var App_ECommerce_Checkout = { _rateAction: 'getShippingRate', _rateTimeout: null, _shippingElementId: 'serviceShipping-type-element', _paymentElementId: 'servicePayment-type-element', _rateElementId: 'serviceShipping-rate-element', _form: null, _cardTipClass: 'cardCode-tip', _shippingAjaxRequest: undefined, _paymentSectionSelector: '#servicePayment-element fieldset dl', _paymentIsNotApplicableId: 'paymentIsNotApplicable', _cartSummaryElementId: 'cartSummary', _cartSummaryContainer: null, _cartSummarySubtotalFields: ['subtotal', 'shippingRate', 'shippingHandling', 'tax', 'promo', 'giftCard'], _cartSummaryTotalElementId: 'subtotal-price-container', _options: { noPaymentMessage: '', isErrors: null, orderTotal: 0, response: { elementsErrors: { length: 0 } } }, _gtmSelectedOptions: { serviceShipping: '', servicePayment: '' }, init: function(formId, options) { if (!formId) { return; } this._form = $('#' + formId); this._options = $.extend({}, options); var obj = this; this._cartSummaryContainer = $('#' + this._cartSummaryElementId); if (!$(this._cartSummaryContainer).size()) { this._cartSummaryContainer = null; } var shippingElements = $('#' + this._shippingElementId + ' input'); if ($(shippingElements).size()) { this._updateShippingRate(); shippingElements.change(function() { obj._onShippingClick(this); }); var shippingChecked = undefined; if (1 == $(shippingElements).size()) { shippingChecked = shippingElements.filter('input'); } else { shippingChecked = shippingElements.filter('input:checked'); } obj._onShippingClick(shippingChecked); this._initFedexAddressType(); this._updateFedexAddressType(); $('.shipping, #' + this._shippingElementId).find('input').bind('click', function() { obj._updateShippingRate(); }); $('[name*="[state]"], [name*="[zip]"]').change(function(){ obj._updateShippingRate(); }); } var paymentElements = $('#' + this._paymentElementId); if ($(paymentElements).size()) { var cvvTip = $('.' + obj._cardTipClass); if (!qs.constant('IS_TOUCHSCREEN')) { $(cvvTip).tooltip({html: true, trigger: 'hover'}); } else { $(cvvTip).tooltip({html: true, trigger: 'click'}); var hitEvent = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ? 'touchstart' : 'click') + '.cvvTip'; $(document).bind(hitEvent, function (e) { if (!$('.' + obj._cardTipClass).size()) { var tooltipElement = $('.' + obj._cardTipClass); if ($(tooltipElement).size() && $(tooltipElement).next('.tooltip').size()) { $(cvvTip).tooltip('hide'); } } }); } paymentElements.find('input').change(function() { obj._onPaymentClick(this); }); var paymentChecked; if (paymentElements.find('input').length > 1) { paymentChecked = paymentElements.find('input:checked'); } else { paymentChecked = paymentElements.find('input'); } obj._onPaymentClick(paymentChecked); } app.user.form.prototype.onAsBillingClick = obj.onAsBillingClick; $('[name^="billing["]', this._form).each(function () { $(this).blur(function () { obj._populateShippingInfo(obj._form); }); }); if (this._options.isErrors) { this.displayErrorsAlert(); } if (0 == this._options.orderTotal) { this._hidePaymentSection(); } }, _hidePaymentSection: function() { var obj = this; $(obj._paymentSectionSelector).hide(); $('#' + obj._paymentIsNotApplicableId).remove(); $('
' + obj._options.noPaymentMessage + '
').insertAfter($(obj._paymentSectionSelector + ':first')); this._form.addClass('no-payment'); }, _showPaymentSection: function() { var obj = this; $('#' + obj._paymentIsNotApplicableId).remove(); $(obj._paymentSectionSelector).show(); this._form.removeClass('no-payment'); }, displayErrorsAlert: function () { var message = 'Please review the comments marked in red and make appropriate corrections.'; alert(_.str.trim(message)); if (typeof this._options.response.elementsErrors.length) { var focusKey = null; var scrollToKey = null; var element = null; for (var i in this._options.response.elementsErrors) { element = this._options.response.elementsErrors[i]; if (0 == $('#' +, this._form).size()) { /* check if it is radio button */ var radio = $('#' + + '-element input[id^=' + + '][type=radio]', this._form).first(); if ($(radio).size()) { scrollToKey =; } } else { if ($('#' +, this._form).prop('focus')) { focusKey =; scrollToKey =; } } if (!scrollToKey) { continue; /* якщо не знайшли куди скролити, то переходимо до наступного елементу */ } if (focusKey && $('#' + focusKey + ':visible', this._form).size()) { $('#' + focusKey, this._form).focus(); } if (scrollToKey && $.scrollTo) { var labelKey = scrollToKey + '-label'; var elementKey = scrollToKey + '-element'; if ($('#' + labelKey + ':visible').size()) { $.scrollTo('#' + labelKey); } else if ($('#' + elementKey + ':visible').size()) { $.scrollTo('#' + elementKey); } else { scrollToKey = $('#' + elementKey).closest('fieldset').attr('id'); $.scrollTo('#' + scrollToKey); } } break; /* якщо виконання дойшло сюди, то сторінка проскролена до потрібного елементу, перериваємо цикл */ } } }, _parsePrice: function(str) { str = '' + str; if ('$' == str.charAt(0)) { str = str.substr(1); } str = str.replace(/[, ]+/, ''); str = parseFloat(str); if (isNaN(str)) { str = 0.0; } return str }, _ucfirst: function(str) { var f = str.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); return f + str.substr(1, str.length - 1); }, _cartSummarySetPrice: function(field, value) { value = this._parsePrice(value); field = this._ucfirst(field); var container = $('.cart' + field, this._cartSummaryContainer); var html = '$' + _.num.format(value, 2); if ('Promo' == field || 'GiftCard' == field) { html = '-' + html; } $(container).html(html); if (value > 0) { $(container).closest('div').removeClass('hidden'); } else { $(container).closest('div').addClass('hidden'); } }, _cartSummaryUpdate: function(summary) { if (!this._cartSummaryContainer) { return; } for (var i in this._cartSummarySubtotalFields) { var field = this._cartSummarySubtotalFields[i]; this._cartSummarySetPrice(field, summary[field]); } var total = this._parsePrice(; $('#' + this._cartSummaryTotalElementId).html('$' + _.num.format(total, 2)); if (0 == total) { this._hidePaymentSection() } else { this._showPaymentSection(); } }, _initFedexAddressType: function() { var obj = this; $('#serviceShipping-fedExAddressType-residential').bind('change', function() { obj._updateFedexAddressType() }); $('#serviceShipping-fedExAddressType-commercial').bind('change', function() { obj._updateFedexAddressType() }); }, _updateFedexAddressType: function() { var residential = $('#serviceShipping-fedExAddressType-residential'); var commercial = $('#serviceShipping-fedExAddressType-commercial'); if (residential.size() && commercial.size()) { var ground = $('label[for="serviceShipping-fedExMethod-FEDEXGROUND"]'); var home = $('label[for="serviceShipping-fedExMethod-GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY"]'); if (':checked')) { ground.hide();'br').hide();'br').show();; if ($('input', ground).is(':checked')) { $('input', home).prop('checked', 'checked'); } } else if (':checked')) {'br').hide(); home.hide();'br').show();; if ($('input', home).is(':checked')) { $('input', ground).prop('checked', 'checked'); } } } }, _populateShippingInfo: function(_form) { var asBilling = $('#shipping-asBilling', _form); if ($(asBilling).is(':checked')) { $('[name^="billing["]', this._form).each(function () { var shippingFieldName = $(this).attr('name').replace('billing[', 'shipping['); var shippingField = $('[name="' + shippingFieldName + '"]'); if ($(shippingField).size()) { $(shippingField).val($(this).val()); } }); } }, _onShippingClick: function(element) { $('.shipping').closest('dd' ).hide(); if ($(element).size()) { $('#serviceShipping-' + $(element).val() + 'Methods-element').show(); } }, _onPaymentClick: function(element) { $('.payment').closest('dd').hide(); $('#servicePayment-' + $(element).val() + 'Methods-element').show(); if (this._options.gtmProducts) { this._processGtmOnCheckoutOption('servicePayment'); } }, _updateShippingRate: function() { var obj = this; if (obj._rateTimeout) { clearTimeout(obj._rateTimeout); } obj._rateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { obj._getShippingRate(); if (obj._options.gtmProducts) { obj._processGtmOnCheckoutOption('serviceShipping'); } }, 300); }, _getShippingRate: function() { var request = {}; $.each(this._form.serializeArray(), function(i, field) { request[] = field.value; }); request.action = this._rateAction; var obj = this; if (typeof this._shippingAjaxRequest != 'undefined') { this._shippingAjaxRequest.abort(); this._shippingAjaxRequest = undefined; } this._shippingAjaxRequest = qs.ajax( qs.constant('BASE_URL') + '/' + qs.constant('CURRENT_PAGE'), request, { qsDefaultCallbacks: false } ); this._shippingAjaxRequest.done(function (response) { qs.hideLoading(); if (!response || response.isError) { var errorCallback = (response && response.errorCallback) ? response.errorCallback : {fn: qs.errorCallback, args: [response]};; return this; } if (response && response.callbacks) {; } var html = '$' + parseFloat(; if (response.message != '' && response.message) { html += '
' + response.message + '
'; } $('#' + obj._rateElementId).html(html); if (_.isObject(response.cartSummary)) { obj._cartSummaryUpdate(response.cartSummary); } return this; }); (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { qs.hideLoading(); if ('abort' == textStatus) { return this; } /*if (xhr.status = 0 && xhr.statusText == 'error') { // retry }*/ qs.debug.debug('qs.ajax: Ajax request failed: ', textStatus, xhr); var message = (qs.constant('DEBUG')) ? xhr.responseText : textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown; alert(message); return this; }); this._shippingAjaxRequest.always(function () { obj._shippingAjaxRequest = undefined; }) }, _processGtmOnCheckoutOption: function (service) { var typeDd = $('#' + service + '-type-element'); var checkedType = $('input[type=radio]:checked', typeDd); if (checkedType.length) { var checkoutOption = []; var methodDd = $('#' + service + '-' + checkedType.val() + 'Method-element'); var methods = $('input[type=radio]', methodDd); if ('serviceShipping' == service && methods.length) { var checkedMethod = $(methods).filter(':checked'); if (checkedMethod.length) { var methodLabel = this._getOptionLabel(checkedMethod); var typeLabel = this._getOptionLabel(checkedType); if (-1 == methodLabel.indexOf(typeLabel)) { checkoutOption.push(typeLabel); } var addressTypesDd = $('#' + service + '-' + checkedType.val() + 'AddressType-element'); var addressTypes = $('input[type=radio]', addressTypesDd); if (addressTypes.length) { var checkedAddressType = $(addressTypes).filter(':checked'); if (checkedAddressType.length) { checkoutOption.push(this._getOptionLabel(checkedAddressType)); checkoutOption.push(methodLabel); } } else { checkoutOption.push(methodLabel); } } } else { checkoutOption.push(this._getOptionLabel(checkedType)); } if (checkoutOption.length) { var option = checkoutOption.join(' | '); if (option != this._gtmSelectedOptions[service]) { this._gtmSelectedOptions[service] = option; lib.Gtm.onCheckoutOption(1, option); } } } }, _getOptionLabel: function (element) { var html = $(element).closest('label').html(); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = html; return div.textContent || div.innerText || ""; }, onAsBillingClick: function (asBilling, type) { for (var i = 0; i < this.options.addressFields.length; i++) { var name = this.options.addressFields[i]; var selector = '#' + type + '-' + name; if ($(asBilling).is(':checked')) { $(selector).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); this.setElementValue(type, name, this.getElementValue(this.options.inheritedAddress, name)); } else { if ($(selector).attr('disabled') == 'disabled') { $(selector).removeAttr('disabled'); /*this.setElementValue(type, name, '');*/ } } } if ($('#' + App_ECommerce_Checkout._shippingElementId).size()) { App_ECommerce_Checkout._updateShippingRate(); } return true; }, gtmCheckout: function () { var formId = this._form.attr('id'); this._gtmCheckoutStepTwo(document.getElementById(formId)); }, initGtmOnSubmit: function () { var ns = 'gtmCheckout'; this._form.unbind('submit.' + ns).bind('submit.' + ns, this.gtmOnSubmit); }, gtmOnSubmit: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); App_ECommerce_Checkout._gtmCheckoutStepTwo(this); }, _gtmCheckoutStepTwo: function (form) { var callback = function () { form.submit(); }; lib.Gtm.onCheckout(2, App_ECommerce_Checkout._options.gtmProducts, callback); } }; var App_ECommerce_Checkout_OtherServices = { _containerId: null, _tooltipTimeout: 3000, init: function(id) { this._containerId = id; $('#' + this._containerId).find('input[type=checkbox]').click(function() { var valueFieldId = $(this).attr('id') + 'Value-element' ; var valueField = $('#' + valueFieldId); if ($(this).is(':checked')) {; } else { valueField.hide(); } }); }, _removeErrors: function() { $('#' + this._containerId).find('ul.errors').remove(); }, _addErrors: function(message, afterContainer) { afterContainer.after(''); }, applyDiscount: function(requestAction, element, postCallback) { this._removeErrors(); var obj = this; var request = { code: $(element).parent().children('input').val(), action: requestAction }; qs.ajax(qs.constant('BASE_URL') + '/' + qs.constant('CURRENT_PAGE'), request).done(function(data) { if (!data.success) { obj._addErrors(data.message, $(element)); } else { var inputId = $(element).parent().children('input').attr('id'); var checkboxId = inputId.replace('Value', ''); var staticId = checkboxId + 'Static'; $('#' + checkboxId + '-label').hide(); $('#' + checkboxId + '-element').hide(); $('#' + checkboxId + '-element input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', false); $('#' + inputId + '-label').hide(); $('#' + inputId + '-element').hide(); $('#' + inputId + '-element input[type=text]').val(''); $('#' + staticId + '-element').html(data.elementValue).show(); if (_.isObject(data.cartSummary)) { App_ECommerce_Checkout._cartSummaryUpdate(data.cartSummary); if ('undefined' != typeof App_Cart_Small) { App_Cart_Small.reset(); } } if (_.isFunction(postCallback)) {, data) } } }).fail(function(status) { alert(status.responseText); }); }, removeDiscount: function (requestAction, element, postCallback) { this._removeErrors(); var obj = this; var request = { action: requestAction }; qs.ajax(qs.constant('BASE_URL') + '/' + qs.constant('CURRENT_PAGE'), request).done(function(data) { if (!data.success) { obj._addErrors(data.message, $(element)); } else { var staticElementId = $(element).closest('dd').attr('id'); var checkboxElementId = staticElementId.replace(/Static-element$/, '-element'); $('#' + staticElementId).html('').hide(); $('#' + checkboxElementId).show(); if (_.isObject(data.cartSummary)) { App_ECommerce_Checkout._cartSummaryUpdate(data.cartSummary); if ('undefined' != typeof App_Cart_Small) { App_Cart_Small.reset(); } } if (_.isFunction(postCallback)) {, data) } } }).fail(function(status) { alert(status.responseText); }); }, applyPromoCode: function(element) { this.applyDiscount('applyPromoCode', element); }, removePromoCode: function(element) { this.removeDiscount('removePromoCode', element); }, applyGiftCard: function(element) { this.applyDiscount('applyGiftCard', element); }, removeGiftCard: function(element) { this.removeDiscount('removeGiftCard', element); } };