{{ strings.page_title }}

{{ strings.page_subtitle }}

{% for filter_name, filter_value in current_query.filters if filter_value %} {% endfor %} {% for sorter_name, sorter_value in current_query.sorters if sorter_value %} {% endfor %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-filters.twig' with { 'filters': page_filters.all_and_trash } %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-filters.twig' with { 'filters': page_filters.statuses } %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-filters.twig' with { 'filters': page_filters.languages } %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-table-nav.twig' with { 'nav_location': 'top' } %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-table-header.twig' with { 'header_id': 'thead' } %} {% if 0 < feedback_collection|length %} {% for feedback in feedback_collection %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-table-row.twig' with { 'feedback': feedback, 'strings': strings.row_summary, 'has_admin_capabilities': has_admin_capabilities, 'is_in_trash': is_in_trash } only %} {% if not is_in_trash %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-table-row-details.twig' with { 'feedback': feedback, 'strings': strings.row_details, 'has_admin_capabilities': has_admin_capabilities } only %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% include 'feedback-list-page-table-header.twig' with { 'header_id': 'tfoot' } %}
{{ strings.no_feedback }}
{% include 'feedback-list-page-table-nav.twig' with { 'nav_location': 'bottom' } %}