getPrimaryKey(); } return $this->_getTable()->searchBy(['id' => $cartId], 'transactionId'); } /** * Create new shopping cart * * @param array $data * @return mixed */ public function create($data = []) { return $this->_getTable()->insert($data); } /** * @return null|Zend_Db_Select */ public function getListSelect() { if (null === $this->_select) { parent::getListSelect(); $this->_select->join( $this->_getPair('CartItem'), '`CartItem`.`cartId` = `' . $this->_tableAlias . '`.`id`', [ '*', 'rowTotal' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(`CartItem`.`quantity` * `CartItem`.`price`)'), 'rowTax' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(`CartItem`.`quantity` * `CartItem`.`tax`)'), ] ); $this->_select->joinLeft( $this->_getPair('CartItemPromo'), '`CartItemPromo`.`cartId` = `' . $this->_tableAlias . '`.`id` ' . 'AND `CartItem`.`productId` = `CartItemPromo`.`productId`', [ 'promoValue' => 'value', 'promoType' => 'type', 'promoMinOrderValue' => 'minOrderValue', ] ); $id = ($id = $this->getPrimaryKey()) ?: '0'; $this->_select->where("`{$this->_tableAlias}`.id = ?", $id, Qs_Db::INT_TYPE); } return $this->_select; } /** * Add new item into the shopping cart * * @param array $data * @return int|bool */ public function addItem(array $data) { unset($data['id'], $data['added'], $data['changed']); $data['cartId'] = $this->getPrimaryKey(); return $this->_getTable('CartItem')->insert($data); } /** * Return shopping cart items count * * @return int */ public function getItemsCount() { $select = clone $this->getListSelect(); $select->reset(Zend_Db_Select::COLUMNS); $select->reset(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); $select->columns('SUM(`quantity`)'); return (int) $this->_db->fetchOne($select); } /** * Return items weight * * @return float */ public function getItemWeight() { $select = clone $this->getListSelect(); $select->reset(Zend_Db_Select::COLUMNS); $select->reset(Zend_Db_Select::ORDER); $select->columns('SUM(`weight` * `quantity`)'); return (float) $this->_db->fetchOne($select); } /** * Remove item from shopping cart * * @param int $itemId * @return int */ public function removeItem($itemId) { $this->_itemData = $this->getItem(['id' => $itemId]); if ($this->_itemData) { $itemObj = App_ECommerce_Cart_ItemObjFactory::itemDataFactory($this->_itemData); $this->_getTable('CartItemPromo')->delete([ '`cartId` = ?' => $this->getPrimaryKey(), '`productId` = ?' => $this->_itemData['productId'], ]); $result = $this->_getTable('CartItem')->delete([ '`id` = ?' => $itemId, '`cartId` = ?' => $this->getPrimaryKey(), ]); $itemObj->afterCartItemRemove(); return $result; } return false; } /** * Return cart item * * @param array $filter * @return array|bool */ public function getItem($filter) { if (!empty($filter)) { $select = clone $this->getListSelect(); Qs_Db::filter($select, $filter, 'CartItem'); return $this->_db->fetchRow($select); } return false; } /** * Return cart items total * @return float|int */ public function getSubtotal() { $select = $this->getListSelect(); $list = (array) $this->_db->fetchAll($select); $subtotal = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { $subtotal = Zend_Locale_Math::Add($subtotal, $item['rowTotal'], 4); } return $subtotal; } /** * Get total price * * @return float|int */ public function getTotal() { $items = (array) $this->getList(); $total = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $total = Zend_Locale_Math::Add($total, $item['rowTotal'], 4); } return $total; } public function renderPromoCodeDescription() { $text = ''; $data = $this->getData(); if ($data['promoCode']) { if ($data['promoCodeMinOrderValue'] > $this->getSubtotal()) { $text .= 'The Promo Code cannot be applied. The order total must be greater than ' . '$' . number_format($data['promoCodeMinOrderValue'], 2); $text = '' . $text . '.'; } else { $text .= 'Promo code has been applied. '; if ($data['promoCodeType'] == App_ECommerce_Promo_Admin_View::PROMO_TYPE_PERCENT) { require_once 'lib/Smarty/app_plugins/'; $text .= smarty_modifier_money($data['promoCodeValue'], 2, true) . '% '; } else { $text .= '$' . number_format($data['promoCodeValue'], 2, '.', ',') . ' '; } $text .= 'off '; if ($data['promoCodeProduct']) { $product = $this->getItem(['productId' => $data['promoCodeProduct']]); if ($product) { $text .= 'for ' . htmlspecialchars($product['title']) . ' '; } } if ($data['promoCodeMinOrderValue'] > 0) { $text .= 'for orders over $' . number_format($data['promoCodeMinOrderValue'], 2, '.', ','); $text .= ''; } $text = '  ' . $text . '.'; } } return $text; } public function renderGiftCardDescription() { $text = ''; $data = $this->getData(); if ($data['giftCardCode']) { $giftCardObj = new App_ECommerce_GiftCard_Admin_Obj(); $codeData = $giftCardObj->getDataByCode($data['giftCardCode']); if (!empty($codeData)) { if ($codeData['statusId'] == App_ECommerce_GiftCard_Admin_View::CARD_STATUS_REDEEMED) { $text .= 'The Gift Card already redeemed.'; } else { $text .= 'Gift Card has been accepted. '; $text .= '$' . number_format($data['giftCardValue'], 2, '.', ',') . ' OFF!'; $text = '  ' . $text . ''; } } else { $text .= 'The Gift Card cannot be applied. Gift Card is not valid.'; } } return $text; } public function getObjectInfo() { $data = parent::getObjectInfo(); if (($itemId = Qs_Request::getRequestValue('itemId'))) { $item = $this->getItem(['id' => $itemId]); if (!$item && $this->_itemData) { $item = $this->_itemData; } if ($item) { $data['itemTitle'] = $item['title']; } else { $data['itemTitle'] = 'UNKNOWN ITEM'; } } return $data; } public function updateItem($cartItemId, array $data) { unset($data['id'], $data['added'], $data['changed']); return $this->_getTable('CartItem')->update($data, ['id = ?' => $cartItemId]); } public function hasShippableItems() { $items = $this->getList(); foreach ($items as $item) { if ('y' == $item['applyShipping']) { return true; } } return false; } public function isServiceProductInside() { $select = $this->_db->select(); $select->from($this->_getPair('CartItem'), new Zend_Db_Expr('1')) ->where('`cartId` = ?', $this->getPrimaryKey(), \Qs_Db::INT_TYPE) ->where('`cartItemType` = ?', Entity::SERVICE_PRODUCT_TYPE) ->limit(1); return (bool) $this->_db->fetchOne($select); } public function removeServiceProducts() { $select = $this->_db->select(); $select->from($this->_getPair('CartItem'), 'id') ->where('`cartId` = ?', $this->getPrimaryKey(), \Qs_Db::INT_TYPE) ->where('`cartItemType` = ?', Entity::SERVICE_PRODUCT_TYPE); $serviceIds = $this->_db->fetchCol($select); if (!$serviceIds) { return $this; } foreach ($serviceIds as $id) { $this->removeItem($id); } return $this; } }