DELETE FROM `apw_Settings` WHERE `apw_Settings`.`name` = 'senderAddressHeader'; DELETE FROM `apw_Settings` WHERE `apw_Settings`.`name` = 'senderStateCode'; DELETE FROM `apw_Settings` WHERE `apw_Settings`.`name` = 'senderZipCode'; ALTER TABLE `apw_Sponsor` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `categoryId` ) REFERENCES `apw_SponsorCategory` ( `id` ) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE ; INSERT INTO `apw_Settings` ( `name` , `idCategory` , `fieldType` , `label` , `value` , `options` , `description` , `required` , `system` , `sorter` , `added` , `changed` ) VALUES ( 'committeeChangesHeader', '2', 'header', '', 'Committee Changes', '', '', 'n', 'n', '640', NOW( ) , NOW( ) ), ( 'committeeChangesSubject', '2', 'text', 'Subject', 'Member has made changes to committee', '', '', 'y', 'n', '650', NOW( ) , NOW( ) ), ( 'committeeChangesFrom', '2', 'text', 'From Email Address', 'APWA-MN ', '', '', 'y', 'n', '660', NOW( ) , NOW( ) ), ( 'committeeChangesTo', '2', 'emails', 'To Email Address(es)', '', '', 'Use commas to separate email addresses', 'n', 'n', '670', NOW( ) , NOW( ) ), ( 'committeeChangesBodyEventAdded', '2', 'HtmlEditor', 'New Event Has Been Added', 'New event "{eventName}" has been added to {committeeName} committee by {memberFirstName} {memberLastName}.', '', 'Constants: {eventName}, {eventLink}, {linkToCommitteeEvents}, {committeeName}, {memberLink}, {memberFirstName}, {memberLastName}', 'y', 'n', '680', NOW(), NOW()), ( 'committeeChangesBodyEventDeleted', '2', 'HtmlEditor', 'Event Has Been Deleted', 'Event "{eventName}" has been deleted from {committeeName} committee by {memberFirstName} {memberLastName}.', '', 'Constants: {eventName}, {linkToCommitteeEvents}, {committeeName}, {memberLink}, {memberFirstName}, {memberLastName}', 'y', 'n', '690', NOW(), NOW() ), ( 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentAdded', '2', 'HtmlEditor', 'New Document Has Been Added', 'New document "{documentName}" has been added to "{committeeName}" committee by {memberFirstName} {memberLastName}.', '', 'Constants: {documentName}, {documentLink}, {linkToCommitteeDocuments}, {committeeName}, {memberLink}, {memberFirstName}, {memberLastName} ', 'y', 'n', '700', NOW(), NOW() ), ( 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentDeleted', '2', 'HtmlEditor', 'Document Has Been Deleted', 'Document "{documentName}" has been deleted from "{committeeName}" committee by {memberFirstName} {memberLastName}.', '', 'Constants: {documentName}, {linkToCommitteeDocuments}, {committeeName}, {memberLink}, {memberFirstName}, {memberLastName} ', 'y', 'n', '710', NOW(), NOW() ) ; INSERT INTO `apw_SettingsOptions` ( `id` , `name` , `variable` , `value` , `type` , `sorter` ) VALUES ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventAdded', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventAdded', 'height', '100', 'int', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventAdded', 'toolbar', 'Basic', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventAdded', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL ); INSERT INTO `apw_SettingsOptions` ( `id` , `name` , `variable` , `value` , `type` , `sorter` ) VALUES ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventDeleted', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventDeleted', 'height', '100', 'int', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventDeleted', 'toolbar', 'Basic', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyEventDeleted', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL ); INSERT INTO `apw_SettingsOptions` ( `id` , `name` , `variable` , `value` , `type` , `sorter` ) VALUES ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentAdded', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentAdded', 'height', '100', 'int', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentAdded', 'toolbar', 'Basic', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentAdded', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL ); INSERT INTO `apw_SettingsOptions` ( `id` , `name` , `variable` , `value` , `type` , `sorter` ) VALUES ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentDeleted', 'scriptOptions[enterMode]', '2', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentDeleted', 'height', '100', 'int', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentDeleted', 'toolbar', 'Basic', 'string', NULL ), ( NULL , 'committeeChangesBodyDocumentDeleted', 'mode', 'view', 'string', NULL );