owner = self::_validate_property( 'owner', $owner ); $this->post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : et_core_page_resource_get_the_ID(); $this->type = self::_validate_property( 'type', $type ); $this->location = self::_validate_property( 'location', $location ); $this->write_file_location = $this->location; $slug = sanitize_text_field( $slug ); $global = 'global' === $post_id ? '-global' : ''; $this->filename = "et-{$this->owner}-{$slug}{$global}"; $this->slug = "{$this->filename}-cached-inline-{$this->type}s"; $this->data = array(); $this->priority = $priority; self::startup(); $this->_initialize_resource(); } /** * Activates the class */ public static function startup() { if ( null !== self::$_resources ) { // Class has already been initialized return; } $time = (string) microtime( true ); $time = str_replace( '.', '', $time ); $rand = (string) mt_rand(); self::$_request_time = $time; self::$_request_id = "{$time}-{$rand}"; self::$_resources = array(); self::$data_utils = new ET_Core_Data_Utils(); foreach ( self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS as $location ) { self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ] = array(); } foreach( self::$_SCOPES as $scope ) { self::$_resources_by_scope[ $scope ] = array(); } self::$WP_CONTENT_DIR = self::$data_utils->normalize_path( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); self::$_LOCK_FILE = self::$_request_id . '~'; self::_register_callbacks(); self::_setup_wp_filesystem(); } /** * Updates our resource array in the database if needed. */ public static function shutdown() { if ( ! self::$_resources || ! self::$_can_write ) { return; } // Remove any leftover temporary directories that belong to this request foreach ( self::$_TEMP_DIRS as $temp_directory ) { if ( file_exists( $temp_directory . '/' . self::$_LOCK_FILE ) ) { @self::$wpfs->delete( $temp_directory, true ); } } } protected static function _assign_output_location( $location, $resource ) { $priority_existed = isset( self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ][ $resource->priority ] ); self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ][ $resource->priority ][ $resource->slug ] = $resource; if ( ! $priority_existed ) { // We've added a new priority to the list, so put them back in sorted order. ksort( self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ], SORT_NUMERIC ); } } /** * Enqueues static file for provided script resource. * * @param ET_Core_PageResource $resource */ protected static function _enqueue_script( $resource ) { $can_enqueue = 0 === did_action( 'wp_print_scripts' ); if ( $can_enqueue ) { wp_enqueue_script( $resource->slug, set_url_scheme( $resource->URL ), array(), ET_CORE_VERSION, true ); } else { printf( '', esc_attr( $resource->slug ), esc_url( set_url_scheme( $resource->URL ) ) ); } $resource->enqueued = true; } /** * Enqueues static file for provided style resource. * * @param ET_Core_PageResource $resource */ protected static function _enqueue_style( $resource ) { if ( 'footer' === self::$current_output_location ) { return; } $can_enqueue = 0 === did_action( 'wp_print_styles' ); if ( $can_enqueue ) { wp_enqueue_style( $resource->slug, set_url_scheme( $resource->URL ) ); } else { printf( '', esc_attr( $resource->slug ), esc_url( set_url_scheme( $resource->URL ) ), self::$_onerror, self::$_onload ); } $resource->enqueued = true; } /** * Returns the next output location. * * @see self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS * * @return string */ protected static function _get_next_output_location() { $current_index = array_search( self::$current_output_location, self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS ); if ( false === $current_index || ! is_int( $current_index ) ) { ET_Core_Logger::error( '$current_output_location is invalid!' ); } $current_index += 1; return self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS[ $current_index ]; } /** * Creates static resource files for an output location if needed. * * @param string $location {@link self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS} */ protected static function _maybe_create_static_resources( $location ) { self::$current_output_location = $location; $sorted_resources = self::get_resources_by_output_location( $location ); foreach ( $sorted_resources as $priority => $resources ) { foreach ( $resources as $slug => $resource ) { if ( $resource->write_file_location !== $location ) { // This resource's static file needs to be generated later on. self::_assign_output_location( $resource->write_file_location, $resource ); continue; } if ( ! self::$_can_write ) { // The reason we don't simply check this before looping through resources and // bail if it fails is because we need to perform the output location assignment // in the previous conditional regardless (otherwise builder styles will break). continue; } if ( $resource->forced_inline || $resource->has_file() ) { continue; } $data = $resource->get_data( 'file' ); if ( empty( $data ) && 'footer' !== $location ) { // This resource doesn't have any data yet so we'll assign it to the next output location. $next_location = self::_get_next_output_location(); $resource->set_output_location( $next_location ); continue; } if ( empty( $data ) ) { continue; } // Make sure directory exists. if ( ! self::$data_utils->ensure_directory_exists( $resource->BASE_DIR ) ) { self::$_can_write = false; return; } $can_continue = true; // Try to create a temporary directory which we'll use as a pseudo file lock if ( @mkdir( $resource->TEMP_DIR, 0755 ) ) { self::$_TEMP_DIRS[] = $resource->TEMP_DIR; // Make sure another request doesn't delete our temp directory $lock_file = $resource->TEMP_DIR . '/' . self::$_LOCK_FILE; self::$wpfs->put_contents( $lock_file, '' ); // Create the static resource file if ( ! self::$wpfs->put_contents( $resource->PATH, $data, 0644 ) ) { // There's no point in continuing self::$_can_write = $can_continue = false; } else { // Remove the temporary directory self::$wpfs->delete( $resource->TEMP_DIR, true ); } } else if ( file_exists( $resource->TEMP_DIR ) ) { // The static resource file is currently being created by another request continue; } else { // Failed for some other reason. There's no point in continuing self::$_can_write = $can_continue = false; return; } if ( ! $can_continue ) { return; } if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ) { define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true ); } } } } /** * Enqueues static files for an output location if available. * * @param string $location {@link self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS} */ protected static function _maybe_enqueue_static_resources( $location ) { $sorted_resources = self::get_resources_by_output_location( $location ); foreach ( $sorted_resources as $priority => $resources ) { foreach ( $resources as $slug => $resource ) { if ( $resource->disabled ) { // Resource is disabled. Remove it from the queue. self::_unassign_output_location( $location, $resource ); continue; } if ( $resource->forced_inline || ! $resource->URL || ! $resource->has_file() ) { continue; } if ( 'style' === $resource->type ) { self::_enqueue_style( $resource ); } else if ( 'script' === $resource->type ) { self::_enqueue_script( $resource ); } if ( $resource->enqueued ) { self::_unassign_output_location( $location, $resource ); } } } } /** * Outputs all non-enqueued resources for an output location inline. * * @param string $location {@link self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS} */ protected static function _maybe_output_inline_resources( $location ) { $sorted_resources = self::get_resources_by_output_location( $location ); foreach ( $sorted_resources as $priority => $resources ) { foreach ( $resources as $slug => $resource ) { if ( $resource->disabled ) { // Resource is disabled. Remove it from the queue. self::_unassign_output_location( $location, $resource ); continue; } $data = $resource->get_data( 'inline' ); $same_write_file_location = $resource->write_file_location === $resource->location; if ( empty( $data ) && 'footer' !== $location && $same_write_file_location ) { // This resource doesn't have any data yet so we'll assign it to the next output location. $next_location = self::_get_next_output_location(); $resource->set_output_location( $next_location ); continue; } else if ( empty( $data ) ) { continue; } printf( '<%1$s id="%2$s">%3$s', esc_html( $resource->type ), esc_attr( $resource->slug ), wp_strip_all_tags( $data ) ); if ( $same_write_file_location ) { // File wasn't created during this location's callback and it won't be created later $resource->inlined = true; } } } } /** * Registers necessary callbacks. */ protected static function _register_callbacks() { $class = 'ET_Core_PageResource'; // Output Location: head-early, right after theme styles have been enqueued. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $class, 'head_early_output_cb' ), 11 ); // Output Location: head, right BEFORE the theme and wp's custom css. add_action( 'wp_head', array( $class, 'head_output_cb' ), 99 ); // Output Location: head-late, right AFTER the theme and wp's custom css. add_action( 'wp_head', array( $class, 'head_late_output_cb' ), 103 ); // Output Location: footer add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $class, 'footer_output_cb' ), 20 ); // Always delete cached resources for a post upon saving. add_action( 'save_post', array( $class, 'save_post_cb' ), 10, 3 ); // Always delete cached resources for theme customizer upon saving. add_action( 'customize_save_after', array( $class, 'customize_save_after_cb') ); // Add fallback callbacks (lol) to link/script tags add_filter( 'style_loader_tag', array( $class, 'link_and_script_tags_filter_cb' ), 999, 2 ); } /** * Initializes the WPFilesystem class. */ protected static function _setup_wp_filesystem() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; if ( null !== self::$wpfs ) { return; } if ( ! self::can_write_to_filesystem() || ! WP_Filesystem( true ) ) { self::$_can_write = false; return; } global $wp_filesystem; self::$wpfs = $wp_filesystem; } /** * Unassign a resource from an output location. * * @param string $location {@link self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS} * @param ET_Core_PageResource $resource */ protected static function _unassign_output_location( $location, $resource ) { unset( self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ][ $resource->priority ][ $resource->slug ] ); } protected static function _validate_property( $property, $value ) { $valid_values = array( 'location' => self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS, 'owner' => self::$_OWNERS, 'type' => self::$_TYPES, ); switch( $property ) { case 'path': $value = self::$data_utils->normalize_path( realpath( $value ) ); $is_valid = 0 === strpos( $value, self::$WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/et' ); break; case 'url': $content_url = content_url( '/cache/et' ); $is_valid = 0 === strpos( $value, set_url_scheme( $content_url, 'http' ) ); $is_valid = $is_valid ? $is_valid : 0 === strpos( $value, set_url_scheme( $content_url, 'https' ) ); break; case 'post_id': $is_valid = 'global' === $value || 'all' === $value || is_numeric( $value ); break; default: $is_valid = isset( $valid_values[ $property ] ) && in_array( $value, $valid_values[ $property ] ); break; } return $is_valid ? $value : ''; } /** * Whether or not we are able to write to the filesystem. * * @return bool */ public static function can_write_to_filesystem() { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; if ( null === self::$_can_write ) { self::$_can_write = 'direct' === get_filesystem_method( array(), self::$WP_CONTENT_DIR ); } return self::$_can_write; } /** * Output Location: footer * {@see 'wp_footer' (20) Allow third-party extensions some room to do what they do} */ public static function footer_output_cb() { self::_maybe_create_static_resources( 'footer' ); self::_maybe_enqueue_static_resources( 'footer' ); self::_maybe_output_inline_resources( 'footer' ); } /** * Returns the absolute path to our cache directory. * * @param string $path_type The desired path type. Accepts 'absolute', 'relative'. Default 'absolute'. * * @return string */ public static function get_cache_directory( $path_type = 'absolute' ) { if ( 'absolute' === $path_type ) { $cache_dir = self::$WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/et'; } else { $cache_dir = 'cache/et'; } if ( is_multisite() ) { $site = get_site(); $network_id = $site->site_id; $site_id = $site->blog_id; $cache_dir = "${cache_dir}/{$network_id}/{$site_id}"; } return $cache_dir; } /** * Returns all current resources. * * @return array {@link self::$_resources} */ public static function get_resources() { return self::$_resources; } /** * Returns the current resources for the provided output location, sorted by priority. * * @param string $location The desired output location {@see self::$_OUTPUT_LOCATIONS}. * * @return array[] { * * @type ET_Core_PageResource[] $priority { * * @type ET_Core_PageResource $slug Resource. * ... * } * ... * } */ public static function get_resources_by_output_location( $location ) { return self::$_resources_by_location[ $location ]; } /** * Returns the current resources for the provided scope. * * @param string $scope The desired scope (post|global). * * @return ET_Core_PageResource[] */ public static function get_resources_by_scope( $scope ) { return self::$_resources_by_scope[ $scope ]; } /** * Output Location: head-early * {@see 'wp_enqueue_scripts' (11) Should run right after the theme enqueues its styles.} */ public static function head_early_output_cb() { self::_maybe_create_static_resources( 'head-early' ); self::_maybe_enqueue_static_resources( 'head-early' ); self::_maybe_output_inline_resources( 'head-early' ); } /** * Output Location: head * {@see 'wp_head' (99) Must run BEFORE the theme and WP's custom css callbacks.} */ public static function head_output_cb() { self::_maybe_create_static_resources( 'head' ); self::_maybe_enqueue_static_resources( 'head' ); self::_maybe_output_inline_resources( 'head' ); } /** * Output Location: head-late * {@see 'wp_head' (103) Must run AFTER the theme and WP's custom css callbacks.} */ public static function head_late_output_cb() { self::_maybe_create_static_resources( 'head-late' ); self::_maybe_enqueue_static_resources( 'head-late' ); self::_maybe_output_inline_resources( 'head-late' ); } /** * Adds fallback handlers to the link and script tags of our page resources. * {@see 'style_loader_tag'} * {@see 'script_loader_tag'} */ public static function link_and_script_tags_filter_cb( $tag, $handle ) { if ( ! isset( self::$_resources[ $handle ] ) ) { return $tag; } if ( function_exists( 'et_get_option' ) && 'off' === et_get_option( 'et_pb_static_css_file', 'on' ) ) { return $tag; } $existing_onerror = "/(?<=onerror=')(.*?)(;?')/"; $existing_onload = "/(?<=onload=')(.*?)(;?')/"; // Internet Explorer :face_with_rolling_eyes: $onerror_callback = self::$_onerror; $onload_callback = self::$_onload; $onerror_replacement = $onerror_callback . ';$1'; $onload_replacement = $onload_callback . ';$1'; $tag = preg_replace( $existing_onerror, $onerror_replacement, $tag, 1, $onerror_replaced_count ); $tag = preg_replace( $existing_onload, $onload_replacement, $tag, 1, $onload_replaced_count ); if ( 1 === $onerror_replaced_count && 1 === $onload_replaced_count ) { return $tag; } if ( 1 !== $onerror_replaced_count ) { $tag = str_replace( '/>', "onerror='{$onerror_callback}' />", $tag ); } if ( 1 !== $onload_replaced_count ) { $tag = str_replace( '/>', "onload='{$onload_callback}' />", $tag ); } return $tag; } /** * {@see 'customize_save_after'} * * @param WP_Customize_Manager $manager */ public static function customize_save_after_cb( $manager ) { self::remove_static_resources( 'all', 'all' ); } /** * {@see 'save_post'} * * @param int $post_id * @param WP_Post $post * @param bool $update */ public static function save_post_cb( $post_id, $post, $update ) { if ( ! $update ) { return; } $post_types = array( 'post', 'page', 'project' ); if ( function_exists( 'et_builder_get_builder_post_types' ) ) { $post_types = array_merge( $post_types, et_builder_get_builder_post_types() ); } if ( ! in_array( $post->post_type, $post_types ) ) { return; } self::remove_static_resources( $post_id, 'all' ); } /** * Remove static resources for a post, or optionally all resources, if any exist. * * @param string|int $post_id * @param string $owner */ public static function remove_static_resources( $post_id, $owner = 'core', $force = false ) { if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) { return; } if ( ! wp_doing_cron() && ! et_core_security_check_passed( 'edit_posts' ) ) { return; } if ( ! self::can_write_to_filesystem() ) { return; } if ( ! self::$data_utils ) { self::startup(); } $post_id = self::_validate_property( 'post_id', $post_id ); $owner = self::_validate_property( 'owner', $owner ); if ( '' === $owner || '' === $post_id ) { return; } $_post_id = 'all' === $post_id ? '*' : $post_id; $_owner = 'all' === $owner ? '*' : $owner; $cache_dir = self::get_cache_directory(); $files = array_merge( (array) glob( "{$cache_dir}/et-{$_owner}-*" ), (array) glob( "{$cache_dir}/{$_post_id}/et-{$_owner}-*" ) ); foreach( (array) $files as $file ) { $file = self::$data_utils->normalize_path( $file ); if ( 0 !== strpos( $file, self::$WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/cache/et' ) ) { // File is not located inside cache directory so skip it. continue; } if ( is_file( $file ) ) { self::$wpfs->delete( $file ); } } // Remove empty directories self::$data_utils->remove_empty_directories( $cache_dir ); // Clear cache managed by 3rd-party cache plugins et_core_clear_wp_cache( $post_id ); // Set our DONOTCACHEPAGE file for the next request. self::$data_utils->ensure_directory_exists( $cache_dir ); self::$wpfs->put_contents( $cache_dir . '/DONOTCACHEPAGE', '' ); if ( $force ) { delete_option( 'et_core_page_resource_remove_all' ); } } public static function wpfs() { if ( null !== self::$wpfs ) { return self::$wpfs; } self::startup(); if ( null === self::$wpfs ) { // We aren't able to write to the filesystem so let's just make sure `self::$wpfs` // is an instance of the filesystem base class so that calling it won't cause errors. include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'; self::$wpfs = new WP_Filesystem_Base(); } return self::$wpfs; } protected function _initialize_resource() { if ( ! self::can_write_to_filesystem() ) { $this->BASE_DIR = $this->TEMP_DIR = $this->PATH = $this->URL = ''; $this->_register_resource(); return; } $file_extension = 'style' === $this->type ? '.min.css' : '.min.js'; $absolute_path = self::get_cache_directory(); $relative_path = self::get_cache_directory( 'relative' ); $files = glob( $absolute_path . "/{$this->post_id}/{$this->filename}-[0-9]*{$file_extension}" ); if ( $files ) { // Static resource file exists $file = array_pop( $files ); $this->PATH = self::$data_utils->normalize_path( $file ); $this->BASE_DIR = dirname( $this->PATH ); $start = strpos( $this->PATH, 'cache/et' ); $this->URL = content_url( substr( $this->PATH, $start ) ); if ( $files ) { // Somehow there are multiple files for this resource. Let's delete the extras. foreach ( $files as $extra_file ) { ET_Core_Logger::debug( 'Removing extra page resource file: ' . $extra_file ); @self::$wpfs->delete( $extra_file ); } } } else { // Static resource file doesn't exist $time = self::$_request_time; $relative_path .= "/{$this->post_id}/{$this->filename}-{$time}{$file_extension}"; $absolute_path .= "/{$this->post_id}/{$this->filename}-{$time}{$file_extension}"; $this->BASE_DIR = self::$data_utils->normalize_path( dirname( $absolute_path ) ); $this->TEMP_DIR = $this->BASE_DIR . "/{$this->slug}~"; $this->PATH = $absolute_path; $this->URL = content_url( $relative_path ); } $this->_register_resource(); } protected function _register_resource() { $this->enqueued = false; $this->inlined = false; $scope = 'global' === $this->post_id ? 'global' : 'post'; self::$_resources[ $this->slug ] = $this; self::$_resources_by_scope[ $scope ][ $this->slug ] = $this; self::_assign_output_location( $this->location, $this ); } public function get_data( $context ) { $result = ''; ksort( $this->data, SORT_NUMERIC ); /** * Filters the resource's data array. * * @since 3.0.52 * * @param array[] $data { * * @type string[] $priority Resource data. * ... * } * @param string $context Where the data will be used. Accepts 'inline', 'file'. * @param ET_Core_PageResource $resource The resource instance. */ $resource_data = apply_filters( 'et_core_page_resource_get_data', $this->data, $context, $this ); foreach ( $resource_data as $priority => $data_part ) { foreach ( $data_part as $data ) { $result .= $data; } } return $result; } /** * Whether or not a static resource exists on the filesystem for this instance. * * @return bool */ public function has_file() { if ( ! self::$wpfs || empty( $this->PATH ) || ! self::can_write_to_filesystem() ) { return false; } return self::$wpfs->exists( $this->PATH ); } /** * Set the resource's data. * * @param string $data * @param int $priority */ public function set_data( $data, $priority = 10 ) { if ( 'style' === $this->type ) { $data = et_core_data_utils_minify_css( $data ); // Remove empty media queries // @media only..and (feature:value) { } $pattern = '/@media\s+([\w\s]+)?\([\w-]+:[\w\d-]+\)\{\s*\}/'; $data = preg_replace( $pattern, '', $data ); } $this->data[ $priority ][] = trim( strip_tags( str_replace( '\n', '', $data ) ) ); } public function set_output_location( $location ) { if ( ! self::_validate_property( 'location', $location ) ) { return; } $current_location = $this->location; self::_assign_output_location( $location, $this ); self::_unassign_output_location( $current_location, $this ); $this->location = $location; } public function unregister_resource() { $scope = 'global' === $this->post_id ? 'global' : 'post'; unset( self::$_resources[ $this->slug ], self::$_resources_by_scope[ $scope ][ $this->slug ] ); self::_unassign_output_location( $this->location, $this ); } }