get_default_language() ) { return; } $white_list_pages = array( 'theme_options', 'plugins.php', 'themes.php', WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/languages.php', WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/theme-localization.php', WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/menu/translation-options.php', ); if (defined('WPML_ST_FOLDER')) { $white_list_pages[] = WPML_ST_FOLDER . '/menu/string-translation.php'; } if(defined('WPML_TM_FOLDER')) { $white_list_pages[] = WPML_TM_FOLDER . '/menu/main.php'; } //Runs the load config process only on specific pages $current_page = isset($_GET[ 'page' ]) ? $_GET[ 'page' ] : null; if((isset( $current_page ) && in_array( $current_page, $white_list_pages)) || (isset($pagenow) && in_array($pagenow, $white_list_pages))) { self::load_config_run(); } } static function load_config_run() { global $sitepress; self::load_config_pre_process(); self::load_plugins_wpml_config(); self::load_theme_wpml_config(); self::parse_wpml_config_files(); self::load_config_post_process(); $sitepress->save_settings(); } static function get_custom_fields_translation_settings($translation_actions = array(0)) { $iclTranslationManagement = wpml_load_core_tm (); $section = 'custom_fields_translation'; $result = array(); $tm_settings = $iclTranslationManagement->settings; if(isset( $tm_settings[ $section ])) { foreach ( $tm_settings[ $section ] as $meta_key => $translation_type ) { if ( in_array($translation_type, $translation_actions) ) { $result[] = $meta_key; } } } return $result; } static function parse_wpml_config_post_process( $config ) { /* @var TranslationManagement $iclTranslationManagement */ global $sitepress, $iclTranslationManagement; self::parse_custom_fields( $config ); $settings_helper = wpml_load_settings_helper(); foreach ( array( array( 'taxonomy', 'taxonomies' ), array( 'custom-type', 'custom-types' ) ) as $indexes ) { $tm_settings = new WPML_TM_Settings_Update( $indexes[0], $indexes[1], $iclTranslationManagement, $sitepress, $settings_helper ); $tm_settings->update_from_config( $config['wpml-config'] ); } do_action( 'wpml_reset_ls_settings', $config[ 'wpml-config' ][ 'language-switcher-settings' ] ); return $config; } static function load_config_post_process() { global $iclTranslationManagement; $post_process = new WPML_TM_Settings_Post_Process( $iclTranslationManagement ); $post_process->run(); } static function load_config_pre_process() { global $iclTranslationManagement; $tm_settings = $iclTranslationManagement->settings; if ( ( isset( $tm_settings[ 'custom_types_readonly_config' ] ) && is_array( $tm_settings[ 'custom_types_readonly_config' ] ) ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_types_readonly_config_prev' ] = $tm_settings[ 'custom_types_readonly_config' ]; } else { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_types_readonly_config_prev' ] = array(); } $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ 'custom_types_readonly_config' ] = array(); if ( ( isset( $tm_settings[ 'custom_fields_readonly_config' ] ) && is_array( $tm_settings[ 'custom_fields_readonly_config' ] ) ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_fields_readonly_config_prev' ] = $tm_settings[ 'custom_fields_readonly_config' ]; } else { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_fields_readonly_config_prev' ] = array(); } $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ 'custom_fields_readonly_config' ] = array(); if ( ( isset( $tm_settings[ 'custom_term_fields_readonly_config' ] ) && is_array( $tm_settings[ 'custom_term_fields_readonly_config' ] ) ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_term_fields_readonly_config_prev' ] = $tm_settings[ 'custom_term_fields_readonly_config' ]; } else { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ '__custom_term_fields_readonly_config_prev' ] = array(); } $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ 'custom_term_fields_readonly_config' ] = array(); } static function load_plugins_wpml_config() { if ( is_multisite() ) { // Get multi site plugins $plugins = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins' ); if ( !empty( $plugins ) ) { foreach ( $plugins as $p => $dummy ) { if(!self::check_on_config_file($p)){ continue; } $plugin_slug = dirname( $p ); $config_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_slug . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( trim( $plugin_slug, '\/.' ) && file_exists( $config_file ) ) { self::$wpml_config_files[ ] = $config_file; } } } } // Get single site or current blog active plugins $plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); if ( !empty( $plugins ) ) { foreach ( $plugins as $p ) { if(!self::check_on_config_file($p)){ continue; } $plugin_slug = dirname( $p ); $config_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_slug . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( trim( $plugin_slug, '\/.' ) && file_exists( $config_file ) ) { self::$wpml_config_files[ ] = $config_file; } } } // Get the must-use plugins $mu_plugins = wp_get_mu_plugins(); if ( !empty( $mu_plugins ) ) { foreach ( $mu_plugins as $mup ) { if(!self::check_on_config_file($mup)){ continue; } $plugin_dir_name = dirname( $mup ); $plugin_base_name = basename( $mup, ".php" ); $plugin_sub_dir = $plugin_dir_name . '/' . $plugin_base_name; if ( file_exists( $plugin_sub_dir . '/wpml-config.xml' ) ) { $config_file = $plugin_sub_dir . '/wpml-config.xml'; self::$wpml_config_files[ ] = $config_file; } } } return self::$wpml_config_files; } static function check_on_config_file( $name ){ if(empty(self::$active_plugins)){ if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } self::$active_plugins = get_plugins(); } $config_index_file_data = maybe_unserialize(get_option('wpml_config_index')); $config_files_arr = maybe_unserialize(get_option('wpml_config_files_arr')); if(!$config_index_file_data || !$config_files_arr){ return true; } if(isset(self::$active_plugins[$name])){ $plugin_info = self::$active_plugins[$name]; $plugin_slug = dirname( $name ); $name = $plugin_info['Name']; $config_data = $config_index_file_data->plugins; $config_files_arr = $config_files_arr->plugins; $config_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin_slug . '/wpml-config.xml'; $type = 'plugin'; }else{ $config_data = $config_index_file_data->themes; $config_files_arr = $config_files_arr->themes; $config_file = get_template_directory() . '/wpml-config.xml'; $type = 'theme'; } foreach($config_data as $item){ if($name == $item->name && isset($config_files_arr[$item->name])){ if($item->override_local || !file_exists( $config_file )){ end(self::$wpml_config_files); $key = key(self::$wpml_config_files)+1; self::$wpml_config_files[$key] = new stdClass(); self::$wpml_config_files[$key]->config = icl_xml2array($config_files_arr[$item->name]); self::$wpml_config_files[$key]->type = $type; self::$wpml_config_files[$key]->admin_text_context = basename( dirname( $config_file ) ); return false; }else{ return true; } } } return true; } static function load_theme_wpml_config() { $theme_data = wp_get_theme(); if(!self::check_on_config_file($theme_data->get('Name'))){ return self::$wpml_config_files; } $parent_theme = $theme_data->parent_theme; if ( $parent_theme && ! self::check_on_config_file( $parent_theme ) ) { return self::$wpml_config_files; } if ( get_template_directory() != get_stylesheet_directory() ) { $config_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( file_exists( $config_file ) ) { self::$wpml_config_files[ ] = $config_file; } } $config_file = get_template_directory() . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( file_exists( $config_file ) ) { self::$wpml_config_files[ ] = $config_file; } return self::$wpml_config_files; } static function get_theme_wpml_config_file() { if ( get_template_directory() != get_stylesheet_directory() ) { $config_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( file_exists( $config_file ) ) { return $config_file; } } $config_file = get_template_directory() . '/wpml-config.xml'; if ( file_exists( $config_file ) ) { return $config_file; } return false; } static function parse_wpml_config_files() { $config_all['wpml-config'] = array( 'custom-fields' => array(), 'custom-term-fields' => array(), 'custom-types' => array(), 'taxonomies' => array(), 'admin-texts' => array(), 'language-switcher-settings' => array(), 'shortcodes' => array(), ); $config_all_updated = false; $validate = new WPML_XML_Config_Validate( WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/res/xsd/wpml-config.xsd' ); $transform = new WPML_XML2Array(); if ( !empty( self::$wpml_config_files ) ) { foreach ( self::$wpml_config_files as $file ) { if ( is_object( $file ) ) { $config = $file->config; } else { $xml_config_file = new WPML_XML_Config_Read_File( $file, $validate, $transform ); $config = $xml_config_file->get(); } do_action( 'wpml_parse_config_file', $file ); $config_all = self::merge_with( $config_all, $config ); $config_all_updated = true; } } $config_all = self::append_custom_xml_config( $config_all, $config_all_updated ); if ( $config_all_updated ) { $config_all = apply_filters( 'icl_wpml_config_array', $config_all ); $config_all = apply_filters( 'wpml_config_array', $config_all ); } $config_all = WPML_Config_Display_As_Translated::merge_to_translate_mode( $config_all ); self::parse_wpml_config_post_process( $config_all ); } /** * @param array $config_files * * @param bool|null $updated * * @return array */ private static function append_custom_xml_config( $config_files, &$updated = null ) { $validate = new WPML_XML_Config_Validate( WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/res/xsd/wpml-config.xsd' ); $transform = new WPML_XML2Array(); $custom_config = self::get_custom_xml_config( $validate, $transform ); if ( $custom_config ) { $config_files = self::merge_with( $config_files, $custom_config ); $updated = true; } return $config_files; } /** * @param $validate * @param $transform * * @return mixed */ private static function get_custom_xml_config( $validate, $transform ) { if ( class_exists( 'WPML_Custom_XML' ) ) { $custom_xml_option = new WPML_Custom_XML(); $custom_xml_config = new WPML_XML_Config_Read_Option( $custom_xml_option, $validate, $transform ); $custom_config = $custom_xml_config->get(); if ( $custom_config ) { $config_object = (object) array( 'config' => $custom_config, 'type' => 'wpml-custom-xml', 'admin_text_context' => 'wpml-custom-xml', ); do_action( 'wpml_parse_custom_config', $config_object ); return $custom_config; } } return null; } /** * @param $all_configs * @param $config * * @return mixed */ private static function merge_with( $all_configs, $config ) { if ( isset( $config['wpml-config'] ) ) { $wpml_config = $config['wpml-config']; $wpml_config_all = $all_configs['wpml-config']; $wpml_config_all = self::parse_config_index( $wpml_config_all, $wpml_config, 'custom-field', 'custom-fields' ); $wpml_config_all = self::parse_config_index( $wpml_config_all, $wpml_config, 'custom-term-field', 'custom-term-fields' ); $wpml_config_all = self::parse_config_index( $wpml_config_all, $wpml_config, 'custom-type', 'custom-types' ); $wpml_config_all = self::parse_config_index( $wpml_config_all, $wpml_config, 'taxonomy', 'taxonomies' ); $wpml_config_all = self::parse_config_index( $wpml_config_all, $wpml_config, 'shortcode', 'shortcodes' ); //language-switcher-settings if ( isset( $wpml_config['language-switcher-settings']['key'] ) ) { if ( ! is_numeric( key( $wpml_config['language-switcher-settings']['key'] ) ) ) { //single $wpml_config_all['language-switcher-settings']['key'][] = $wpml_config['language-switcher-settings']['key']; } else { foreach ( $wpml_config['language-switcher-settings']['key'] as $cf ) { $wpml_config_all['language-switcher-settings']['key'][] = $cf; } } } $all_configs['wpml-config'] = $wpml_config_all; } return $all_configs; } /** * @param $config */ protected static function parse_custom_fields( $config ) { /** @var TranslationManagement $iclTranslationManagement */ global $iclTranslationManagement, $wpdb; $setting_factory = $iclTranslationManagement->settings_factory(); $import = new WPML_Custom_Field_XML_Settings_Import( $wpdb, $setting_factory, $config['wpml-config'] ); $import->run(); } private static function parse_config_index( $config_all, $wpml_config, $index_sing, $index_plur ) { if ( isset( $wpml_config[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ] ) ) { if ( isset( $wpml_config[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ]['value'] ) ) { //single $config_all[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ][] = $wpml_config[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ]; } else { foreach ( (array) $wpml_config[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ] as $cf ) { $config_all[ $index_plur ][ $index_sing ][] = $cf; } } } return $config_all; } }