# This file was generated by WPML
# WPML is a WordPress plugin that can turn any WordPress site into a full featured multilingual content management system.
# https://wpml.org
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
# //success
# $ret['success'] = sprintf(__('WPML will work on your site, but you will not receive updates. WPML updates are essential for keeping your site running smoothly and secure. To receive automated updates, you need to complete the registration, in the %splugins admin%s page.', 'sitepress'),
# '', '');
msgid "WPML will work on your site, but you will not receive updates. WPML updates are essential for keeping your site running smoothly and secure. To receive automated updates, you need to complete the registration, in the %splugins admin%s page."
msgstr ""
# if(empty($_POST['installer_site_key'])){
# $ret['error'] = __('Missing site key.');
# }else{
msgid "Missing site key."
msgstr ""
# //success
# $ret['success'] = __('Thank you for registering WPML on this site. You will receive automatic updates when new versions are available.', 'sitepress');
# }
msgid "Thank you for registering WPML on this site. You will receive automatic updates when new versions are available."
msgstr ""
# if(1 == count($iclsettings['hidden_languages'])){
# $out = sprintf(__('%s is currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress'),
# $active_languages[$iclsettings['hidden_languages'][0]]['display_name']);
msgid "%s is currently hidden to visitors."
msgstr ""
# $hlangs = join(', ', $_hlngs);
# $out = sprintf(__('%s are currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress'), $hlangs);
# }
msgid "%s are currently hidden to visitors."
msgstr ""
# }
# $out .= ' ' . sprintf(__('You can enable its/their display for yourself, in your profile page.', 'sitepress'),
# 'profile.php#wpml');
msgid "You can enable its/their display for yourself, in your profile page."
msgstr ""
# } else {
# $out = __('All languages are currently displayed.', 'sitepress');
# }
msgid "All languages are currently displayed."
msgstr ""
# echo ''
# . __( 'Error: No custom field', 'sitepress' ) . '';
# die();
msgid "Error: No custom field"
msgstr ""
# echo ''
# . __( 'Error: Please provide translation action', 'sitepress' ) . '';
# die();
msgid "Error: Please provide translation action"
msgstr ""
# $iclTranslationManagement->save_settings();
# echo '' . __( 'Settings updated', 'sitepress' ) . '';
# } else {
msgid "Settings updated"
msgstr ""
# echo ''
# . __( 'Error: WPML Translation Management plugin not initiated', 'sitepress' )
# . '';
msgid "Error: WPML Translation Management plugin not initiated"
msgstr ""
# echo ''
# . __( 'Error: Please activate WPML Translation Management plugin', 'sitepress' )
# . '';
msgid "Error: Please activate WPML Translation Management plugin"
msgstr ""
# 'icl_duplicate_message' => $success,
# 'icl_duplicate_fail' => __( 'Unable to remove relationship!', 'sitepress' ),
# );
msgid "Unable to remove relationship!"
msgstr ""
# public function localize_scripts() {
# $success = _x( 'You are updating a duplicate post.', '1/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent', 'sitepress' ) . "\n";
# $success .= _x( 'To not lose your changes, WPML will set this post to be translated independently.', '2/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent', 'sitepress' ) . "\n";
msgctxt "1/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent"
msgid "You are updating a duplicate post."
msgstr ""
# $success = _x( 'You are updating a duplicate post.', '1/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent', 'sitepress' ) . "\n";
# $success .= _x( 'To not lose your changes, WPML will set this post to be translated independently.', '2/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent', 'sitepress' ) . "\n";
# $duplicate_data = array(
msgctxt "2/2 Confirm to make duplicated translations independent"
msgid "To not lose your changes, WPML will set this post to be translated independently."
msgstr ""
# $link_to_taxonomy_translation_screen = $this->build_tag_to_taxonomy_translation( $taxonomy );
# $text = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Translating %s? Use the %s table for easier translation.', 'sitepress' ), $taxonomy->labels->name, $link_to_taxonomy_translation_screen );
# $this->set_notice( new WPML_Notice( $taxonomy->name, $text, self::NOTICE_GROUP ) );
msgid "Translating %s? Use the %s table for easier translation."
msgstr ""
# $notice->add_display_callback( array( $this, 'should_display_help_notice' ) );
# $action = $this->wpml_admin_notices->get_new_notice_action( esc_html__( 'Dismiss', 'sitepress' ), '#', false, false, false );
# $action->set_js_callback( 'wpml_dismiss_taxonomy_translation_notice' );
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr ""
# return '' .
# sprintf( esc_html__( ' %s translation', 'sitepress' ), $taxonomy->labels->singular_name ) . '';
# }
msgid " %s translation"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'title' => __( 'PHP', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "PHP"
msgstr ""
# 'version' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Version', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $php_version,
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
# 'messages' => array(
# __( 'PHP 5.6 and above are recommended. PHP 5.3 is the minimum requirement.', 'sitepress' ) => 'https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/',
# __( 'Find how you can update PHP.', 'sitepress' ) => 'http://www.wpupdatephp.com/update/',
msgid "PHP 5.6 and above are recommended. PHP 5.3 is the minimum requirement."
msgstr ""
# __( 'PHP 5.6 and above are recommended. PHP 5.3 is the minimum requirement.', 'sitepress' ) => 'https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/',
# __( 'Find how you can update PHP.', 'sitepress' ) => 'http://www.wpupdatephp.com/update/',
# ),
msgid "Find how you can update PHP."
msgstr ""
# 'memory_limit' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Memory limit', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $php_memory_limit,
msgid "Memory limit"
msgstr ""
# 'messages' => array(
# __( 'A memory limit of at least 128MB is required.', 'sitepress' ) => 'https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/',
# ),
msgid "A memory limit of at least 128MB is required."
msgstr ""
# 'memory_usage' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Memory usage', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $memory_usage,
msgid "Memory usage"
msgstr ""
# 'max_execution_time' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Max execution time', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $max_execution_time,
msgid "Max execution time"
msgstr ""
# 'max_input_vars' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Max input vars', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $max_input_vars,
msgid "Max input vars"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'title' => __( 'WordPress', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "WordPress"
msgstr ""
# 'messages' => array(
# __( 'WordPress 3.9 or later is required.', 'sitepress' ) => 'https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/',
# ),
msgid "WordPress 3.9 or later is required."
msgstr ""
# 'multisite' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Multisite', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->get_wp_multisite() ? __( 'Yes' ) : __( 'No' ),
msgid "Multisite"
msgstr ""
# 'label' => __( 'Multisite', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->get_wp_multisite() ? __( 'Yes' ) : __( 'No' ),
# ),
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""
# 'label' => __( 'Multisite', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->get_wp_multisite() ? __( 'Yes' ) : __( 'No' ),
# ),
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
# 'max_memory_limit' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Max memory limit', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->get_wp_max_memory_limit(),
msgid "Max memory limit"
msgstr ""
# $blocks['php']['data']['eval_suhosin'] = array(
# 'label' => __( 'eval() availability from Suhosin', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->eval_disabled_by_suhosin() ? __( 'Not available', 'sitepress' ) : __( 'Available', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "eval() availability from Suhosin"
msgstr ""
# 'label' => __( 'eval() availability from Suhosin', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->eval_disabled_by_suhosin() ? __( 'Not available', 'sitepress' ) : __( 'Available', 'sitepress' ),
# 'url' => 'https://suhosin.org/stories/configuration.html#suhosin-executor-disable-eval',
msgid "Not available"
msgstr ""
# 'label' => __( 'eval() availability from Suhosin', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => $this->support_info->eval_disabled_by_suhosin() ? __( 'Not available', 'sitepress' ) : __( 'Available', 'sitepress' ),
# 'url' => 'https://suhosin.org/stories/configuration.html#suhosin-executor-disable-eval',
msgid "Available"
msgstr ""
# 'messages' => array(
# __( 'The eval() PHP function must be enabled.', 'sitepress' ) => 'https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/#eval-usage',
# ),
msgid "The eval() PHP function must be enabled."
msgstr ""
# $model = array(
# 'title' => __( 'Info', 'sitepress' ),
# 'blocks' => $blocks,
msgid "Info"
msgstr ""
# } else {
# wp_send_json_error( esc_html__( 'Invalid request!', 'sitepress' ) );
# }
msgid "Invalid request!"
msgstr ""
# echo '
' . esc_html__( 'WPML', 'sitepress' ) . '
# echo esc_html__( 'Sitemaps for each language can be accessed below. You need to submit all these sitemaps to Google.', 'sitepress' );
msgid "WPML"
msgstr ""
# echo '
' . esc_html__( 'WPML', 'sitepress' ) . '
# echo esc_html__( 'Sitemaps for each language can be accessed below. You need to submit all these sitemaps to Google.', 'sitepress' );
# echo '
msgid "Sitemaps for each language can be accessed below. You need to submit all these sitemaps to Google."
msgstr ""
# if ( ! $response ) {
# wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => esc_html__( 'Invalid nonce.', 'sitepress' ) ) );
# return $response;
msgid "Invalid nonce."
msgstr ""
# 'Server' => array(
# 'jQueryVersion' => wp_script_is( 'jquery', 'registered' ) ? $GLOBALS['wp_scripts']->registered['jquery']->ver : __( 'n/a', 'bbpress' ),
# 'PHPVersion' => $this->sitepress->get_wp_api()->phpversion(),
msgid "n/a"
msgstr ""
# if ( ! array_key_exists( 'post_type', $_POST ) || ! array_key_exists( 'batch_number', $_POST ) ) {
# wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => esc_html__( 'Some parameters are missing for this request.', 'sitepress' ) ) );
# return;
msgid "Some parameters are missing for this request."
msgstr ""
# 'batch_number' => $new_batch_number,
# 'message' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Running now batch #%d', 'sitepress' ), $new_batch_number ),
# );
msgid "Running now batch #%d"
msgstr ""
# $response_data['completed'] = true;
# $response_data['message'] = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Completed: %1$d posts were processed for "%2$s".', 'sitepress' ), $total_posts_processed, $post_type );
# }
msgid "Completed: %1$d posts were processed for \"%2$s\"."
msgstr ""
# 'code' => 'all',
# 'native_name' => __( 'All Languages', 'sitepress' ),
# );
msgid "All Languages"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'label' => __( 'Display on language:', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "Display on language:"
msgstr ""
# 'show_please_select' => true,
# 'please_select_text' => __( '-- Please select --', 'sitepress' ),
# 'selected' => '',
msgid "-- Please select --"
msgstr ""
# if ( ! $errors ) {
# $errors[] = __( 'Error', 'sitepress' );
# }
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
# if ( '' === trim( $url ) ) {
# $errors[] = __( 'The URL of the HTML file is required', 'sitepress' );
msgid "The URL of the HTML file is required"
msgstr ""
# if ( $this->is_external( $url ) ) {
# $errors[] = __( 'You are trying to use an external URL: this is not allowed.', 'sitepress' );
msgid "You are trying to use an external URL: this is not allowed."
msgstr ""
# if ( 200 !== (int) $response['response']['code'] ) {
# $errors[] = __( 'An attempt to open the URL specified as a root page failed with the following error:', 'sitepress' );
# $errors[] = $response['response']['code'] . ': ' . $response['response']['message'];
msgid "An attempt to open the URL specified as a root page failed with the following error:"
msgstr ""
# $permalinks_settings_url = get_admin_url( null, 'options-permalink.php' );
# $save_permalinks_link = '' . _x( 're-save the site permalinks', 'You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 2/2', 'sitepress' ) . '';
# $save_permalinks_message = sprintf( _x( 'You may need to %s.', 'You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 1/2', 'sitepress' ), $save_permalinks_link );
msgctxt "You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 2/2"
msgid "re-save the site permalinks"
msgstr ""
# $save_permalinks_link = '' . _x( 're-save the site permalinks', 'You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 2/2', 'sitepress' ) . '';
# $save_permalinks_message = sprintf( _x( 'You may need to %s.', 'You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 1/2', 'sitepress' ), $save_permalinks_link );
# wp_send_json_success( $save_permalinks_message );
msgctxt "You may need to {re-save the site permalinks} - 1/2"
msgid "You may need to %s."
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'list_navigation' => __( 'Navigation', 'sitepress' ),
# 'first_page' => __( 'First page', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr ""
# 'list_navigation' => __( 'Navigation', 'sitepress' ),
# 'first_page' => __( 'First page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'previous_page' => __( 'Previous page', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "First page"
msgstr ""
# 'first_page' => __( 'First page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'previous_page' => __( 'Previous page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'next_page' => __( 'Next page', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""
# 'previous_page' => __( 'Previous page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'next_page' => __( 'Next page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'last_page' => __( 'Last page', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""
# 'next_page' => __( 'Next page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'last_page' => __( 'Last page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'current_page' => __( 'Current page', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Last page"
msgstr ""
# 'last_page' => __( 'Last page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'current_page' => __( 'Current page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'of' => __( 'of', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Current page"
msgstr ""
# 'current_page' => __( 'Current page', 'sitepress' ),
# 'of' => __( 'of', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "of"
msgstr ""
# 'total_items' => sprintf(
# _n( '%s item', '%s items', $this->pagination->get_total_items(), 'sitepress' ),
# $this->pagination->get_total_items()
msgid "%s item"
msgstr ""
# 'total_items' => sprintf(
# _n( '%s item', '%s items', $this->pagination->get_total_items(), 'sitepress' ),
# $this->pagination->get_total_items()
msgid "%s items"
msgstr ""
# if ( 1 === $languages_count ) {
# $text = __( 'You need to configure at least one more language in order to access "Theme and plugins localization" and "Media translation".', 'sitepress' );
# $notice = new WPML_Notice( self::NOTICE_ID_MISSING_MENU_ITEMS, $text, self::NOTICE_GROUP );
msgid "You need to configure at least one more language in order to access \"Theme and plugins localization\" and \"Media translation\"."
msgstr ""
# if ( $not_found_languages ) {
# $list_item_pattern = __( '%s (current locale: %s) - suggested locale(s): %s', 'sitepress' );
# foreach ( (array) $not_found_languages as $not_found_language ) {
msgid "%s (current locale: %s) - suggested locale(s): %s"
msgstr ""
# $text .= '
# $text .= __( 'WordPress cannot automatically download translations for the following languages:', 'sitepress' );
# $text .= '
# $text .= sprintf( __( 'To fix, open "%s" and set the "default locale" values as shown above.', 'sitepress' ), $languages_edit_link );
# $text .= '
msgid "To fix, open \"%s\" and set the \"default locale\" values as shown above."
msgstr ""
# $options[] = array(
# 'label' => __( 'Choose language:', 'sitepress' ),
# 'value' => 0,
msgid "Choose language:"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'title' => __( 'Language filtering for AJAX operations', 'sitepress' ),
# 'field_name' => WPML_Cookie_Setting::COOKIE_SETTING_FIELD,
msgid "Language filtering for AJAX operations"
msgstr ""
# 'field_name' => WPML_Cookie_Setting::COOKIE_SETTING_FIELD,
# 'field_label' => __( 'Store a language cookie to support language filtering for AJAX', 'sitepress' ),
# 'tooltip' => __( 'Select this option if your theme or plugins use AJAX operations on the front-end, that WPML needs to filter. WPML will set a cookie using JavaScript which will allow it to return the correct content for AJAX operations.', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Store a language cookie to support language filtering for AJAX"
msgstr ""
# 'field_label' => __( 'Store a language cookie to support language filtering for AJAX', 'sitepress' ),
# 'tooltip' => __( 'Select this option if your theme or plugins use AJAX operations on the front-end, that WPML needs to filter. WPML will set a cookie using JavaScript which will allow it to return the correct content for AJAX operations.', 'sitepress' ),
# 'button_text' => __( 'Save', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Select this option if your theme or plugins use AJAX operations on the front-end, that WPML needs to filter. WPML will set a cookie using JavaScript which will allow it to return the correct content for AJAX operations."
msgstr ""
# 'tooltip' => __( 'Select this option if your theme or plugins use AJAX operations on the front-end, that WPML needs to filter. WPML will set a cookie using JavaScript which will allow it to return the correct content for AJAX operations.', 'sitepress' ),
# 'button_text' => __( 'Save', 'sitepress' ),
# 'button_id' => self::BUTTON_ID,
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'title' => sprintf( __( 'To easily translate %s, you need to add the following WPML components:', 'sitepress' ), $this->get_product_names( $issues ) ),
# 'download' => __( 'Download', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "To easily translate %s, you need to add the following WPML components:"
msgstr ""
# 'title' => sprintf( __( 'To easily translate %s, you need to add the following WPML components:', 'sitepress' ), $this->get_product_names( $issues ) ),
# 'download' => __( 'Download', 'sitepress' ),
# 'install' => __( 'Install', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
# 'download' => __( 'Download', 'sitepress' ),
# 'install' => __( 'Install', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "Install"
msgstr ""
# 'strings' => array(
# 'title' => sprintf( __( 'One more step before you can translate %s', 'sitepress' ), $this->build_items_in_sentence( $integrations ) ),
# 'message' => __( "You need to enable WPML's Translation Editor, to translate conveniently.", 'sitepress' ),
msgid "One more step before you can translate %s"
msgstr ""
# 'title' => sprintf( __( 'One more step before you can translate %s', 'sitepress' ), $this->build_items_in_sentence( $integrations ) ),
# 'message' => __( "You need to enable WPML's Translation Editor, to translate conveniently.", 'sitepress' ),
# 'enable_done' => __( 'Done.', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "You need to enable WPML's Translation Editor, to translate conveniently."
msgstr ""
# 'message' => __( "You need to enable WPML's Translation Editor, to translate conveniently.", 'sitepress' ),
# 'enable_done' => __( 'Done.', 'sitepress' ),
# 'enable_error' => __( 'Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the support.', 'sitepress' ),
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""
# 'enable_done' => __( 'Done.', 'sitepress' ),
# 'enable_error' => __( 'Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the support.', 'sitepress' ),
# ),
msgid "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the support."
msgstr ""
# if ( count( $items ) <= 2 ) {
# $product_names = implode( _x( ' and ', 'between two elements of a list', 'sitepress' ) . ' ', $items );
msgctxt "between two elements of a list"
msgid " and "
msgstr ""
# $both = array_filter( array_merge( array( $first ), $last ), 'strlen' );
# $product_names = implode( _x( ', and ', 'before the element of a list', 'sitepress' ) . ' ', $both );
msgctxt "before the element of a list"
msgid ", and "
msgstr ""
# if ( ! $this->is_valid_request() ) {
# wp_send_json_error( __( 'This action is not allowed', 'sitepress' ) );
# } else {
msgid "This action is not allowed"
msgstr ""
# if ( $this->has_page_builders_issues() ) {
# $document_action = new WPML_Notice_Action( __( 'Translating content created with page builders', 'sitepress' ), self::DOCUMENTATION_LINK );
# $notice->add_action( $document_action );
msgid "Translating content created with page builders"
msgstr ""
# $enable_action = new WPML_Notice_Action( _x( 'Enable it now', 'Integration requirement notice title for translation editor: enable action', 'sitepress' ), '#', false, false, true );
# $enable_action->set_js_callback( 'js-set-translation-editor' );
msgctxt "Integration requirement notice title for translation editor: enable action"
msgid "Enable it now"
msgstr ""
# if ( $is_default ) {
# $html_response .= ' (' . __( 'default', 'sitepress' ) . ')';
# }
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
# if ( 1 === $status ) {
# $response['message'] = __( 'WordPress language file (.mo) is missing. Keeping existing display language.', 'sitepress' );
# }
msgid "WordPress language file (.mo) is missing. Keeping existing display language."
msgstr ""
# foreach ( array( 1, 10 ) as $priority ) {
# $label = __( 'As early as possible', 'sitepress' );
# if ( $priority > 1 ) {
msgid "As early as possible"
msgstr ""
# if ( $priority > 1 ) {
# $label = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Later in the head section (priority %d)', 'sitepress' ), $priority );
# }
msgid "Later in the head section (priority %d)"
msgstr ""
msgid "SEO Options"
msgstr ""
# echo 'checked="checked"' ?> value="1"/>
msgid "Display alternative languages in the HEAD section."
msgstr ""