. */ require_once('CF7DBPluginLifeCycle.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeTable.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeDataTable.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeValue.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeCount.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeJson.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeHtml.php'); require_once('CFDBShortcodeExportUrl.php'); require_once('CFDBShortCodeSavePostData.php'); require_once('CFDBShortCodeSaveFormMakerSubmission.php'); require_once('CFDBDeobfuscate.php'); require_once('CFDBDateFormatter.php'); require_once('CFDBErrorLog.php'); /** * Implementation for CF7DBPluginLifeCycle. */ class CF7DBPlugin extends CF7DBPluginLifeCycle implements CFDBDateFormatter { public function getPluginDisplayName() { return 'Contact Form to DB Extension'; } protected function getMainPluginFileName() { return 'contact-form-7-db.php'; } public function getOptionMetaData() { return array( // Integrations 'IntegrateWithCF7' => array('Contact Form 7', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithCF7SavePageTitle' => array('↳ ' . __('Save Page Title from Contact Form 7 submissions', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), 'IntegrateWithCF7SavePageUrl' => array(__('↳ ' . 'Save Page URL from Contact Form 7 submissions', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), 'GenerateSubmitTimeInCF7Email' => array(__('↳ ' . 'Generate [submit_time] tag for Contact Form 7 email', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), 'IntegrateWithCalderaForms' => array('Caldera Forms', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithCFormsII' => array('CformsII', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithEnfoldThemForms' => array('Enfold Theme', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithFSCF' => array('Fast Secure Contact Form', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithFormCraft' => array('FormCraft Premium', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithFormMaker' => array('Form Maker
↳ Use shortcode: [cfdb-save-form-maker-post]', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithFMS' => array('Forms Management System', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithFormidableForms' => array('Formidable Forms', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithGravityForms' => array('Gravity Forms', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithJetPackContactForm' => array('JetPack Contact Form', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithNinjaForms' => array('Ninja Forms', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithQuform' => array('Quform', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithVerySimpleContactForm' => array('Very Simple Contact Form and Very Simple Signup Form', 'true', 'false'), 'IntegrateWithWrContactForms' => array('WR ContactForm', 'true', 'false'), // Security 'HideAdminPanelFromNonAdmins' => array(__('Allow only Administrators to see CFDB administration screens', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'true', 'false'), 'CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode' => array(__('Can See Submission when using shortcodes', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author', 'Contributor', 'Subscriber', 'Anyone'), 'CanSeeSubmitData' => array(__('Can See Submission data', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author', 'Contributor', 'Subscriber', 'Anyone'), 'CanChangeSubmitData' => array(__('Can Edit/Delete Submission data', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'Administrator', 'Editor', 'Author', 'Contributor', 'Subscriber', 'Anyone'), 'FunctionsInShortCodes' => array(__('Allow Any Function in Short Codes', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . ' ' . __('(Creates a security hole)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . '', 'false', 'true'), 'AllowRSS' => array(__('Allow RSS URLs', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . ' ' . __('(Creates a security hole)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . '', 'false', 'true'), // Saving 'Timezone' => array(__('Timezone to capture Submit Time. Blank will use WordPress Timezone setting. Options', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'NoSaveFields' => array(__('Do not save fields in DB named (comma-separated list, no spaces)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'NoSaveForms' => array(__('Do not save forms in DB named (comma-separated list, no spaces)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'SaveCookieData' => array(__('Save Cookie Data with Form Submissions', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), 'SaveCookieNames' => array(__('Save only cookies in DB named (comma-separated list, no spaces, and above option must be set to true)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), // Export 'UseCustomDateTimeFormat' => array(__('Use Custom Date-Time Display Format (below)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'true', 'false'), 'SubmitDateTimeFormat' => array('' . __('Date-Time Display Format', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension') . ''), 'ShowFileUrlsInExport' => array(__('Export URLs instead of file names for uploaded files', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), // Admin View 'MaxRows' => array(__('Maximum number of rows to retrieve from the DB for the Admin display', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'MaxVisibleRows' => array(__('#Rows (of maximum above) visible in the Admin datatable', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'HorizontalScroll' => array(__('Use fixed width in Admin datatable', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'true', 'false'), 'UseDataTablesJS' => array(__('Use Javascript-enabled tables in Admin Database page', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'true', 'false'), 'ShowLineBreaksInDataTable' => array(__('Show line breaks in submitted data table', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'true', 'false'), 'ShowQuery' => array(__('Show the query used to display results', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), // System 'ErrorOutput' => array(__('Error output file or email address', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')), 'DropOnUninstall' => array(__('Drop this plugin\'s Database table on uninstall', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'false', 'true'), //'SubmitTableNameOverride' => array(__('Use this table to store submission data rather than the default (leave blank for default)', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')) //'_version' => array('Installed Version'), // For testing upgrades ); } public function settingsPage() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'community-yard-sale')); } $optionMetaData = $this->getOptionMetaData(); // Save Posted Options if ($optionMetaData != null) { foreach ($optionMetaData as $aOptionKey => $aOptionMeta) { if (isset($_POST[$aOptionKey])) { $this->updateOption($aOptionKey, $_POST[$aOptionKey]); } } } require_once('CFDBViewOptions.php'); $optionsView = new CFDBViewOptions(); $optionsView->display($this); } public function getOptionValueI18nString($optionValue) { switch ($optionValue) { case 'true': return __('true', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'false': return __('false', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Administrator': return __('Administrator', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Editor': return __('Editor', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Author': return __('Author', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Contributor': return __('Contributor', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Subscriber': return __('Subscriber', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); case 'Anyone': return __('Anyone', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'); } return $optionValue; } public function upgrade() { global $wpdb; $upgradeOk = true; $savedVersion = $this->getVersionSaved(); if (!$savedVersion) { // Was some code here from pre-version 1.2 that I removed b/c it is very old and not relevant. // A user reported an issue where the saved version in the DB would get cleared out // after using the plugin for a week or so. Weird and not reproducible. But the problem is that // it would make it re-run through the upgrades below even though they need not be applied. // the ALTER TABLE statements would fail and product errors on the page. // Without solving the underlying problem, I'm going to have upgrade actions be skipped // in the case where no version is recorded in the DB. } else { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.8.29')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.8.25')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.4.1')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.2')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '2.0')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '1.8')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '1.4.5')) { if ($this->isVersionLessThan($savedVersion, '1.3.1')) { // Version 1.3.1 update $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $wpdb->show_errors(); $upgradeOk &= false !== $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD COLUMN `field_order` INTEGER"); $upgradeOk &= false !== $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD COLUMN `file` LONGBLOB"); $upgradeOk &= false !== $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `submit_time_idx` ( `submit_time` )"); $wpdb->hide_errors(); } // Version 1.4.5 update if (!$this->getOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode')) { $this->addOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode', 'Anyone'); } // Misc $submitDateTimeFormat = $this->getOption('SubmitDateTimeFormat'); if (!$submitDateTimeFormat || $submitDateTimeFormat == '') { $this->addOption('SubmitDateTimeFormat', 'Y-m-d H:i:s P'); } } // Version 1.8 update if (!$this->getOption('MaxRows')) { $this->addOption('MaxRows', '100'); } $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $wpdb->show_errors(); /* $upgradeOk &= false !== */ $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` MODIFY COLUMN submit_time DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL"); /* $upgradeOk &= false !== */ $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `form_name_idx` ( `form_name` )"); /* $upgradeOk &= false !== */ $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `form_name_field_name_idx` ( `form_name`, `field_name` )"); $wpdb->hide_errors(); } // Version 2.0 upgrade $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $oldTableName = $this->prefixTableName('SUBMITS'); @$wpdb->query("RENAME TABLE `$oldTableName` TO `$tableName`"); } // Version 2.2 upgrade $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` DROP INDEX `form_name_field_name_idx`"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `field_name_idx` ( `field_name` )"); } // Version 2.4.1 upgrade $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $oldTableName = strtolower($tableName); $wpdb->query("RENAME TABLE '$oldTableName' TO '$tableName'"); } // Version 2.8.25 update $tableName = $this->getSTTableName_raw(); $wpdb->show_errors(); $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tableName` (`submit_time` DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (submit_time))"); $wpdb->hide_errors(); } // Version 2.8.29 update // tyring this again b/c was not put into new installs $tableName = $this->getSTTableName_raw(); $wpdb->show_errors(); $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tableName` (`submit_time` DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (submit_time))"); $wpdb->hide_errors(); } } // Post-upgrade, set the current version in the options $codeVersion = $this->getVersion(); if ($upgradeOk && $codeVersion && $savedVersion != $codeVersion) { $this->saveInstalledVersion($codeVersion); } } /** * Called by install() * You should: Prefix all table names with $wpdb->prefix * Also good: additionally use the prefix for this plugin: * $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . $this->prefix('MY_TABLE'); * @return void */ protected function installDatabaseTables() { global $wpdb; $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); $wpdb->show_errors(); $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tableName` ( `submit_time` DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL, `form_name` VARCHAR(127) CHARACTER SET utf8, `field_name` VARCHAR(127) CHARACTER SET utf8, `field_value` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8, `field_order` INTEGER, `file` LONGBLOB)"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `submit_time_idx` ( `submit_time` )"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `form_name_idx` ( `form_name` )"); $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE `$tableName` ADD INDEX `field_name_idx` ( `field_name` )"); $tableName = $this->getSTTableName_raw(); $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$tableName` (`submit_time` DECIMAL(16,4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (submit_time))"); $wpdb->hide_errors(); } /** * Called by uninstall() * You should: Prefix all table names with $wpdb->prefix * Also good: additionally use the prefix for this plugin: * $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . $this->prefix('MY_TABLE'); * @return void */ protected function unInstallDatabaseTables() { if ('true' == $this->getOption('DropOnUninstall', 'false', true)) { global $wpdb; $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName(); $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tableName`"); // $tables = array('SUBMITS'); // foreach ($tables as $aTable) { // $tableName = $this->prefixTableName($aTable); // $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tableName`"); // } } } protected function initOptions() { // By default ignore CF7 metadata fields $this->addOption('NoSaveFields', '/.*wpcf7.*/,_wpnonce'); } public function add_wpcf7_noSaveFields() { $nsfArray = explode(',', $this->getOption('NoSaveFields','', true)); $wpcf7Fields = array('/.*wpcf7.*/', '_wpnonce'); foreach ($wpcf7Fields as $aWpcf7) { if (!in_array($aWpcf7, $nsfArray)) { $nsfArray[] = $aWpcf7; } } $this->updateOption('NoSaveFields', implode(',', $nsfArray)); } public function delete_wpcf7_fields($formName) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare( 'delete from `' . $this->getSubmitsTableName() . "` where `form_name` = '%s' and `field_name` in ('_wpcf7', '_wpcf7_version', '_wpcf7_unit_tag', '_wpnonce', '_wpcf7_is_ajax_call', '_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_captcha')", $formName)); } public function addActionsAndFilters() { // Admin notices add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'addAdminNotices')); // Add the Admin Config page for this plugin // Add Config page as a top-level menu item on the Admin page add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'createAdminMenu')); // Add Database Options page add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'addSettingsSubMenuPage')); // Hook into Contact Form 7 when a form post is made to save the data to the DB if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithCF7', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationContactForm7.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationContactForm7($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook into Fast Secure Contact Form if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithFSCF', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationFSCF.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationFSCF($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook into JetPack Contact Form if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithJetPackContactForm', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationJetPack.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationJetPack($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook into Gravity Forms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithGravityForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationGravityForms.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationGravityForms($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook into Formidable Forms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithFormidableForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationFormidableForms.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationFormidableForms($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with WR ContactForms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithWrContactForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationWRContactForm.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationWRContactForm($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Quform if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithQuform', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationQuform.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationQuform($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Ninja Forms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithNinjaForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationNinjaForms.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationNinjaForms($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Caldera Forms Forms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithCalderaForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationCalderaForms.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationCalderaForms($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Enfold theme forms if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithEnfoldThemForms', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationEnfoldTheme.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationEnfoldTheme($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with CFormsII if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithCFormsII', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationCFormsII.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationCFormsII($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with FormCraft if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithFormCraft', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationFromCraft.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationFromCraft($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Very Simple Contact Form if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithVerySimpleContactForm', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationVerySimpleContactForm.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationVerySimpleContactForm($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Hook to work with Forms Management System if ($this->getOption('IntegrateWithFMS', 'true', true) == 'true') { require_once('CFDBIntegrationFMS.php'); $integration = new CFDBIntegrationFMS($this); $integration->registerHooks(); } // Have our own hook to receive form submissions independent of other plugins add_action('cfdb_submit', array(&$this, 'saveFormData')); // Register Export URL add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-export', array(&$this, 'ajaxExport')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-export', array(&$this, 'ajaxExport')); // Register Get File URL add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-file', array(&$this, 'ajaxFile')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-file', array(&$this, 'ajaxFile')); // Register Get Form Fields URL add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-getFormFields', array(&$this, 'ajaxGetFormFields')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-getFormFields', array(&$this, 'ajaxGetFormFields')); // Register Validate submit_time value (used in short code builder page) add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-validate-submit_time', array(&$this, 'ajaxValidateSubmitTime')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-validate-submit_time', array(&$this, 'ajaxValidateSubmitTime')); // Login via Ajax instead of login form add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-login', array(&$this, 'ajaxLogin')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-login', array(&$this, 'ajaxLogin')); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cfdb-cleanup', array(&$this, 'ajaxCleanup')); add_action('wp_ajax_cfdb-cleanup', array(&$this, 'ajaxCleanup')); // Shortcode to add a table to a page $sc = new CFDBShortcodeTable(); $sc->register(array('cf7db-table', 'cfdb-table')); // cf7db-table is deprecated // Shortcode to add a DataTable $sc = new CFDBShortcodeDataTable(); $sc->register('cfdb-datatable'); // Shortcode to add a JSON to a page $sc = new CFDBShortcodeJson(); $sc->register('cfdb-json'); // Shortcode to add a value (just text) to a page $sc = new CFDBShortcodeValue(); $sc->register('cfdb-value'); // Shortcode to add entry count to a page $sc = new CFDBShortcodeCount(); $sc->register('cfdb-count'); // Shortcode to add values wrapped in user-defined html $sc = new CFDBShortcodeHtml(); $sc->register('cfdb-html'); // Shortcode to generate Export URLs $sc = new CFDBShortcodeExportUrl(); $sc->register('cfdb-export-link'); // Shortcode to save data from non-CF7/FSCF forms $sc = new CFDBShortCodeSavePostData(); $sc->register('cfdb-save-form-post'); // Shortcode to save data Form Maker submissions $sc = new CFDBShortCodeSaveFormMakerSubmission(); $sc->register('cfdb-save-form-maker-post'); } public function getCredentialsFromAjaxCall() { // Login the user $key = 'kx82XcPjq8q8S!xafx%$&7p6'; $creds = array(); $user = null; $password = null; if (!empty($_REQUEST['l'])) { $userPass = CFDBDeobfuscate::deobfuscateHexString($_REQUEST['l'], $key); $userPass = explode('/', $userPass, 2); $count = count($userPass); if ($count >= 1) { $user = $userPass[0]; if ($count > 1) { $password = $userPass[1]; } } } if (!$user) { $user = !empty($_REQUEST['username']) ? $_REQUEST['username'] : null; } if (!$user) { $user = !empty($_REQUEST['user_login']) ? $_REQUEST['user_login'] : null; } if (!$password) { $password = !empty($_REQUEST['password']) ? $_REQUEST['password'] : null; } if (!$password) { $password = !empty($_REQUEST['user_password']) ? $_REQUEST['user_password'] : null; } if ($user && $password) { $creds['user_login'] = $user; $creds['user_password'] = $password; $creds['remember'] = !empty($_REQUEST['rememberme']) ? $_REQUEST['rememberme'] : null; } return $creds; } public function ajaxLogin() { if (! is_user_logged_in()) { $creds = $this->getCredentialsFromAjaxCall(); $user = wp_signon($creds, false); if (is_wp_error($user)) { $this->ajaxRedirectToLogin(); } wp_set_current_user($user->ID); } // User is logged in. Now do the requested action if (!empty($_REQUEST['cfdb-action'])) { switch ($_REQUEST['cfdb-action']) { case 'cfdb-export': if (!$this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData')) { echo 'ERROR: user ' . $creds['user_login'] . ' is not authorized to export CFDB data'; die; } $this->ajaxExport(); break; default: break; } } die; } public function ajaxRedirectToLogin() { $url = home_url(); $slashPos = strpos($url, '//'); $slashPos = strpos($url, '/', $slashPos + 2); if ($slashPos !== false) { $url = substr($url, 0, $slashPos); } $redirectUrl = "$url${_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; $loginUrl = wp_login_url($redirectUrl); header("Location: $loginUrl"); die(); } public function ajaxCheckForLoginAndDoRedirect() { if ('Anyone' != $this->getRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData')) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) { $creds = $this->getCredentialsFromAjaxCall(); if (!empty($creds)) { $user = wp_signon($creds, false); if (is_wp_error($user)) { $this->ajaxRedirectToLogin(); } } else { $this->ajaxRedirectToLogin(); } } } } public function ajaxExport() { $this->ajaxCheckForLoginAndDoRedirect(); require_once('CF7DBPluginExporter.php'); CF7DBPluginExporter::doExportFromPost(); die(); } public function ajaxFile() { $this->ajaxCheckForLoginAndDoRedirect(); require_once('CFDBDie.php'); if (!$this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData') && !$this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitDataViaShortcode')) { CFDBDie::wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); } $submitTime = stripslashes($_REQUEST['s']); $formName = stripslashes($_REQUEST['form']); $fieldName = stripslashes($_REQUEST['field']); if (!$submitTime || !$formName || !$fieldName) { CFDBDie::wp_die(__('Missing form parameters', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); } $fileInfo = (array)$this->getFileFromDB($submitTime, $formName, $fieldName); if ($fileInfo == null) { CFDBDie::wp_die(__('No such file.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); } require_once('CFDBMimeTypeExtensions.php'); $mimeMap = new CFDBMimeTypeExtensions(); $mimeType = $mimeMap->get_type_by_filename($fileInfo[0]); if (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); // Fix bug where download files can be corrupted } ob_end_clean(); // Not sure why have to do this on some sites if ($mimeType) { header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$fileInfo[0]\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileInfo[0]\""); } echo($fileInfo[1]); die(); } public function ajaxGetFormFields() { if (!$this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData') || !isset($_REQUEST['form'])) { die(); } header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); global $wpdb; $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName(); $formName = $_REQUEST['form']; $formNameList = explode(',', $formName); if (count($formNameList) > 1) { $formNameList[] = $formName; } $count = count($formNameList); $inClausePlaceholders = array_fill(0, $count, '%s'); $inCloudFormat = implode(', ', $inClausePlaceholders); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `field_name` FROM `$tableName` WHERE `form_name` IN ($inCloudFormat) ORDER BY field_order"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $formNameList); $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $fields = array(); if (!empty($rows)) { $fields[] = 'Submitted'; foreach ($rows as $aRow) { $fields[] = $aRow->field_name; } $fields[] = 'submit_time'; } echo json_encode($fields); die(); } public function ajaxValidateSubmitTime() { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); $submitTime = $_REQUEST['submit_time']; $invalid = false; $time = $submitTime; if (!is_numeric($submitTime)) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0') == -1) { $invalid = -1; } $this->setTimezone(); $time = strtotime($submitTime); } if ($invalid === $time) { echo htmlspecialchars(__('Invalid: ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); } else { echo htmlspecialchars(__('Valid: ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); } echo "'$submitTime' = $time"; if ($invalid !== $time) { echo " = " . $this->formatDate($time); } die(); } public function ajaxCleanup() { if (!$this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData')) { die(); } header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); echo htmlspecialchars(__('Checking for conflicting entries. This may take a few minutes.', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); echo "\n"; require_once('CFDBCleanupData.php'); $cleanup = new CFDBCleanupData($this); echo htmlspecialchars(__('Phase 1 of 3...', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); $count = $cleanup->cleanupForms(); echo htmlspecialchars(__('Database entries fixed: ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); echo ($count); echo "\n"; echo htmlspecialchars(__('Phase 2 of 3...', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); $count = $cleanup->deleteEmptyEntries(); echo htmlspecialchars(__('Database entries fixed: ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); echo ($count); echo "\n"; echo htmlspecialchars(__('Phase 3 of 3...', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); $count = $cleanup->cleanupEntries(); echo htmlspecialchars(__('Database entries fixed: ', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension')); echo ($count); echo "\n"; die(); } public function addSettingsSubMenuPage() { // $this->requireExtraPluginFiles(); // $displayName = $this->getPluginDisplayName(); // add_submenu_page('wpcf7', //$this->getDBPageSlug(), // $displayName . ' Options', // __('Database Options', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), // 'manage_options', // get_class($this) . 'Settings', // array(&$this, 'settingsPage')); } public function generateSubmitTime() { global $wpdb; $table = $this->getSTTableName(); $time = 0; $noDuplicate = false; $tries = 0; $wpdb->hide_errors(); // avoid submission page from hanging on DB error like table not exists while (!$noDuplicate && ++$tries <= 20) { // $tries breaks out of loop which would be infinite when table to insert into does not exist $time = function_exists('microtime') ? microtime(true) : time(); // Bug fix: on some systems microtime is in scientific notation when converted to string $time = number_format($time, 4, '.', ''); // Avoid duplicate submission with the same submit_time in the DB $noDuplicate = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO $table VALUES (%s)", $time)); } return $time; } /** * Callback for saving form data. Originally based on Contact Form 7's callback object * with submission data in $cf7->posted_data. However that has changed over time. * FSCF sends an object matching this data structure. Other form plugins have their data * transformed into the expected data structure via other callbacks in this class * @param $cf7 object containing posted data * @return bool */ public function saveFormData($cf7) { try { if ( !empty($cf7->posted_data['submit_time']) && (is_numeric($cf7->posted_data['submit_time']) || // Looks like is_numeric may fail on decimal '.' when ',' is the localization preg_match('/^\d+\.?\d*$/', $cf7->posted_data['submit_time'])) ) { $time = $cf7->posted_data['submit_time']; unset($cf7->posted_data['submit_time']); unset($cf7->posted_data['submit_url']); } else { $time = $this->generateSubmitTime(); } $cf7->submit_time = $time; $ip = (isset($_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Set up to allow all this data to be filtered $cf7->ip = $ip; $user = null; if (function_exists('is_user_logged_in') && is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // WP_User $user = $current_user->user_login; } $cf7->user = $user; try { $newCf7 = apply_filters('cfdb_form_data', $cf7); if ($newCf7 && is_object($newCf7)) { $cf7 = $newCf7; $time = $cf7->submit_time; $ip = $cf7->ip; $user = $cf7->user; } else { //$this->getErrorLog()->log('CFDB Error: No or invalid value returned from "cfdb_form_data" filter: ' . // print_r($newCf7, true)); // Returning null from cfdb_form_data is a way to stop from saving the form return true; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->getErrorLog()->logException($ex); } // Get title after applying filter if (isset($cf7->title)) { $title = $cf7->title; } else { $title = 'Unknown'; } $title = stripslashes($title); if ($this->fieldMatches($title, $this->getNoSaveForms())) { return true; // Don't save in DB } $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName(); $parametrizedQuery = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` (`submit_time`, `form_name`, `field_name`, `field_value`, `field_order`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"; $parametrizedFileQuery = "INSERT INTO `$tableName` (`submit_time`, `form_name`, `field_name`, `field_value`, `field_order`, `file`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"; $order = 0; $noSaveFields = $this->getNoSaveFields(); $foundUploadFiles = array(); global $wpdb; // $hasDropBox = $this->getOption('dropbox'); // if ($hasDropBox) { // require_once('CFDBShortCodeSavePostData.php'); // } foreach ($cf7->posted_data as $name => $value) { $nameClean = stripslashes($name); if ($this->fieldMatches($nameClean, $noSaveFields)) { continue; // Don't save in DB } $value = is_array($value) ? implode($value, ', ') : $value; $valueClean = stripslashes($value); // Check if this is a file upload field $didSaveFile = false; if ($cf7->uploaded_files && isset($cf7->uploaded_files[$nameClean])) { $foundUploadFiles[] = $nameClean; $filePath = $cf7->uploaded_files[$nameClean]; if ($filePath) { $content = file_get_contents($filePath); $didSaveFile = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedFileQuery, $time, $title, $nameClean, $valueClean, $order++, $content)); if (!$didSaveFile) { $this->getErrorLog()->log("CFDB Error: could not save uploaded file, field=$nameClean, file=$filePath"); } } } if (!$didSaveFile) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedQuery, $time, $title, $nameClean, $valueClean, $order++)); } } // Since Contact Form 7 version 3.1, it no longer puts the names of the files in $cf7->posted_data // So check for them only only in $cf7->uploaded_files // Update: This seems to have been reversed back to the original in Contact Form 7 3.2 or 3.3 if ($cf7->uploaded_files && is_array($cf7->uploaded_files)) { foreach ($cf7->uploaded_files as $field => $filePath) { if (!in_array($field, $foundUploadFiles) && $filePath && !$this->fieldMatches($field, $noSaveFields)) { $fileName = basename($filePath); $content = file_get_contents($filePath); $didSaveFile = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedFileQuery, $time, $title, $field, $fileName, $order++, $content)); if (!$didSaveFile) { $this->getErrorLog()->log("CFDB Error: could not save uploaded file, field=$field, file=$filePath"); } } } } // Save Cookie data if that option is true if ($this->getOption('SaveCookieData', 'false', true) == 'true' && is_array($_COOKIE)) { $saveCookies = $this->getSaveCookies(); foreach ($_COOKIE as $cookieName => $cookieValue) { if (empty($saveCookies) || $this->fieldMatches($cookieName, $saveCookies)) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedQuery, $time, $title, 'Cookie ' . $cookieName, $cookieValue, $order++)); } } } // If the submitter is logged in, capture his id if ($user && !$this->fieldMatches('Submitted Login', $noSaveFields)) { $order = ($order < 9999) ? 9999 : $order + 1; // large order num to try to make it always next-to-last $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedQuery, $time, $title, 'Submitted Login', $user, $order)); } // Capture the IP Address of the submitter if (!$this->fieldMatches('Submitted From', $noSaveFields)) { $order = ($order < 10000) ? 10000 : $order + 1; // large order num to try to make it always last $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($parametrizedQuery, $time, $title, 'Submitted From', $ip, $order)); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->getErrorLog()->logException($ex); } // Indicate success to WordPress so it continues processing other unrelated hooks. return true; } /** * @param $fieldName string * @param $patternsArray array * @return boolean true if $fieldName is in $patternsArray or matches any element of it that is a regex */ public function fieldMatches($fieldName, $patternsArray) { if (is_array($patternsArray)) { foreach($patternsArray as $pattern) { if ($fieldName == $pattern) { return true; } if (strncmp($pattern, '/', 1) == 0) { if (@preg_match($pattern , $fieldName)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * @param $time string form submit time * @param $formName string form name * @param $fieldName string field name (should be an upload file field) * @return array of (file-name, file-contents) or null if not found */ public function getFileFromDB($time, $formName, $fieldName) { global $wpdb; $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName(); $sql = "SELECT `field_value`, `file` FROM `$tableName` WHERE `submit_time` = %F AND `form_name` = %s AND `field_name` = '%s'"; $sql = $wpdb->prepare($sql, $time, $formName, $fieldName); $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if ($rows == null || count($rows) == 0) { return null; } return array($rows[0]->field_value, $rows[0]->file); } /** * Install page for this plugin in WP Admin * @return void */ public function createAdminMenu() { $displayName = $this->getPluginDisplayName(); $hideFromNonAdmins = $this->getOption('HideAdminPanelFromNonAdmins', 'true', true) != 'false'; $roleAllowed = 'Administrator'; if (!$hideFromNonAdmins) { $roleAllowed = $this->getRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData'); if (!$roleAllowed) { $roleAllowed = 'Administrator'; } } if (! $this->isUserRoleEqualOrBetterThan($roleAllowed)) { return; } $menuSlug = $this->getDBPageSlug(); //create new top-level menu add_menu_page($displayName, __('Contact Form DB', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), $this->roleToCapability($roleAllowed), $menuSlug, //$this->getDBPageSlug(), array(&$this, 'whatsInTheDBPage'), $this->getPluginFileUrl('img/icon-bw-20x20.png')); // Needed for dialog in whatsInTheDBPage if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->getDBPageSlug()) !== false) { $pluginUrl = $this->getPluginFileUrl() . '/'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-dialog'); wp_enqueue_script('CF7DBdes', $pluginUrl . 'des.js'); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui.css', $pluginUrl . 'jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css'); // Datatables http://www.datatables.net if ($this->getOption('UseDataTablesJS', 'true', true) == 'true') { // wp_enqueue_style('datatables-demo', 'http://www.datatables.net/release-datatables/media/css/demo_table.css'); // wp_enqueue_script('datatables', 'http://www.datatables.net/release-datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.js', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_style('datatables-demo', $pluginUrl .'DataTables/media/css/demo_table.css'); wp_enqueue_script('datatables', $pluginUrl . 'DataTables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js', array('jquery')); if ($this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData')) { do_action_ref_array('cfdb_edit_enqueue', array()); } // Would like to add ColReorder but it causes slowness and display issues with DataTable footer //wp_enqueue_style('datatables-ColReorder', $pluginUrl .'DataTables/extras/ColReorder/media/css/ColReorder.css'); //wp_enqueue_script('datatables-ColReorder', $pluginUrl . 'DataTables/extras/ColReorder/media/js/ColReorder.min.js', array('datatables', 'jquery')); } } if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->getShortCodeBuilderPageSlug()) !== false) { $pluginUrl = $this->getPluginFileUrl() . '/'; wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-tabs', array('jquery')); wp_enqueue_script('CF7DBdes', $pluginUrl . 'des.js'); $pluginUrl = $this->getPluginFileUrl() . '/'; wp_enqueue_script('CF7DBdes', $pluginUrl . 'des.js'); //wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui.css', $pluginUrl . 'jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.css'); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui', plugins_url('/css/jquery-ui.css', __FILE__)); } // // Put page under CF7's "Contact" page // add_submenu_page('wpcf7', // $displayName . ' Submissions', // __('Database', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), // $this->roleToCapability($roleAllowed), // $this->getDBPageSlug(), // array(&$this, 'whatsInTheDBPage')); add_submenu_page($menuSlug, $displayName . ' Shortcode Builder', __('Shortcode', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), $this->roleToCapability($roleAllowed), $this->getShortCodeBuilderPageSlug(), array(&$this, 'showShortCodeBuilderPage')); if ($this->isEditorActive() && $this->canUserDoRoleOption('CanSeeSubmitData')) { add_submenu_page($menuSlug, $displayName . ' Import', __('Import', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), $this->roleToCapability($this->getRoleOption('CanChangeSubmitData')), get_class($this) . 'Import', array(&$this, 'showShortImportCsvPage')); } // Needed for the Settings Page $settingsSlug = $this->getSettingsSlug(); if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $settingsSlug) !== false) { require_once('CFDBViewOptions.php'); $optionsView = new CFDBViewOptions($this); add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(&$optionsView, 'enqueueSettingsPageScripts')); } add_submenu_page($menuSlug, $displayName . ' Options', __('Options', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), 'manage_options', $settingsSlug, array(&$this, 'settingsPage')); // // Put page under CF7's "Contact" page // add_submenu_page('wpcf7', // $displayName . ' Shortcode Builder', // __('Database Shortcode', 'contact-form-7-to-database-extension'), // $this->roleToCapability($roleAllowed), // $this->getSortCodeBuilderPageSlug(), // array(&$this, 'showShortCodeBuilderPage')); } /** * @return string WP Admin slug for page to view DB data */ public function getDBPageSlug() { return get_class($this) . 'Submissions'; } public function getShortCodeBuilderPageSlug() { return get_class($this) . 'ShortCodeBuilder'; } public function showShortCodeBuilderPage() { require_once('CFDBViewShortCodeBuilder.php'); $view = new CFDBViewShortCodeBuilder; $view->display($this); } public function showShortImportCsvPage() { require_once('CFDBViewImportCsv.php'); $view = new CFDBViewImportCsv; $view->display($this); } /** * Display the Admin page for this Plugin that show the form data saved in the database * @return void */ public function whatsInTheDBPage() { if (isset($_REQUEST['submit_time'])) { $submitTime = $_REQUEST['submit_time']; require_once('ExportEntry.php'); $exp = new ExportEntry(); if (isset($_REQUEST['form_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['form_name'])) { $form = stripslashes($_REQUEST['form_name']); } else { global $wpdb; $table = $this->getSubmitsTableName(); $form = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT form_name from $table where submit_time = %s LIMIT 1", $submitTime)); } ?>
export($form, array('submit_time' => $submitTime, 'filelinks' => 'link')); } else { require_once('CFDBViewWhatsInDB.php'); $view = new CFDBViewWhatsInDB; $view->display($this); } ?>
getOption('UseCustomDateTimeFormat', 'true') == 'true') { CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat = $this->getOption('SubmitDateTimeFormat', 'Y-m-d H:i:s P', true); } else { CF7DBPlugin::$dateFormat = get_option('date_format'); CF7DBPlugin::$timeFormat = get_option('time_format'); } $this->setTimezone(); CF7DBPlugin::$checkForCustomDateFormat = false; } // Support Shamsi(Jalali) dates by looking for a plugin that can produce the correct text for the date if (!function_exists('is_plugin_active') && @file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php')) { include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); } if (function_exists('is_plugin_active')) { // See if wp-parsidate is active and if so, have it convert the date // using its 'parsidate' function if (is_plugin_active('wp-parsidate/wp-parsidate.php')) { if (function_exists('parsidate')) { if (CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat) { return parsidate(CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat, $time); } else { return parsidate(CF7DBPlugin::$dateFormat . ' ' . CF7DBPlugin::$timeFormat, $time); } } } // See if wp-jalali is active and if so, have it convert the date // using its 'jdate' function else if (is_plugin_active('wp-jalali/wp-jalali.php')) { $jDateFile = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-jalali/inc/jalali-core.php'; if(@file_exists($jDateFile)) { include_once($jDateFile); if (function_exists('jdate')) { //return jdate('l, F j, Y'); if (CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat) { return jdate(CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat, $time); } else { return jdate(CF7DBPlugin::$dateFormat . ' ' . CF7DBPlugin::$timeFormat, $time); } } } } } if (CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat) { return date(CF7DBPlugin::$customDateFormat, $time); } else { return date_i18n(CF7DBPlugin::$dateFormat . ' ' . CF7DBPlugin::$timeFormat, $time); } } /** * @param $submitTime string PK for form submission * @param $formName string * @param $fieldName string * @return string URL to download file */ public function getFileUrl($submitTime, $formName, $fieldName) { return sprintf('%saction=cfdb-file&s=%s&form=%s&field=%s', $this->getAdminUrlPrefix('admin-ajax.php'), $submitTime, urlencode($formName), urlencode($fieldName)); } /** * Returns admin_url with a trailing "?" or "&" ready for parameters to be appended to it. * It check the output of admin_url() for a "?" * The reason for this method is to deal with installations that have WPML which injects * a "?lang=ca" after the admin/ajax urls * * @param $path string * @return string */ public function getAdminUrlPrefix($path) { $url = admin_url($path); if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { return $url . '?'; } else { return $url . '&'; } } public function getFormFieldsAjaxUrlBase() { return $this->getAdminUrlPrefix('admin-ajax.php') . 'action=cfdb-getFormFields&form='; } public function getValidateSubmitTimeAjaxUrlBase() { return $this->getAdminUrlPrefix('admin-ajax.php') . 'action=cfdb-validate-submit_time&submit_time='; } /** * @return array of string */ public function getNoSaveFields() { return $this->parseOption($this->getOption('NoSaveFields')); } /** * @return array of string */ public function getNoSaveForms() { return $this->parseOption($this->getOption('NoSaveForms')); } /** * Parse option string that is a comma-delimited set of stings (some of which may be regex's with commas in them) * @param $option string * @return array */ public function parseOption($option) { // return preg_split('/,|;/', $option, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $values = array(); if ($option) { $regex = false; $esc = false; $value = ''; $len = strlen($option); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if ($regex && !$esc && $option[$i] == '\\') { $esc = true; $value .= $option[$i]; continue; } if (!$value && $option[$i] == '/') { $regex = true; $value .= $option[$i]; continue; } if (!$regex) { if ($option[$i] == ',') { if ($value) { $values[] = $value; } $value = ''; } else { $value .= $option[$i]; } } else { if ($option[$i] == '/' && !$esc) { $regex = false; } $value .= $option[$i]; } $esc = false; } if ($value) { $values[] = $value; } } return $values; } /** * @return array of string */ public function getSaveCookies() { return $this->parseOption($this->getOption('SaveCookieNames')); } /** * @return string */ public function getSubmitsTableName_raw() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . strtolower($this->prefix('SUBMITS')); } public function getSTTableName_raw() { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . strtolower($this->prefix('ST')); } /** * @return string */ public function getSubmitsTableName() { $tableName = $this->getSubmitsTableName_raw(); if (! $this->isTableDefined($tableName)) { // This should correct for missing tables and dynamically add them // in multisite configurations $this->installDatabaseTables(); } return $tableName; } public function getSTTableName() { $tableName = $this->getSTTableName_raw(); if (! $this->isTableDefined($tableName)) { // This should correct for missing tables and dynamically add them // in multisite configurations $this->installDatabaseTables(); } return $tableName; } var $cacheIsTableDefined = false; public function isTableDefined($tableName) { if ($this->cacheIsTableDefined) { return true; } global $wpdb; $rows = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$tableName'"); $this->cacheIsTableDefined = !empty($rows); return $this->cacheIsTableDefined; } /** * @return string URL to the Plugin directory. Includes ending "/" */ public function getPluginDirUrl() { //return WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/' . str_replace(basename(__FILE__), '', plugin_basename(__FILE__)); return $this->getPluginFileUrl('/'); } /** * @param string $pathRelativeToThisPluginRoot points to a file with relative path from * this plugin's root dir. I.e. file "des.js" in the root of this plugin has * url = $this->getPluginFileUrl('des.js'); * If it was in a sub-folder "js" then you would use * $this->getPluginFileUrl('js/des.js'); * @return string full url to input file */ public function getPluginFileUrl($pathRelativeToThisPluginRoot = '') { return plugins_url($pathRelativeToThisPluginRoot, __FILE__); } /** * @return string URL of the language translation file for DataTables oLanguage.sUrl parameter * or null if it does not exist. */ public function getDataTableTranslationUrl() { $url = null; $locale = get_locale(); $i18nDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/dt_i18n/'; // See if there is a local file if (is_readable($i18nDir . $locale . '.json')) { $url = $this->getPluginFileUrl() . "/dt_i18n/$locale.json"; } else { // Pull the language code from the $local string // which is expected to look like "en_US" // where the first 2 or 3 letters are for lang followed by '_' $lang = null; if (substr($locale, 2, 1) == '_') { // 2-letter language codes $lang = substr($locale, 0, 2); } else if (substr($locale, 3, 1) == '_') { // 3-letter language codes $lang = substr($locale, 0, 3); } if ($lang && is_readable($i18nDir . $lang . '.json')) { $url = $this->getPluginFileUrl() . "/dt_i18n/$lang.json"; } } return $url; } public function setTimezone() { $timezone = trim($this->getOption('Timezone')); if (empty($timezone)) { $timezone = get_option('timezone_string'); } if (!empty($timezone)) { date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } } /** * @return boolean Is the CFDB Editor extension installed? */ public function isEditorInstalled() { return get_option('CFDBEditPlugin__installed', false) == true; } /** * @return string|null get the CFDB Editor extension version string. * return null if not installed */ public function getEditorSavedVersion() { return get_option('CFDBEditPlugin__version', null); } /** * @return array of CFDB Editor plugin data, see: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_plugin_data */ public function getEditorPluginData() { $editPluginFile = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/contact-form-to-database-extension-edit/contact-form-to-database-extension-edit.php'; if(@file_exists($editPluginFile)) { $pluginData = get_plugin_data($editPluginFile); if (is_array($pluginData)) { return $pluginData; } } return array(); } /** * @return bool if CFDB Editor extension plugin is activated */ public function isEditorActive() { $editPluginFile = 'contact-form-to-database-extension-edit/contact-form-to-database-extension-edit.php'; return function_exists('is_plugin_active') && is_plugin_active($editPluginFile); } public function addAdminNotices() { if (!$this->isEditorActive()) { return; } $requiredEditorVersion = '1.4.3'; $editorData = $this->getEditorPluginData(); if (isset($editorData['Version'])) { if (version_compare($editorData['Version'], $requiredEditorVersion) == -1) { $editorPluginName = version_compare($editorData['Version'], '1.4', '<') ? 'Contact Form to DB Extension Edit' : 'Contact Form DB Editor'; ?>

getSubmitsTableName(); $formsFromQuery = $wpdb->get_results("select distinct `form_name` from `$tableName` order by `form_name`"); foreach ($formsFromQuery as $aRow) { $forms[] = $aRow->form_name; } return $forms; } /** * return CFDBErrorLog */ public function getErrorLog() { $destination = trim($this->getOption('ErrorOutput', '', true)); return new CFDBErrorLog($this, $destination); } }