. */ require_once('CF7DBPlugin.php'); require_once('CFDBQueryResultIteratorFactory.php'); require_once('CFDBQueryResultIterator.php'); require_once('DereferenceShortcodeVars.php'); class ExportBase { /** * @var string */ var $defaultTableClass = 'cf7-db-table'; /** * @var array */ var $options; /** * @var bool */ var $debug = false; /** * @var array */ var $showColumns; /** * @var array */ var $hideColumns; /** * @var string */ var $htmlTableId; /** * @var string */ var $htmlTableClass; /** * @var string */ var $style; /** * @var array assoc array of column names to display names */ var $headers; /** * @var CFDBEvaluator|CFDBFilterParser|CFDBSearchEvaluator */ var $rowFilter; /** * @var CFDBEvaluator|CFDBFilterParser|CFDBSearchEvaluator */ var $rowTransformFilter; /** * @var CFDBTransformParser */ var $transform; /** * @var bool */ var $isFromShortCode = false; /** * @var bool */ var $showSubmitField; /** * @var CF7DBPlugin */ var $plugin; /** * @var CFDBDataIterator|CFDBAbstractQueryResultsIterator */ var $dataIterator; function __construct() { $this->plugin = new CF7DBPlugin(); } /** * This method is the first thing to call after construction to set state for other methods to work * @param $options array|null * @return void */ public function setOptions($options) { $this->options = $options; } public function dereferenceOption($optionName) { if (isset($this->options[$optionName])) { $dereferenceVars = new DereferenceShortcodeVars; $this->options[$optionName] = $dereferenceVars->convert($this->options[$optionName]); } } public function setCommonOptions($htmlOptions = false) { if ($this->options && is_array($this->options)) { foreach (array( 'debug', 'permissionmsg', 'unbuffered', 'show', 'hide', 'class', 'style', 'id', 'orderby', 'limit', 'tlimit', 'header', 'headers', 'content', 'filter', 'tfilter', 'search', 'tsearch', 'trans', 'delimiter') as $optionName) { $this->dereferenceOption($optionName); } if (isset($this->options['debug']) && $this->options['debug'] != 'false') { $this->debug = true; } $this->isFromShortCode = isset($this->options['fromshortcode']) && $this->options['fromshortcode'] === true; if (!isset($this->options['unbuffered'])) { //$this->options['unbuffered'] = $this->isFromShortCode ? 'false' : 'true'; // todo $this->options['unbuffered'] = 'false'; } else { if ($this->options['unbuffered'] == 'checked') { $this->options['unbuffered'] = 'true'; } } if (isset($this->options['showColumns'])) { $this->showColumns = $this->options['showColumns']; } else if (isset($this->options['show'])) { $this->showColumns = preg_split('/,/', $this->options['show'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } if (isset($this->options['hideColumns'])) { $this->hideColumns = $this->options['hideColumns']; } else if (isset($this->options['hide'])) { $this->hideColumns = preg_split('/,/', $this->options['hide'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } if ($htmlOptions) { if (isset($this->options['class'])) { $this->htmlTableClass = $this->options['class']; } else { $this->htmlTableClass = $this->defaultTableClass; } if (isset($this->options['id'])) { $this->htmlTableId = $this->options['id']; } else { $this->htmlTableId = 'cftble_' . rand(); } if (isset($this->options['style'])) { $this->style = $this->options['style']; } } $permittedFunctions = null; if (isset($this->options['filter']) || isset($this->options['trans'])) { require_once('CFDBPermittedFunctions.php'); $permittedFunctions = CFDBPermittedFunctions::getInstance(); $permitAll = $this->queryPermitAllFunctions(); $permittedFunctions->setPermitAllFunctions($permitAll); } $filters = array(); if (isset($this->options['filter'])) { require_once('CFDBFilterParser.php'); $aFilter = new CFDBFilterParser; $aFilter->setComparisonValuePreprocessor(new DereferenceShortcodeVars); $aFilter->setPermittedFilterFunctions($permittedFunctions); $aFilter->parse($this->options['filter']); if ($this->debug) { echo '
\'' . $this->options['filter'] . "'\n";
                    echo '
'; } $filters[] = $aFilter; } $transformFilters = array(); if (isset($this->options['tfilter'])) { require_once('CFDBFilterParser.php'); $aFilter = new CFDBFilterParser; $aFilter->setComparisonValuePreprocessor(new DereferenceShortcodeVars); $aFilter->setPermittedFilterFunctions($permittedFunctions); $aFilter->parse($this->options['tfilter']); if ($this->debug) { echo '
\'' . $this->options['tfilter'] . "'\n";
                    echo '
'; } $transformFilters[] = $aFilter; } if (isset($this->options['search'])) { require_once('CFDBSearchEvaluator.php'); $aFilter = new CFDBSearchEvaluator; $aFilter->setSearch($this->options['search']); $filters[] = $aFilter; } if (isset($this->options['tsearch'])) { require_once('CFDBSearchEvaluator.php'); $aFilter = new CFDBSearchEvaluator; $aFilter->setSearch($this->options['tsearch']); $transformFilters[] = $aFilter; } $numFilters = count($filters); if ($numFilters == 1) { $this->rowFilter = $filters[0]; } else if ($numFilters > 1) { require_once('CFDBCompositeEvaluator.php'); $this->rowFilter = new CFDBCompositeEvaluator; $this->rowFilter->setEvaluators($filters); } $numTransformFilters = count($transformFilters); if ($numTransformFilters == 1) { $this->rowTransformFilter = $transformFilters[0]; } else if ($numTransformFilters > 1) { require_once('CFDBCompositeEvaluator.php'); $this->rowTransformFilter = new CFDBCompositeEvaluator; $this->rowTransformFilter->setEvaluators($transformFilters); } if (isset($this->options['trans'])) { require_once('CFDBTransformParser.php'); $this->transform = new CFDBTransformParser(); $this->transform->setComparisonValuePreprocessor(new DereferenceShortcodeVars); $this->transform->setPermittedFilterFunctions($permittedFunctions); $transformOption = $this->options['trans']; // Set up "orderby" post-processing if (isset($this->options['orderby'])) { $orderByStrings = explode(',', $this->options['orderby']); foreach ($orderByStrings as $anOrderBy) { $anOrderBy = trim($anOrderBy); $ascOrDesc = null; list($ascOrDesc, $anOrderBy) = $this->parseOrderBy($anOrderBy); $ascOrDesc = trim($ascOrDesc); if (empty($ascOrDesc)) { $ascOrDesc = 'ASC'; } // Append a Sort transform $transformOption .= '&&NaturalSortByField(' . $anOrderBy . ',' . $ascOrDesc . ')'; } } $this->transform->parse($transformOption); if ($this->debug) { echo '
\'' . $transformOption . "'\n";
                    echo '
'; } $this->transform->setupTransforms(); } if (isset($this->options['headers'])) { // e.g. "col1=Column 1 Display Name,col2=Column2 Display Name" $headersList = preg_split('/,/', $this->options['headers'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (is_array($headersList)) { $this->headers = array(); foreach ($headersList as $nameEqualValue) { $nameEqualsValueArray = explode('=', $nameEqualValue, 2); // col1=Column 1 Display Name if (count($nameEqualsValueArray) >= 2) { $this->headers[$nameEqualsValueArray[0]] = $nameEqualsValueArray[1]; } } } } } } /** * @return bool */ protected function isAuthorized() { if (!$this->isFromShortCode) { return $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData'); } else { $isAuth = $this->plugin->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode'); if ($isAuth && isset($this->options['role'])) { $isAuth = $this->plugin->isUserRoleEqualOrBetterThan($this->options['role']); } return $isAuth; } } protected function assertSecurityErrorMessage() { $showMessage = true; if (isset($this->options['role'])) { // If role is being used, but default do not show the error message $showMessage = false; } if (isset($this->options['permissionmsg'])) { $showMessage = $this->options['permissionmsg'] != 'false'; } $errMsg = $showMessage ? __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this data.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') : ''; if ($this->isFromShortCode) { echo $errMsg; } else { include_once('CFDBDie.php'); CFDBDie::wp_die($errMsg); } } /** * @param string|array|null $headers mixed string header-string or array of header strings. * E.g. Content-Type, Content-Disposition, etc. * @return void */ protected function echoHeaders($headers = null) { if (!headers_sent()) { header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); // Hoping to keep the browser from timing out if connection from Google SS Live Data // script is calling this page to get information header("Keep-Alive: timeout=60"); // Not a standard HTTP header; browsers may disregard if ($headers) { if (is_array($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $aheader) { header($aheader); } } else { header($headers); } } flush(); } } /** * @param $dataColumns array * @return array */ protected function &getColumnsToDisplay($dataColumns) { if (empty($dataColumns)) { $retCols = array(); return $retCols; } //$dataColumns = array_merge(array('Submitted'), $dataColumns); $showCols = empty($this->showColumns) ? $dataColumns : $this->matchColumns($this->showColumns, $dataColumns); if (empty($this->hideColumns)) { return $showCols; } $hideCols = $this->matchColumns($this->hideColumns, $dataColumns); if (empty($hideCols)) { return $showCols; } $retCols = array(); foreach ($showCols as $aShowCol) { if (!in_array($aShowCol, $hideCols)) { $retCols[] = $aShowCol; } } return $retCols; } protected function matchColumns(&$patterns, &$subject) { $returnCols = array(); foreach ($patterns as $pCol) { if (substr($pCol, 0, 1) == '/') { // Show column value is a REGEX foreach($subject as $sCol) { if (preg_match($pCol, $sCol) && !in_array($sCol, $returnCols)) { $returnCols[] = $sCol; } } } else { $returnCols[] = $pCol; } } return $returnCols; } /** * @return bool */ protected function getShowSubmitField() { $showSubmitField = true; if ($this->hideColumns != null && is_array($this->hideColumns) && in_array('Submitted', $this->hideColumns)) { $showSubmitField = false; } else if ($this->showColumns != null && is_array($this->showColumns)) { $showSubmitField = in_array('Submitted', $this->showColumns); } return $showSubmitField; } /** * Execute the query and set up the results iterator * @param string|array $formName (if array, must be array of string) * @param null|string $submitTimeKeyName * @return void */ protected function setDataIterator($formName, $submitTimeKeyName = null) { $submitTimes = $this->queryRandomSubmitTimes($formName); $sql = $this->getPivotQuery($formName, false, $submitTimes); $queryOptions = array(); if ($submitTimeKeyName) { $queryOptions['submitTimeKeyName'] = $submitTimeKeyName; } if (isset($this->options['limit']) && $this->hasFilterOrTransform()) { // have data iterator apply the limit if it is not already // being applied in SQL directly, which we do when there are // no filter constraints. $queryOptions['limit'] = $this->options['limit']; } $unbuffered = false;; if (isset($this->options['unbuffered'])) { $queryOptions['unbuffered'] = $this->options['unbuffered']; $unbuffered = $queryOptions['unbuffered'] == 'true'; } if ($this->debug) { $queryOptions['debug'] = 'true'; } $this->dataIterator = CFDBQueryResultIteratorFactory::getInstance()->newQueryIterator($unbuffered); if ($this->transform && !empty($this->transform->transformIterators)) { $postProcessOptions = $queryOptions; // make a copy // If we have a transform, then alternatively-named options like 'tlimit' are used // in the actual query (CFDBQueryResultIterator) whereas the normally named // ones are handled by the CFDBTransformEndpoint post-processor unset($queryOptions['limit']); if (isset($this->options['tlimit'])) { $queryOptions['limit'] = $this->options['tlimit']; } unset($queryOptions['orderby']); if (isset($this->options['torderby'])) { $queryOptions['orderby'] = $this->options['torderby']; } // These aren't really needed b/c we have already setup $this->rowTransformFilter unset($queryOptions['filter']); if (isset($this->options['tfilter'])) { $queryOptions['filter'] = $this->options['tfilter']; } unset($queryOptions['search']); if (isset($this->options['tsearch'])) { $queryOptions['search'] = $this->options['tsearch']; } $this->dataIterator->query($sql, $this->rowTransformFilter, $queryOptions); $queryDisplayColumns = $this->getColumnsToDisplay($this->dataIterator->columns); $this->transform->setTimezone(); // Hookup query iterator as first transform, hookup last iterator as $this->dataIterator $this->transform->setDataSource($this->dataIterator); $this->dataIterator = $this->transform->getIterator(); // $this->dataIterator is a CFDBTransformEndpoint $this->dataIterator->getPostProcessor()->query($sql, $this->rowFilter, $postProcessOptions); $displayColumns = $this->getColumnsToDisplay($this->dataIterator->getDisplayColumns()); // Not sure why I need to do this to make show/hide work in some cases $this->dataIterator->displayColumns = empty($displayColumns) ? $queryDisplayColumns : $displayColumns; } else { // No transform, just query $this->dataIterator->query($sql, $this->rowFilter, $queryOptions); $this->dataIterator->displayColumns = $this->getColumnsToDisplay($this->dataIterator->columns); } } /** * Clear the "ob_" buffer (all of them in the stack) * Call immediately after setDataIterator() to prevent misc chars * from being printed during export */ public function clearAllOutputBuffers() { while (ob_get_length()) { // Prevents misc crap from being printed during export. // Seen on one customer's site where a newline is injected // causes an empty header row for .csv and corrupting .xlsx file ob_clean(); } } // protected function &getFileMetaData($formName) { // global $wpdb; // $tableName = $this->plugin->getSubmitsTableName(); // $rows = $wpdb->get_results( // "select distinct `field_name` //from `$tableName` //where `form_name` = '$formName' //and `file` is not null"); // // $fileColumns = array(); // foreach ($rows as $aRow) { // $files[] = $aRow->field_name; // } // return $fileColumns; // } /** * @param string|array $formName (if array, must be array of string) * @param bool $count * @param $submitTimes array of string submit_time values that are to be specifically queried * @return string */ public function &getPivotQuery($formName, $count = false, $submitTimes = null) { global $wpdb; $tableName = $this->plugin->getSubmitsTableName(); $formNameClause = '1=1'; if (is_array($formName)) { $formNameArray = $this->escapeAndQuoteArrayValues($formName); $formNameClause = '`form_name` in ( ' . implode(', ', $formNameArray) . ' )'; } else if ($formName !== null && $formName != '*') { // * => all forms $formNameLength = strlen($formName); if ($formNameLength > 2 && strpos($formName, '/') === 0 && $formName[$formNameLength - 1] == '/') { // Regular Expression // Get rid of the enclosing '/' for MySQL REGEX $pattern = substr($formName, 1, $formNameLength - 2); $formNameClause = "`form_name` REGEXP '". $this->escapeString($pattern) . "'"; } else if (strpos($formName, ',') !== false) { // Comma-delimited list of forms $formNameArray = explode(',', $formName); $formNameArray[] = $formName; // in case the form name is literally the string with commas in it $formNameArray = $this->escapeAndQuoteArrayValues($formNameArray); $formNameClause = '`form_name` in ( ' . implode(', ', $formNameArray) . ' )'; } else { $formNameClause = "`form_name` = '". $this->escapeString($formName) . "'"; } } $submitTimesClause = ''; if (is_array($submitTimes) && !empty($submitTimes)) { $submitTimesClause = 'AND submit_time in ( ' . implode(', ', $submitTimes) . ' )'; } //$rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT `field_name`, `field_order` FROM `$tableName` WHERE $formNameClause ORDER BY field_order"); // Pagination bug $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT `field_name` FROM `$tableName` WHERE $formNameClause ORDER BY field_order"); $fields = array(); foreach ($rows as $aRow) { if ($aRow->field_name && trim($aRow->field_name) != '') { // Saw a case of a column name of '' and ' ' which caused query to fail // and no date to be displayed. $fields[] = $aRow->field_name; } } $sql = ''; if ($count) { $sql .= 'SELECT count(*) as count FROM ('; } $sql .= "SELECT `submit_time` AS 'Submitted'"; foreach ($fields as $aCol) { // Escape single quotes in column name $aCol = $this->escapeString($aCol); $sql .= ",\n max(if(`field_name`='$aCol', `field_value`, null )) AS '$aCol'"; } if (!$count) { $sql .= ",\n GROUP_CONCAT(if(`file` is null or length(`file`) = 0, null, `field_name`)) AS 'fields_with_file'"; } $sql .= "\nFROM `$tableName` \nWHERE $formNameClause $submitTimesClause \nGROUP BY `submit_time` "; if ($count) { $sql .= ') form'; } else { $orderBys = array(); if ($this->options && isset($this->options['orderby'])) { $orderByStrings = explode(',', $this->options['orderby']); foreach ($orderByStrings as $anOrderBy) { $anOrderBy = trim($anOrderBy); $ascOrDesc = null; list($ascOrDesc, $anOrderBy) = $this->parseOrderBy($anOrderBy); if (in_array($anOrderBy, $fields) || $anOrderBy == 'submit_time') { $orderBys[] = '`' . $anOrderBy . '`' . $ascOrDesc; } else { // Want to add a different collation as a different sorting mechanism // Actually doesn't work because MySQL does not allow COLLATE on a select that is a group function $collateIdx = stripos($anOrderBy, ' COLLATE'); if ($collateIdx > 0) { $collatedField = substr($anOrderBy, 0, $collateIdx); if (in_array($collatedField, $fields)) { $orderBys[] = '`' . $collatedField . '`' . substr($anOrderBy, $collateIdx) . $ascOrDesc; } } } } } if (empty($orderBys)) { $sql .= "\nORDER BY `submit_time` DESC"; } else { $sql .= "\nORDER BY "; $first = true; foreach ($orderBys as $anOrderBy) { if ($first) { $sql .= $anOrderBy; $first = false; } else { $sql .= ', ' . $anOrderBy; } } } if (!$this->hasFilterOrTransform() && $this->options && isset($this->options['limit'])) { // If no filter constraints and have a limit, add limit to the SQL $sql .= "\nLIMIT " . $this->options['limit']; } } //echo $sql; // debug return $sql; } /** * @param $anArray array * @return array of quoted escaped values */ public function escapeAndQuoteArrayValues($anArray) { $retArray = array(); foreach ($anArray as $aValue) { $retArray[] = '\'' . $this->escapeString($aValue) . '\''; } return $retArray; } /** * Simple alternative to the deprecated mysql_real_escape_string() function * @param $text String * @return String */ public function escapeString($text) { // Taken from: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/448909-php-alternative-to-mysql_real_escape_string/ return strtr($text, array( "\x00" => '\x00', "\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\r', '\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\'", '"' => '\"', "\x1a" => '\x1a' )); } /** * @param string|array $formName (if array, must be array of string) * @return int */ public function getDBRowCount($formName) { global $wpdb; $count = 0; $rows = $wpdb->get_results($this->getPivotQuery($formName, true)); foreach ($rows as $aRow) { $count = $aRow->count; break; } return $count; } public function hasFilterOrTransform() { return $this->rowFilter || $this->transform; } /** * Query for n random submit times if 'random' option is set indicting number of random * values to return (n) * @param $formName * @return array|null array of n submit_times or null if not applicable */ protected function queryRandomSubmitTimes($formName) { $submitTimes = null; if (isset($this->options['random'])) { $numRandom = intval($this->options['random']); if ($numRandom > 0) { // Digression: query for n unique random submit_time values $justSubmitTimes = new ExportBase(); $justSubmitTimes->setOptions($this->options); $justSubmitTimes->setCommonOptions(); unset($justSubmitTimes->options['random']); $justSubmitTimes->showColumns = array('submit_time'); $jstSql = $justSubmitTimes->getPivotQuery($formName); $justSubmitTimes->setDataIterator($formName, 'submit_time'); $justSubmitTimes->dataIterator->query( $jstSql, $justSubmitTimes->rowFilter); $allSubmitTimes = null; while ($justSubmitTimes->dataIterator->nextRow()) { $allSubmitTimes[] = $justSubmitTimes->dataIterator->row['submit_time']; } if (!empty($allSubmitTimes)) { if (count($allSubmitTimes) < $numRandom) { $submitTimes = $allSubmitTimes; return $submitTimes; } else { shuffle($allSubmitTimes); // randomize $submitTimes = array_slice($allSubmitTimes, 0, $numRandom); return $submitTimes; } } return $submitTimes; } return $submitTimes; } return $submitTimes; } /** * @return bool */ public function queryPermitAllFunctions() { return $this->plugin->getOption('FunctionsInShortCodes', 'false', true) === 'true'; } /** * @param $anOrderBy string a single order by clause like "field1 DESC" * @return array */ protected function parseOrderBy($anOrderBy) { $ascOrDesc = null; if (strtoupper(substr($anOrderBy, -5)) == ' DESC') { $ascOrDesc = ' DESC'; $anOrderBy = trim(substr($anOrderBy, 0, -5)); } else if (strtoupper(substr($anOrderBy, -4)) == ' ASC') { $ascOrDesc = ' ASC'; $anOrderBy = trim(substr($anOrderBy, 0, -4)); } if ($anOrderBy == 'Submitted') { $anOrderBy = 'submit_time'; return array($ascOrDesc, $anOrderBy); } return array($ascOrDesc, $anOrderBy); } // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14678281/get-list-separator-character-for-any-locale public function get_csv_delimiter($locale) { $locales_with_colon_delimiter = 'az_AZ be_BY bg_BG bs_BA ca_ES crh_UA cs_CZ da_DK de_AT de_BE de_DE de_LU el_CY el_GR es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_EC es_ES es_PY es_UY es_VE et_EE eu_ES eu_ES@euro ff_SN fi_FI fr_BE fr_CA fr_FR fr_LU gl_ES hr_HR ht_HT hu_HU id_ID is_IS it_IT ka_GE kk_KZ ky_KG lt_LT lv_LV mg_MG mk_MK mn_MN nb_NO nl_AW nl_NL nn_NO pap_AN pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT ro_RO ru_RU ru_UA rw_RW se_NO sk_SK sl_SI sq_AL sq_MK sr_ME sr_RS sr_RS@latin sv_SE tg_TJ tr_TR tt_RU@iqtelif uk_UA vi_VN wo_SN'; if (stripos($locales_with_colon_delimiter, $locale) !== false) { return ';'; } return ','; } }