{'file'}->attributes(); return (string) $file_attributes['original']; } /** * @param SimpleXMLElement $xliff * * @return stdClass|void|WP_Error */ protected function get_job_for_xliff( $xliff ) { $identifier = $this->identifier_from_xliff( $xliff ); $job_identifier_parts = explode( '-', (string) $identifier ); if ( sizeof( $job_identifier_parts ) == 2 && is_numeric( $job_identifier_parts[0] ) ) { $job_id = $job_identifier_parts[0]; $job_id = apply_filters( 'wpml_job_id', $job_id ); $md5 = $job_identifier_parts[1]; /** @var stdClass $job */ $job = $this->job_factory->get_translation_job( (int) $job_id, false, 1, false ); if ( ! $job || $md5 != md5( $job_id . $job->original_doc_id ) ) { $job = $this->does_not_belong_error(); } } else { $job = $this->invalid_xliff_error(); } return $job; } /** * @param $xliff_node * * @return string */ protected function get_xliff_node_target( $xliff_node ) { $target = ''; if ( isset( $xliff_node->target->mrk ) ) { $target = (string) $xliff_node->target->mrk; } elseif ( isset( $xliff_node->target ) ) { $target = (string) $xliff_node->target; } return $target; } protected function generate_job_data( $xliff, $job ) { $data = array( 'job_id' => $job->job_id, 'fields' => array(), 'complete' => 1 ); foreach ( $xliff->file->body->children() as $node ) { $attr = $node->attributes(); $type = (string) $attr['id']; $target = $this->get_xliff_node_target( $node ); if ( ! $this->is_valid_unit_content( $target ) ) { return $this->invalid_xliff_error( array( 'target' ) ); } foreach ( $job->elements as $element ) { if ( strpos( $type, $element->field_type ) === 0 || strpos( $element->field_type, $type ) === 0 ) { $target = str_replace( '
', "\n", $target ); $field = array(); $field['data'] = $target; $field['finished'] = 1; $field['tid'] = $element->tid; $field['field_type'] = $element->field_type; $field['format'] = $element->field_format; $data['fields'][ $element->field_type ] = $field; break; } } } return $data; } protected function validate_file( $name, $content, $current_user ) { $xml = $this->check_xml_file( $name, $content ); $this->error = null; if ( is_wp_error( $xml ) ) { $this->error = $xml; return null; } $job = $this->get_job_for_xliff( $xml ); if ( is_wp_error( $job ) ) { $this->error = $job; return null; } if ( ! $this->is_user_the_job_owner( $current_user, $job ) ) { $this->error = $this->not_the_job_owner_error( $job ); return null; } $job_data = $this->generate_job_data( $xml, $job ); if ( is_wp_error( $job_data ) ) { $this->error = $job_data; return null; } return array( $job, $job_data ); } /** * @param string $filename * @return bool */ function validate_file_name( $filename ) { $ignored_files = apply_filters( 'wpml_xliff_ignored_files', array( '__MACOSX' ) ); return !( preg_match( '/(\/)/', $filename ) || in_array( $filename, $ignored_files, false ) ); } protected function is_user_the_job_owner( $current_user, $job ) { return (int) $current_user->ID === (int) $job->translator_id; } protected function not_the_job_owner_error( $job ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'The translation job (%s) doesn\'t belong to you.', 'wpml-translation-management' ), $job->job_id ); return new WP_Error( 'not_your_job', $message ); } /** * @param string $name * @param string $content * * @return bool|SimpleXMLElement|WP_Error */ protected function check_xml_file( $name, $content ) { $new_error_handler = create_function( '$errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline', 'throw new ErrorException( $errstr, $errno, 1, $errfile, $errline );' ); set_error_handler( $new_error_handler ); try { $xml = simplexml_load_string( $content ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $xml = false; } restore_error_handler(); if ( ! $xml || ! isset( $xml->file ) ) { $xml = $this->not_xml_file_error( $name ); } return $xml; } /** * @return WP_Error */ protected function not_xml_file_error( $name ) { $message = sprintf( __( '"%s" is not a valid XLIFF file.', 'wpml-translation-management' ), $name ); return new WP_Error( 'not_xml_file', $message ); } /** * @param array $missing_data * * @return WP_Error */ protected function invalid_xliff_error( $missing_data = array() ) { $message = __( 'The uploaded xliff file does not seem to be properly formed.', 'wpml-translation-management' ); if ( $missing_data ) { $message .= '
' . __( 'Missing or wrong data:', 'wpml-translation-management' ); if ( count( $missing_data ) > 1 ) { $message .= '
    '; $message .= '
  1. ' . implode( '
  2. ', $missing_data ) . '
  3. '; $message .= '
'; } else { $message .= ' ' . $missing_data[0] . ''; } } return new WP_Error( 'xliff_invalid', $message ); } /** * @return WP_Error */ protected function does_not_belong_error() { return new WP_Error( 'xliff_does_not_match', __( "The uploaded xliff file doesn't belong to this system.", 'wpml-translation-management' ) ); } }