__( 'Manage Translation Management', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_languages' => __( 'Manage Languages', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_theme_and_plugin_localization' => __( 'Manage Theme and Plugin localization', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_support' => __( 'Manage Support', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_woocommerce_multilingual' => __( 'Manage WooCommerce Multilingual', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_operate_woocommerce_multilingual' => __( 'Operate WooCommerce Multilingual. Everything on WCML except the settings tab.', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_media_translation' => __( 'Manage Media translation', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_navigation' => __( 'Manage Navigation', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_sticky_links' => __( 'Manage Sticky Links', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_string_translation' => __( 'Manage String Translation', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_translation_analytics' => __( 'Manage Translation Analytics', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_wp_menus_sync' => __( 'Manage WPML Menus Sync', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_taxonomy_translation' => __( 'Manage Taxonomy Translation', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_troubleshooting' => __( 'Manage Troubleshooting', 'sitepress' ), 'wpml_manage_translation_options' => __( 'Translation options', 'sitepress' ) ); return apply_filters( 'wpml_capabilities', $capabilities ); } function wpml_get_read_only_capabilities_filter( $empty ) { return wpml_get_capabilities(); } add_filter( 'wpml_capabilities_read_only', 'wpml_get_read_only_capabilities_filter', 10, 1 ); function wpml_get_roles() { $wp_roles[ 'label' ] = __( 'WPML capabilities', 'sitepress' ); $wp_roles[ 'capabilities' ] = wpml_get_capabilities(); return apply_filters( 'wpml_roles', $wp_roles ); } function wpml_roles_read_only_filter( $empty ) { return wpml_get_roles(); } add_filter( 'wpml_roles_read_only', 'wpml_roles_read_only_filter', 10, 1 ); /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_home_url' filter instead. */ function icl_get_home_url() { global $sitepress; $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); return $sitepress->language_url( $current_language ); } /** * Get the home url in the current language * To be used in place of get_option('home') * Note: Good code will make use of get_home_url() or home_url() which apply filters natively. * In this case there is no need to replace anything. * @since 3.2 * @return string * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_home_url_filter() { global $sitepress; $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); return $sitepress->language_url( $current_language ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_active_languages' filter instead. * * @param string $a * * @return mixed */ function icl_get_languages( $a = '' ) { if ( $a ) { parse_str( $a, $args ); } else { $args = ''; } global $sitepress; $langs = $sitepress->get_ls_languages( $args ); return $langs; } /** * Get a list of the active languages * Usually used to create custom language switchers * @since 3.2 * * @param mixed $empty_value This is normally the value the filter will be modifying. * We are not filtering anything here therefore the NULL value * This for the filter function to actually receive the full argument list: * apply_filters( 'wpml_active_languages', '', $args) * @param array|string $args { * Optional A string of arguments to filter the language output * * @type bool $skip_missing How to treat languages with no translations. 0 | Skip language or 1 | Link to home of language for missing translations. * @type string $link_empty_to Works in conjunction with skip_missing = 0 and allows using custom links for the languages that do not have translations * for the current element. {%lang} can be used as placeholder for the language code. Empty by default. * @type string $orderby Accepts id|code|name Defaults to custom. * The custom order can be defined in the WordPress admin under WPML > Languages > Language Switcher Options * @type string $order Accepts asc|desc * } * @return array * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_active_languages_filter( $empty_value, $args = '' ) { global $sitepress; $args = wp_parse_args( $args ); return $sitepress->get_ls_languages( $args ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_display_language_names' filter instead. * * @param $native_name * @param bool $translated_name * @param bool $lang_native_hidden * @param bool $lang_translated_hidden * * @return string */ function icl_disp_language( $native_name, $translated_name = false, $lang_native_hidden = false, $lang_translated_hidden = false ) { $language_switcher = new SitePressLanguageSwitcher(); return $language_switcher->language_display( $native_name, $translated_name, ! $lang_native_hidden, ! $lang_translated_hidden ); } /** * @deprecated since 3.6.0 / See new Language Switcher API with use of Twig templates * * Get the native or translated language name or both * Checks if native_language_name and translated_language_name are different. * If so, it returns them both, otherwise, it returns only one. * Usually used in custom language switchers * @since 3.2 * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * * @param string $native_name Required The language native name * @param string|bool $translated_name Required The language translated name Defaults to FALSE * @param bool $lang_native_hidden Optional, default is FALSE 0|false or 1|true Whether to hide the language native name or not. * @param bool $lang_translated_hidden Optional, default is FALSE 0|false or 1|true Whether to hide the language translated name or not. * * @return string HTML content * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_display_language_names_filter( $empty_value, $native_name, $translated_name = false, $lang_native_hidden = false, $lang_translated_hidden = false ) { $language_switcher = new SitePressLanguageSwitcher(); return $language_switcher->language_display( $native_name, $translated_name, ! $lang_native_hidden, ! $lang_translated_hidden ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_element_link' filter instead. * * @param $element_id * @param string $element_type * @param string $link_text * @param array $optional_parameters * @param string $anchor * @param bool $echo * @param bool $return_original_if_missing * * @return string */ function icl_link_to_element( $element_id, $element_type = 'post', $link_text = '', $optional_parameters = array(), $anchor = '', $echo = true, $return_original_if_missing = true ) { return wpml_link_to_element_filter( $element_id, $element_type, $link_text, $optional_parameters, $anchor, $echo, $return_original_if_missing ); } /** * Get the link to an element in the current language * Produces localized links for WordPress elements (post types and taxonomy terms) * @since 3.2 * * @param int $element_id Required The ID of the post type (post, page) or taxonomy term (tag or category) to link to. * @param string $element_type Optional The type of element to link to. Can be 'post', 'page', 'tag' or 'category'. Defaults to 'post' * @param string $link_text Optional The link text. Defaults to the element's name. * @param array $optional_parameters Optional Arguments for the link. * @param string $anchor Optional Anchor for the link. * @param bool $echo Optional 0|false to return or 1|true to echo the localized link. Defaults to true. * @param bool $return_original_if_missing Optional, default is TRUE If set to true it will always return a value (the original value, if translation is missing) * * @return string HTML content * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_link_to_element_filter( $element_id, $element_type = 'post', $link_text = '', $optional_parameters = array(), $anchor = '', $echo = true, $return_original_if_missing = true ) { global $sitepress, $wpdb, $wp_post_types, $wp_taxonomies; if ( $element_type == 'tag' ) { $element_type = 'post_tag'; } if ( $element_type == 'page' ) { $element_type = 'post'; } $post_types = array_keys( (array) $wp_post_types ); $taxonomies = array_keys( (array) $wp_taxonomies ); if ( in_array( $element_type, $taxonomies ) ) { $element_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id= %d AND taxonomy=%s", $element_id, $element_type ) ); } elseif ( in_array( $element_type, $post_types ) ) { $element_type = 'post'; } if ( ! $element_id ) { return ''; } if ( in_array( $element_type, $taxonomies ) ) { $icl_element_type = 'tax_' . $element_type; } elseif ( in_array( $element_type, $post_types ) ) { $icl_element_type = 'post_' . $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_type FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d", $element_id ) ); } else { return ''; } $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $element_id, $icl_element_type ); $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $trid, $icl_element_type ); // current language is ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE if ( isset( $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ] ) ) { if ( $element_type == 'post' ) { $url = get_permalink( $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ]->element_id ); $title = $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ]->post_title; } elseif ( $element_type == 'post_tag' ) { list( $term_id, $title ) = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.term_id, t.name FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} tx JOIN {$wpdb->terms} t ON t.term_id = tx.term_id WHERE tx.term_taxonomy_id = %d AND tx.taxonomy='post_tag'", $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ]->element_id ), ARRAY_N ); $url = get_tag_link( $term_id ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $title ); } elseif ( $element_type == 'category' ) { list( $term_id, $title ) = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.term_id, t.name FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} tx JOIN {$wpdb->terms} t ON t.term_id = tx.term_id WHERE tx.term_taxonomy_id = %d AND tx.taxonomy='category'", $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ]->element_id ), ARRAY_N ); $url = get_category_link( $term_id ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $title ); } else { list( $term_id, $title ) = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT t.term_id, t.name FROM {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} tx JOIN {$wpdb->terms} t ON t.term_id = tx.term_id WHERE tx.term_taxonomy_id = %d AND tx.taxonomy=%s", $translations[ ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ]->element_id, $element_type ), ARRAY_N ); $url = get_term_link( $term_id, $element_type ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $title ); } } else { if ( ! $return_original_if_missing ) { if ( $echo ) { echo ''; } return ''; } if ( $element_type == 'post' ) { $url = get_permalink( $element_id ); $title = get_the_title( $element_id ); } elseif ( $element_type == 'post_tag' ) { $url = get_tag_link( $element_id ); $my_tag = &get_term( $element_id, 'post_tag', OBJECT, 'display' ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_tag_title', $my_tag->name ); } elseif ( $element_type == 'category' ) { $url = get_category_link( $element_id ); $my_cat = &get_term( $element_id, 'category', OBJECT, 'display' ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $my_cat->name ); } else { $url = get_term_link( (int) $element_id, $element_type ); $my_cat = &get_term( $element_id, $element_type, OBJECT, 'display' ); $title = apply_filters( 'single_cat_title', $my_cat->name ); } } if ( ! $url || is_wp_error( $url ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! empty( $optional_parameters ) ) { $url_glue = false === strpos( $url, '?' ) ? '?' : '&'; $url .= $url_glue . http_build_query( $optional_parameters ); } if ( isset( $anchor ) && $anchor ) { $url .= '#' . $anchor; } $link = ''; if ( isset( $link_text ) && $link_text ) { $link .= esc_html( $link_text ); } else { $link .= esc_html( $title ); } $link .= ''; if ( $echo ) { echo $link; } return $link; } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_object_id' filter instead. * * @param $element_id * @param string $element_type * @param bool $return_original_if_missing * @param null|string $ulanguage_code * * @return null|int */ function icl_object_id( $element_id, $element_type = 'post', $return_original_if_missing = false, $ulanguage_code = null ) { return wpml_object_id_filter($element_id, $element_type, $return_original_if_missing, $ulanguage_code); } /** * @since 3.1.6 * @deprecated @since 3.2: use 'wpml_object_id' with the same arguments * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ add_filter( 'translate_object_id', 'icl_object_id', 10, 4 ); /** * Get the element in the current language * @since 3.2 * * @param int $element_id Use term_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @param string $element_type Use post, page, {custom post type name}, nav_menu, nav_menu_item, category, tag, etc. * You can also pass 'any', to let WPML guess the type, but this will only work for posts. * @param bool $return_original_if_missing Optional, default is FALSE. If set to true it will always return a value (the original value, if translation is missing). * @param string|NULL $language_code Optional, default is NULL. If missing, it will use the current language. * If set to a language code, it will return a translation for that language code or * the original if the translation is missing and $return_original_if_missing is set to TRUE. * * @return int|NULL * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_object_id_filter( $element_id, $element_type = 'post', $return_original_if_missing = false, $language_code = null ) { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->get_object_id( $element_id, $element_type, $return_original_if_missing, $language_code ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_translated_language_name' filter instead * * @param $lang_code * @param bool $display_code * * @return string */ function icl_get_display_language_name( $lang_code, $display_code = false ) { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->get_display_language_name( $lang_code, $display_code ); } /** * Returns the translated name of a language in another language. * The languages involved do not need to be active. * @since 3.2 * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * * @param string $lang_code The language name will be for this language. Accepts a 2-letter code e.g. en * @param string|bool $display_code The language name will display translated in this language. Accepts a 2-letter code e.g. de. * If set to false it will return the translated name in the current language. Default is FALSE. * * @return string The language translated name * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_translated_language_name_filter( $empty_value, $lang_code, $display_code = false ) { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->get_display_language_name( $lang_code, $display_code ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_current_language' filter instead. */ function icl_get_current_language() { return apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', '' ); } /** * Get the current language * @since 3.2 * @deprecated Use apply_filters('wpml_current_language', ''); * Example: $my_current_lang = apply_filters('wpml_current_language', ''); */ function wpml_get_current_language_filter() { return wpml_get_current_language(); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_default_language' filter instead */ function icl_get_default_language() { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->get_default_language(); } /** * Get the default language * @since 3.2 * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * @use \SitePress::api_hooks * @return string */ function wpml_get_default_language_filter( $empty_value) { return wpml_get_default_language(); } /** * Returns the default language * @since 1.3 * @return string */ function wpml_get_default_language() { global $sitepress; return $sitepress->get_default_language(); } /** * Get current language * @since 1.3 * @return string */ function wpml_get_current_language() { return apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', '' ); } /** * @param string $folder * * @return bool */ function icl_tf_determine_mo_folder( $folder ) { global $sitepress; $mo_file_search = new WPML_MO_File_Search( $sitepress ); return $mo_file_search->determine_mo_folder( $folder ); } /** * @todo: [WPML 3.3] refactor in 3.3 * * @param array $attributes * @param bool $checked * @param bool $disabled * * @return string */ //$field_prefix = 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences_option_ignore_' function wpml_input_field_helper( $attributes = array(), $checked = false, $disabled = false ) { if ( $disabled ) { $attributes[ 'readonly' ] = 'readonly'; $attributes[ 'disabled' ] = 'disabled'; } if ( $checked && array_key_exists( 'type', $attributes ) && in_array( $attributes[ 'type' ], array( 'checkbox', 'radio' ) ) ) { $attributes[ 'checked' ] = 'checked'; } $html_attributes = array(); if ( is_array( $attributes ) ) { foreach ( $attributes as $attribute => $attribute_value ) { if ( $attribute != 'custom' ) { $html_attributes[ ] = strip_tags( $attribute ) . '="' . esc_attr( $attribute_value ) . '"'; } else { $html_attributes[ ] = esc_attr( $attribute_value ); } } } $output = ''; $output .= ' $attribute_value ) { if ( $attribute != 'custom' ) { $html_attributes[ ] = strip_tags( $attribute ) . '="' . esc_attr( $attribute_value ) . '"'; } else { $html_attributes[ ] = esc_attr( $attribute_value ); } } } $output = ''; $output .= ''; return $output; } /** * @todo: [WPML 3.3] refactor in 3.3 * * @param $args * @param $id_prefix * @param $value * @param $caption * * @return string */ function wpml_translation_preference_input_helper( $args, $id_prefix, $value, $caption ) { $output = ''; $input_attributes = $args[ 'input_attributes' ]; $label_attributes = $args[ 'label_attributes' ]; $id = $args[ 'id' ]; $action = $args[ 'action' ]; $input_attributes[ 'id' ] = $id_prefix . $id; $input_attributes[ 'value' ] = $value; $label_attributes[ 'for' ] = $input_attributes[ 'id' ]; $output .= wpml_input_field_helper( $input_attributes, ( $value == $action ), $args[ 'disabled' ] ); $output .= wpml_label_helper( $label_attributes, $caption ); return $output; } /** * @todo: [WPML 3.3] refactor in 3.3 * * @param $id * @param bool $custom_field * @param string $class * @param bool $ajax * @param string $default_value * @param bool $fieldset * @param bool $suppress_error * * @return string */ function wpml_cf_translation_preferences( $id, $custom_field = false, $class = 'wpml', $ajax = false, $default_value = 'ignore', $fieldset = false, $suppress_error = false ) { global $iclTranslationManagement; $output = ''; if ( isset( $iclTranslationManagement ) ) { $section = 'custom_fields'; $config_section = $iclTranslationManagement->get_translation_setting_name( $section ); $readonly_config_section = $iclTranslationManagement->get_readonly_translation_setting_name( $section ); if ( $custom_field ) { $custom_field = @strval( $custom_field ); } $class = @strval( $class ); if ( $fieldset ) { $output .= '
' . '' . __( 'Translation preferences', 'sitepress' ) . ''; } $actions = array( 'ignore' => 0, 'copy' => 1, 'translate' => 2, 'copy-once' => 3 ); $action = isset( $actions[ @strval( $default_value ) ] ) ? $actions[ @strval( $default_value ) ] : 0; $disabled = false; if ( $custom_field ) { if ( defined( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) && ! empty( $iclTranslationManagement ) ) { $custom_fields_settings = $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ $config_section ]; if ( isset( $custom_fields_settings[ $custom_field ] ) ) { $action = intval( $custom_fields_settings[ $custom_field ] ); } $custom_fields_readonly_settings = $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ $readonly_config_section ]; $custom_fields_readonly_settings = isset( $custom_fields_readonly_settings ) ? $custom_fields_readonly_settings : array(); $xml_override = in_array( $custom_field, $custom_fields_readonly_settings ); $disabled = $xml_override; if ( $xml_override ) { $output .= '
' . __( 'The translation preference for this field are being controlled by a language configuration XML file. If you want to control it manually, remove the entry from the configuration file.', 'sitepress' ) . '
'; } } else if ( ! $suppress_error ) { $output .= '' . __( "To synchronize values for translations, you need to enable WPML's Translation Management module.", 'sitepress' ) . ''; $disabled = true; } } else if ( ! $suppress_error ) { $output .= '' . __( 'Error: Something is wrong with field value. Translation preferences can not be set.', 'sitepress' ) . ''; $disabled = true; } //$disabled = !empty($disabled) ? ' readonly="readonly" disabled="disabled"' : ''; $output .= '
' . __( 'Choose what to do when translating content with this field:', 'sitepress' ) . '
'; $input_attributes = array( 'name' => 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences[' . $id . ']', 'class' => $class . '-form-radio form-radio radio', 'type' => 'radio', ); $label_attributes = array( 'class' => $class . '-form-label ' . $class . '-form-radio-label', ); $args = array( 'input_attributes' => $input_attributes, 'label_attributes' => $label_attributes, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'id' => $id, 'action' => $action ); $output .= '
  • '; $output .= wpml_translation_preference_input_helper( $args, 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences_option_ignore_', WPML_IGNORE_CUSTOM_FIELD, __( "Don't translate", 'sitepress' ) ); $output .= '
  • '; $output .= wpml_translation_preference_input_helper( $args, 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences_option_copy_', WPML_COPY_CUSTOM_FIELD, __( "Copy from original to translation", 'sitepress' ) ); $output .= '
  • '; $output .= wpml_translation_preference_input_helper( $args, 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences_option_copy_once_', WPML_COPY_ONCE_CUSTOM_FIELD, __( "Copy once", 'sitepress' ) ); $output .= '
  • '; $output .= wpml_translation_preference_input_helper( $args, 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences_option_translate_', WPML_TRANSLATE_CUSTOM_FIELD, __( "Translate", 'sitepress' ) ); $output .= '
'; if ( $custom_field && $ajax ) { $output .= '
'; } if ( $fieldset ) { $output .= '
'; } } return $output; } /** * @todo: [WPML 3.3] refactor in 3.3 * wpml_get_copied_fields_for_post_edit * return a list of fields that are marked for copying and the * original post id that the fields should be copied from * This should be used to populate any custom field controls when * a new translation is selected and the field is marked as "copy" (sync) * * @param array $fields * * @return array */ function wpml_get_copied_fields_for_post_edit( $fields = array() ) { global $sitepress, $wpdb, $sitepress_settings, $pagenow; $copied_cf = array( 'fields' => array() ); $translations = null; if ( defined( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) ) { if ( ( $pagenow == 'post-new.php' || $pagenow == 'post.php' ) ) { if ( isset( $_GET[ 'trid' ] ) ) { $post_type = isset( $_GET[ 'post_type' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'post_type' ] : 'post'; $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $_GET[ 'trid' ], 'post_' . $post_type ); $source_lang = isset( $_GET[ 'source_lang' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'source_lang' ] : $sitepress->get_default_language(); $lang_details = $sitepress->get_language_details( $source_lang ); } else if ( $post_id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'post', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ) ) { $post_type = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT post_type FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = %d", $post_id ) ); $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $post_id, 'post_' . $post_type ); $original_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT element_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE source_language_code IS NULL AND trid=%d", $trid ) ); if ( $original_id != $post_id ) { // Only return information if this is not the source language post. $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ); $source_lang = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT language_code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_translations WHERE source_language_code IS NULL AND trid=%d", $trid ) ); $lang_details = $sitepress->get_language_details( $source_lang ); } } if ( $translations && isset( $source_lang ) ) { $original_custom = get_post_custom( $translations[ $source_lang ]->element_id ); $copied_cf[ '_wpml_original_post_id' ] = $translations[ $source_lang ]->element_id; $ccf_note = 'Notice'; $copied_cf[ 'copy_message' ] = $ccf_note . sprintf( __( 'WPML will copy this field from %s when you save this post.', 'sitepress' ), $lang_details[ 'display_name' ] ); foreach ( (array) $sitepress_settings[ 'translation-management' ][ 'custom_fields_translation' ] as $key => $sync_opt ) { /* * Added parameter $fields so except checking if field exist in DB, * it can be checked if set in pre-defined fields. * Noticed when testing checkbox field that does not save * value to DB if not checked (omitted from list of copied fields). * https://icanlocalize.basecamphq.com/projects/2461186-wpml/todo_items/169933388/comments */ if ( $sync_opt == 1 && ( isset( $original_custom[ $key ] ) || in_array( $key, $fields ) ) ) { $copied_cf[ 'fields' ][ ] = $key; } } } } } return $copied_cf; } /** * Retrieve language information of a post by its ID * The language information includes * the post locale, * the language text direction (True for RTL, False for LTR), * the post language translated name and native name and * whether the current language is different to the post language (True/False) * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * * @param int $post_id Optional The post id to retrieve information of (post, page, attachment, custom) Defaults to current post ID. * * @return array * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_language_information( $empty_value = null, $post_id = null ) { global $sitepress; if ( is_null( $post_id ) ) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } if ( empty( $post_id ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_id', __( 'Missing post ID', 'sitepress' ) ); } $post = get_post( $post_id ); if ( empty( $post ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_post', sprintf( __( 'No such post for ID = %d', 'sitepress' ), $post_id ) ); } $language = $sitepress->get_language_for_element( $post_id, 'post_' . $post->post_type ); $language_information = $sitepress->get_language_details( $language ); $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); $info = array( 'language_code' => $language, 'locale' => $sitepress->get_locale( $language ), 'text_direction' => $sitepress->is_rtl( $language ), 'display_name' => $sitepress->get_display_language_name( $language, $current_language ), 'native_name' => $language_information[ 'display_name' ], 'different_language' => $language != $current_language ); return $info; } /** This action is documented in */ add_filter( 'wpcf_meta_box_post_type', 'wpml_wpcf_meta_box_order_defaults' ); /** * Add metabox definition to edit post type in Types * @since x.x.x * * @param array $boxes Meta boxes in Types. * * @return array Meta boxes in Types. */ function wpml_wpcf_meta_box_order_defaults( $boxes ) { $boxes['wpml'] = array( 'callback' => 'wpml_custom_post_translation_options', 'title' => __( 'Translation', 'sitepress' ), 'default' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'low', ); return $boxes; } /** * @todo: [WPML 3.3] refactor in 3.3 * * @param $type_id * * @return string */ function wpml_custom_post_translation_options() { global $sitepress, $sitepress_settings; $type_id = isset( $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] ) ? $_GET['wpcf-post-type'] : ''; $out = ''; $type = get_post_type_object( $type_id ); $translated = $sitepress->is_translated_post_type( $type_id ); if ( defined( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) ) { $link = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/main.php&sm=mcsetup#icl_custom_posts_sync_options' ); $link2 = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/main.php&sm=mcsetup#icl_slug_translation' ); } else { $link = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/translation-options.php#icl_custom_posts_sync_options' ); $link2 = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/translation-options.php#icl_slug_translation' ); } if ( $translated ) { $out .= sprintf( __( '%s is translated via WPML. %sClick here to change translation options.%s', 'sitepress' ), '' . $type->labels->singular_name . '', '', '' ); if ( $type->rewrite['enabled'] ) { if ( $sitepress_settings['posts_slug_translation']['on'] ) { if ( empty( $sitepress_settings['posts_slug_translation']['types'][ $type_id ] ) ) { $out .= ''; } else { $out .= ''; } } else { $out .= ''; } } } else { $out .= sprintf( __( '%s is not translated. %sClick here to make this post type translatable.%s', 'sitepress' ), '' . $type->labels->singular_name . '', '', '' ); } return $out; } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_add_language_selector' filter instead */ function icl_language_selector() { ob_start(); do_action( 'wpml_add_language_selector' ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } /** * Display the drop down language selector * @since 3.2 * Will use the language selector settings from "Language switcher as shortcode or action" * @use \SitePress::api_hooks * example: do_action( 'wpml_add_language_selector' ); */ function wpml_add_language_selector_action() { do_action( 'wpml_add_language_selector' ); } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_footer_language_selector' filter instead */ function icl_language_selector_footer() { ob_start(); do_action( 'wpml_footer_language_selector' ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } /** * Display the footer language selector * @since 3.2 * Will use the language selector include configuration from the WPML -> Language admin screen * @use \SitePress::api_hooks * example: do_action('wpml_footer_language_selector'); */ function wpml_footer_language_selector_action() { do_action( 'wpml_footer_language_selector' ); } /** * Returns an HTML hidden input field with name="lang" and value of current language * This is for theme authors, to make their themes compatible with WPML when using the search form. * In order to make the search form work properly, they should use standard WordPress template tag get_search_form() * In this case WPML will handle the the rest. * If for some reasons the template function can't be used and form is created differently, * authors must the following code between inside the form * get_current_language() ) . "' />"; } return null; } /** * Echoes the value returned by \wpml_get_language_input_field * @since * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_add_language_form_field' filter instead */ function wpml_the_language_input_field() { echo wpml_get_language_input_field(); } /** * @since 3.2 * Returns an HTML hidden input field with name="lang" and as value the current language * In order to add a search form to your theme you would normally use the standard WordPress template tag: get_search_form() * If you are making use of the default WordPress search form, you do not need to edit anything. WPML will handle the rest. * However, there may be times when get_search_form() can't be used. * If you are creating a custom search form and you need to make it WPML compatible then this action hook is what you need. * Add the action hook inside the form: * * @global SitePress $sitepress * @return string|null HTML input field or null * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_add_language_form_field_action() { echo wpml_get_language_form_field(); } function wpml_language_form_field_shortcode() { return wpml_get_language_form_field(); } function wpml_get_language_form_field() { $language_form_field = ''; global $sitepress; if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { $current_language = $sitepress->get_current_language(); $language_form_field = ""; $language_form_field = apply_filters( 'wpml_language_form_input_field', $language_form_field, $current_language ); } return $language_form_field; } /** * @since unknown * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_element_translation_type' filter instead * * @param $id * @param string $type * * @return bool|int */ function wpml_get_translation_type( $id, $type = 'post' ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED; if ( $type == 'post' ) { $translation_type = wpml_post_has_translations( $id ); } //TODO: [WPML 3.3] handle other element types (e.g. taxonomies, strings, etc.) return $translation_type; } /** * @since 3.2 * Accepts the ID and type of an element and returns its translation type. * Values will be one of these: * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED = 0 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_TRANSLATED = 1 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_DUPLICATED = 2 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_A_DUPLICATE = 3 * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * * @param int $element_id The element id to retrieve the information of. Use term_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @param string $element_type Can be a post type: post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key} * or taxonomy: category, post_tag, nav_menu {custom taxonomy key} * * @return int * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_element_translation_type_filter( $empty_value, $element_id, $element_type ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED; $element_has_translations = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_has_translations', null, $element_id, $element_type ); $element_is_master = apply_filters( 'wpml_master_post_from_duplicate', $element_id ); $element_is_duplicate = apply_filters( 'wpml_post_duplicates', $element_id ); if ( $element_has_translations ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_TRANSLATED; if ( $element_is_master ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_A_DUPLICATE; } elseif ( $element_is_duplicate ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_DUPLICATED; } } return $translation_type; } /** * Accepts the ID of a post and returns its translation type. * Values will be one of these: * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED = 0 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_TRANSLATED = 1 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_DUPLICATED = 2 * WPML_ELEMENT_IS_A_DUPLICATE = 3 * * @param int $post_id The ID of the post from which to get translation information * * @return int * @internal param string $post_type * @since 3.2 * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_element_translation_type' filter instead */ function wpml_get_post_translation_type( $post_id ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_NOT_TRANSLATED; $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id ); if ( wpml_post_has_translations( $post_id, $post_type ) ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_TRANSLATED; if ( wpml_get_master_post_from_duplicate( $post_id ) ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_A_DUPLICATE; } elseif ( wpml_get_post_duplicates( $post_id ) ) { $translation_type = WPML_ELEMENT_IS_DUPLICATED; } } return $translation_type; } /** * @param int $post_id * @param string $post_type * * @return bool * @since 3.2 * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_element_has_translations' filter instead */ function wpml_post_has_translations( $post_id, $post_type = 'post' ) { $has_translations = false; global $sitepress; if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $post_id, 'post_' . $post_type ); $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $trid ); if ( $translations && count( $translations ) > 1 ) { $has_translations = true; } } return $has_translations; } /** * Checks if an element has translations * A translation can be a manual translation or a duplication. * @since 3.2 * * @param mixed $empty_value * * @see \wpml_get_active_languages_filter * * @param int $element_id Use term_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @param string $element_type Can be a post type: post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key} * or taxonomy: category, post_tag, nav_menu {custom taxonomy key} * * @return bool * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_element_has_translations_filter( $empty_value, $element_id, $element_type = 'post' ) { $has_translations = false; global $sitepress; if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { $wpml_element_type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', $element_type ); if ( strpos( $wpml_element_type, 'tax_' ) === 0 ) { global $wpml_term_translations; $term_language_code = $wpml_term_translations->lang_code_by_termid( $element_id ); $element_id = $wpml_term_translations->term_id_in( $element_id, $term_language_code ); } $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $element_id, $wpml_element_type ); //$translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations($trid); $translations = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_element_translations_filter', '', $trid, $wpml_element_type ); if ( $translations && count( $translations ) > 1 ) { $has_translations = true; } } return $has_translations; } function wpml_get_content_translations_filter( $empty, $post_id, $content_type = 'post' ) { global $sitepress; $translations = array(); if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { $wpml_element_type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', $content_type ); $trid = $sitepress->get_element_trid( $post_id, $wpml_element_type ); $translations = apply_filters( 'wpml_get_element_translations', null, $trid, $wpml_element_type ); } return $translations; } /** * @param $post_id * * @return mixed * @since 3.2 * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_master_post_from_duplicate' filter instead */ function wpml_get_master_post_from_duplicate( $post_id ) { return get_post_meta( $post_id, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of', true ); } /** * Get the original post from the duplicated post * * @param int $post_id The duplicated post ID * * @return int or empty string if there is nothing to return * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_master_post_from_duplicate_filter( $post_id ) { return get_post_meta( $post_id, '_icl_lang_duplicate_of', true ); } /** * @param $master_post_id * * @return mixed * @since 3.2 * @deprecated 3.2 use 'wpml_post_duplicates' filter instead */ function wpml_get_post_duplicates( $master_post_id ) { global $sitepress; if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { return $sitepress->get_duplicates( $master_post_id ); } return array(); } /** * Get the duplicated post ids * Will return an associative array with language codes as indexes and post_ids as values * * @param int $master_post_id The original post id from which duplicates exist * * @return array * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_get_post_duplicates_filter( $master_post_id ) { global $sitepress; if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) { return $sitepress->get_duplicates( $master_post_id ); } return array(); } /** * Filters a WordPress element by adding the WPML prefix 'post_', 'tax_', or nothing for 'comment' as used in icl_translations db table * @since 3.2 * * @param string $element_type Accepts comment, post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key}, * nav_menu, category, post_tag, {custom taxonomy key} * * @return string * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_element_type_filter( $element_type ) { global $wp_post_types, $wp_taxonomies; $post_types = array_keys( (array) $wp_post_types ); $taxonomies = array_keys( (array) $wp_taxonomies ); if ( in_array( $element_type, $taxonomies ) ) { $wpml_element_type = 'tax_' . $element_type; } elseif ( in_array( $element_type, $post_types ) ) { $wpml_element_type = 'post_' . $element_type; } else { $wpml_element_type = $element_type; } return $wpml_element_type; } /** * Retrieves language information for a translatable element * Checks icl_translations db table and returns an object with the element's * trid, source language code and language code * @since 3.2.2 * * @param mixed $element_object A WordPress object. Defaults to null * @param array $args { * Required An array of arguments to be used * * @type int $element_id Use term_taxonomy_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @type string $element_type Can be a post type: post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key} * or taxonomy: category, post_tag, nav_menu {custom taxonomy key} * } * @return object * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_element_language_details_filter($element_object = null, $args) { global $sitepress; if(isset($sitepress)) { $element_type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', $args[ 'element_type' ] ); $element_object = $sitepress->get_element_language_details( $args[ 'element_id' ], $element_type ); } return $element_object; } /** * Retrieves the language code for a translatable element * Checks icl_translations db table and returns the element's language code * @since 3.2.2 * * @param mixed $language_code A 2-letter language code. Defaults to null * @param array $args { * Required An array of arguments to be used * * @type int $element_id Use term_taxonomy_id for taxonomies, post_id for posts * @type string $element_type Can be a post type: post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key} * or taxonomy: category, post_tag, nav_menu {custom taxonomy key} * } * @return string * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_element_language_code_filter($language_code = null, $args) { global $sitepress; if(isset($sitepress)) { $element_type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', $args[ 'element_type' ] ); $language_code = $sitepress->get_language_for_element( $args[ 'element_id' ], $element_type ); } return $language_code; } /** * Retrieves the elements without translations * Queries the database and returns an array with ids * @since 3.2.2 * * @param array $element_ids An array of element ids. Defaults to an empty array * @param array $args { * Required An array of arguments to be used * * @type string $target_language The target language code * @type string $source_language The source language code * @type string $element_type Can be a post type: post, page, attachment, nav_menu_item, {custom post key} * or taxonomy: category, post_tag, nav_menu {custom taxonomy key} * } * @return array * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_elements_without_translations_filter($element_ids = array(), $args) { global $sitepress; if(isset($sitepress)) { $element_type = apply_filters( 'wpml_element_type', $args[ 'element_type' ] ); $element_ids = $sitepress->get_elements_without_translations( $element_type, $args[ 'target_language' ], $args[ 'source_language' ] ); } return $element_ids; } /** * Filters a WordPress permalink and converts it to a language specific permalink based on plugin settings * @since 3.2.2 * @type string $url The WordPress generated url to filter * @type null|string $language_code * (if null, it falls back to default language for root page, or current language in all other cases) * @return string * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_permalink_filter($permalink, $language_code = null) { global $sitepress; if(isset($sitepress)) { $permalink = $sitepress->convert_url( $permalink, $language_code ); } return $permalink; } /** * Switches WPML's query language * @since 3.2.2 * @type null|string $language_code The language code to switch to * If set to null it restores the original language * If set to 'all' it will query content from all active languages * Defaults to null * @use \SitePress::api_hooks */ function wpml_switch_language_action($language_code = null) { global $sitepress; $sitepress->switch_lang( $language_code, true ); }