hex($i * $step); } $palette = $this->prepare_palette($rows); $map = array(); for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) { $this->add_palette($map, $palette, $row); $b = $square[$row % $size]; $shift = floor($row / $size) * $per_group; for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) { $g = $square[$col % $size]; $r = $chunks[floor($col / $size) + $shift]; $map[] = '"' . "$r$g$b" . '",""'; } $this->add_monocroma($map, $row, $rows); } $map = '[' . implode(',', $map) . ']'; $map = array($map, $cols, count($palette), 1, $rows); update_option(self::MAP, $map); } /** * Render TinyMCE rainbow color map * @since 1.7 */ protected function render_rainbow() { $cols = get_option(self::COLS, self::DEFAULT_COLS); $rows = get_option(self::ROWS, self::DEFAULT_ROWS); $luma = get_option(self::LUMA, self::DEFAULT_LUMA); $palette = $this->prepare_palette($rows); $rgb = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++) { $rgb[] = $this->hue2rgb($i / $cols); } $map = array(); for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) { $this->add_palette($map, $palette, $row); $p = 2 * ($row + 1) / ($rows + 1) - 1; $luminecence = $this->transform($p, $luma); for ($col = 0; $col < $cols; $col++) { $hex = $this->apply($luminecence, $rgb[$col]); $map[] = '"' . $hex . '",""'; } $this->add_monocroma($map, $row, $rows); } $map = '[' . implode(',', $map) . ']'; $map = array($map, $cols, count($palette), 1, $rows); update_option(self::MAP, $map); } /** * Return a RGB vector for a hue * @since 1.7 * @param float $hue [0..1] * @return array [0..1, 0..1, 0..1] */ protected function hue2rgb($hue) { $hue *= 6; if ($hue < 1) { return array(1, $hue, 0); } else if (--$hue < 1) { return array(1 - $hue, 1, 0); } else if (--$hue < 1) { return array(0, 1, $hue); } else if (--$hue < 1) { return array(0, 1 - $hue, 1); } else if (--$hue < 1) { return array($hue, 0, 1); } $hue -= 1; return array(1, 0, 1 - $hue); } /** * Apply a transformation on a linear float * @since 1.7 * @param float $p [-1..1] * @param string $type [linear|sine|cubic|natural] * @return float [-1..1] */ protected function transform($p, $type) { switch ($type) { case 'sine': return $this->sine($p); case 'cubic': return $this->cubic($p); case 'natural': return $p < 0 ? $this->sine($p) : $this->cubic($p); } return $p; } /** * Apply a sine transformation on a linear luma value. * @since 1.7 * @param float $p [-1..1] * @return float [-1..1] */ protected function sine($p) { return $p < 0 ? sin((1 - $p) * M_PI_2) - 1 : sin($p * M_PI_2); } /** * Apply a cubic transformation on a linear luma value. * @since 1.7 * @param float $p [-1..1] * @return float [-1..1] */ protected function cubic($p) { return $p < 0 ? pow(($p + 1), 8 / 11) - 1 : pow($p, 8 / 13); } /** * Apply a luma transformation on a RGB vector and returns it as HEX string * @since 1.7 * @param float $luma [-1..1] * @param array $rgb RGB vector * @return string */ protected function apply($luma, $rgb) { $hex = ''; foreach ($rgb as $c) { if ($luma < 0) { $c += $c * $luma; } else if ($luma > 0) { $c = $c == 0 ? $luma : $c + (1 - $c) * $luma; $c = max(0, min($c, 1)); } $hex.= $this->float2hex($c); } return $hex; } /** * Convert a float into an HEX string * @since 1.7 * @param float $p [0..1] * @return string */ protected function float2hex($p) { $s = dechex($p * 255); return (strlen($s) == 1 ? '0' : '') . $s; } /** * Render settings page * @since 1.3 */ public function print_settings_page() { $head = $this->wp_version >= 4.3 ? 'h1' : 'h2'; $nonce_field = wp_nonce_field(self::NONCE, 'kt_settings_nonce', false, false); $_type = get_option(self::TYPE, self::DEFAULT_TYPE); $_visual = get_option(self::VISUAL); $_customizer = get_option(self::CUSTOMIZER); if (!$_visual && !$_customizer && $this->get('palette')) { if ($_type == 'default') { $_customizer = true; } else { $_visual = true; } } $_cols = get_option(self::COLS, self::DEFAULT_COLS); $_rows = get_option(self::ROWS, self::DEFAULT_ROWS); $_luma = get_option(self::LUMA, self::DEFAULT_LUMA); $_blocks = get_option(self::BLOCKS, self::DEFAULT_BLOCKS); $_size = get_option(self::SIZE, self::DEFAULT_SIZE); $type = array( 'default' => __('Default', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'rainbow' => __('Rainbow', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'block' => __('Blocks', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), ); $luma = array( 'linear' => __('Linear', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'cubic' => __('Cubic', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'sine' => __('Sine', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 'natural' => __('Natural', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), ); $size = array( 4 => __('small', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 5 => __('medium', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), 6 => __('big', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), ); foreach ($type as $key => $label) { $id = "kt_type_$key"; $checked = $_type == $key ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $label = esc_html($label); $type[$key] = " "; } $type = implode('
', $type); $cols = $this->selectbox('kt_cols', $this->columns, $_cols); $rows = $this->selectbox('kt_rows', $this->rows, $_rows); $luma = $this->selectbox('kt_luma', $luma, $_luma); $blocks = $this->selectbox('kt_blocks', $this->blocks, $_blocks); $size = $this->selectbox('kt_size', $size, $_size); $picker = ''; $palette = get_option(self::PALETTE, array()); foreach ($palette as $i => $set) { list($color, $name) = array_map('esc_attr', $set); $picker .= sprintf($this->picker, "#$color", $name, $i); } $visual_disabled = $_type == 'default' ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $visual_checked = $_visual ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $customizer_checked = $_customizer ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $editor_hidden = $_visual || $_customizer ? '' : ' hidden'; $aria_hidden = $_visual || $_customizer ? 'false' : 'true'; $add_key = _x('A', 'accesskey for adding color', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $save_key = _x('S', 'accesskey for saving', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $save_label = $this->underline_accesskey(__('Save', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), $save_key); $picker_label = esc_attr__('Visual Color Picker', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $add_label = $this->underline_accesskey(__('Add Color', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'), $add_key); $rows_label = esc_html__('Rows', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $cols_label = esc_html__('Columns', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $luma_label = esc_html__('Luminescence', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $blocks_label = esc_html__('Block Count', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); $size_label = esc_html__('Block Size', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid'); echo "
<$head>" . esc_html__('Settings', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . " › " . esc_html__('TinyMCE Color Grid', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . "

" . esc_html__('Central Palette', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . "


" . esc_html__('Color Grid', 'kt-tinymce-color-grid') . "







"; } /** * Highlight an accesskey inside a translated string * @since 1.4.4 * @param string $string Translated string * @param string $key Accesskey * @return string */ protected function underline_accesskey($string, $key) { $pattern = '/(' . preg_quote($key, '/') . ')/i'; return preg_replace($pattern, '$1', esc_html($string), 1); } /** * Generate HTML markup of a selectbox * @since 1.7 * @param string $name * @param array $data * @param mixed $selected * @param bool $disabled * @return string */ protected function selectbox($name, $data, $selected = null, $disabled = false) { $options = ''; if (key($data) === 0) { $data = array_combine($data, $data); } foreach ($data as $value => $label) { $sel = $value == $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; $value = esc_attr($value); $label = esc_html($label); $options .= ""; } $name = esc_attr($name); $disabled = $disabled ? ' disabled="disable"' : ''; return ""; } /** * Fetch a HTTP request value * @since 1.3 * @param string $key Name of the value to fetch * @param mixed|null $default Default value if $key does not exist * @return mixed The value for $key or $default */ protected function get($key, $default = null) { return key_exists($key, $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST[$key] : $default; } } } new kt_TinyMCE_Color_Grid();