/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */; CREATE TABLE `qs_Faq` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `categoryId` int(11) NOT NULL, `question` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `answer` mediumtext NOT NULL, `sorter` int(11) NOT NULL, `added` datetime NOT NULL, `changed` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idCategory` (`categoryId`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=55 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; INSERT INTO `qs_Faq` (`id`, `categoryId`, `question`, `answer`, `sorter`, `added`, `changed`) VALUES (41,0,'Can you work with my existing website and make improvements to what is already in place?','
\r\n Of course, but it may not be easy. Taking over the development of a system that was built by a different developer has a wide range of possibilities and complexities in terms of the work that is needed. If the system is a really simple, our experienced professionals will have no problem taking over the management of it and making improvements to it. However, if the system has advanced or complex functionality or if it’s not working correctly in some way, there are no short cuts we can take to fix those problems. If you’re willing to give us the keys to your system, we’ll take a look and work with you to make a plan for how we might be able to help.
\r\n',3,'2011-07-05 10:28:14','2012-09-05 15:47:56'),(18,1,'I need a website. What do I do first?','\r\n Contact us. We’d love to hear what’s on your mind. Then we’ll determine if our services are a fit for your needs.
\r\n\r\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, assum tantas principes ex nam, ei nam clita tollit, ex eos laudem inermis rationibus. Ex qui utinam impedit, regione intellegebat nam in. No case populo malorum vis,
\r\nWe wouldn’t have it any other way! Since we build custom websites, they all come standard with a customized content management system that provides you all the tools to make updates as often as you want. And best of all, since it’s custom, it will be intuitive and easy for you to learn to use.
',2,'2011-09-14 08:32:03','2012-04-26 14:11:34'),(43,2,'What features/functionality should be included in a website?','Simply put, you should include whatever functionality will give you a positive return on investment. Websites have the potential to cut a lot of overhead within an organization.
\r\nIf you are paying salespeople to explain a process or product over and over again, it is likely that you would want to consider making a video about that product or service for your site. If you have something that you can sell online, it seems reasonable to be sure that your customers can buy it online. Automating any of your processes such as taking credit applications, service requests, etc., can be done rather easily online and you will want to consider those options.
\r\nHowever, sometimes it makes sense just to keep your site simple and let your site act as supporting documentation for the product or service you offer. We pride ourselves on helping clients plan great sites that will be scalable for future growth. Each project is unique, so contact us today for a free consultation on what we’d recommend for you.
The sky is really the limit as more and more people are using the internet every day and getting more accustomed to e-commerce and social media networks. To turn internet users into actual leads requires two primary things:
\r\nSite traffic – getting more internet users to your sitecan be done through word of mouth, social networking, advertising, and many other ways. The number of internet users that you can reach is directly related to how much time, effort and/or money you want to use to go get those users on your site.
\r\nConversion – more important than getting users to your site is converting those users to leads which you can take action on. Action usually requires some sort of contact information from your site visitor and internet users are usually not excited about giving up that information. During our Planning & Design process, we work with you to make sure your new website leverages the best ways to convert a site visitor into an actual lead given the nature of your business and customer audience. Investments in this arena usually pay off at a much higher return than investments that are made just to increase traffic.
\r\nIf you have a bunch of people who visit or your site and don’t give you their contact information, your site is will barely earn new leads for you. Very often, a successful conversion occurs when you prove to the user that you are a reputable provider of the service or product they’re looking for, and that you are trustworthy and easy to work with. We recommend clients aim for only as many leads as you can handle per month. If you can handle twice as many as you are getting now, contact us to discuss how we can make that happen!
\r\n Hm...
\r\n\r\n Very interesting questions
\r\n',1,'2012-04-26 10:45:17','2012-04-26 14:11:34'),(50,2,'What is a difference between css2 and css3?','\r\n The biggest difference between CSS2 and CSS3 is that CSS3 has been split up into different sections, called modules. Each of these modules is making it's way through the W3C in various stages of the recommendation process. CSS2 was submitted as a single document with all the Cascading Style Sheets information within it. Because each of the modules is being worked on individually, we have a much wider range of browser support for CSS3 modules. As with any new specification, be sure to test your CSS3 pages thoroughly in as many browsers and operating systems as you can._
\r\n CSS3 offers a bunch of new ways you can write CSS rules with new CSS selectors, as well as a new combinator, and some new pseudo-elements.
\r\n Three new attribute selectors:
\r\n ttribute beginning matches exactly
\r\n element[foo^="bar"]
\r\n The element has an attribute called foo that begins with "bar" e.g. <element foo="barn">
\r\n attribute ending matches exactly
\r\n element[foo$="bar"]
\r\n The element has an attribute called foo that ends with "bar" e.g. <element foo="rebar">
\r\n attribute contains the match
\r\n element[foo*="bar"]
\r\n The element has an attribute called foo that contains the string "bar" e.g. <element foo="rebaring">
\r\n 16 new pseudo-classes:
\r\n :root
\r\n The root element of the document. In HTML this is always <html>
\r\n :nth-child(n)
\r\n use this to match exact child elements or use variables to get alternating matches
\r\n :nth-last-child(n)
\r\n match exact child elements counting up from the last one
\r\n :nth-of-type(n)
\r\n match sibling elements with the same name before it in the document tree
\r\n :nth-last-of-type(n)
\r\n match sibling elements with the same name counting up from the bottom
\r\n :last-child
\r\n match the last child element of the parent
\r\n :first-of-type
\r\n match the first sibling element of that type
\r\n :last-of-type
\r\n match the last sibling element of that type
\r\n :only-child
\r\n match the element that is the only child of its parent
\r\n :only-of-type
\r\n match the element that is the only one of its type
\r\n :empty
\r\n match the element that has no children (including text nodes)
\r\n :target
\r\n match an element that is the target of the referring URI
\r\n :enabled
\r\n match the element when it's enabled
\r\n :disabled
\r\n match the element when it's disabled
\r\n :checked
\r\n match the element when it's checked (radio button or checkbox)
\r\n :not(s)
\r\n match when the element does not match the simple selector s
\r\n The Capital of Croatia is Zagreb.
\r\n\r\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nam cetero adipisci ad, ferri homero consectetuer vel et. Vocibus necessitatibus qui ei. Ea nam errem zril. Percipit democritum adversarium nam ut, eos ad aperiam recteque.
\r\n http://google.com
\r\n',1,'2012-05-18 15:50:55','2012-06-05 10:21:09'),(53,0,'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet','\r\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec commodo varius purus, non fermentum ligula porta et. Phasellus pretium porttitor libero et ultrices. Nam elit dui, commodo a blandit sed, hendrerit in lacus. Fusce imperdiet est nec elit lacinia in aliquet dui bibendum. Phasellus congue sagittis nisl, in molestie nisl consequat et. Nam a sem felis, sed luctus velit. Aenean gravida nisl ac sem aliquet eget malesuada enim tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam viverra elit eu enim facilisis lacinia.
\r\n\r\n Nulla elementum sem in arcu consectetur eu fringilla tortor molestie. Nullam ornare, magna sodales facilisis semper, augue mi porta justo, a elementum sapien ipsum a odio. Morbi non porta magna. Suspendisse potenti. Donec nec lacus eu felis consequat congue dictum vitae tellus. Vivamus ante urna, convallis eleifend eleifend blandit, placerat vel augue. Donec lacinia, felis non euismod viverra, metus eros interdum turpis, ac egestas lectus nulla et nisi. Ut at purus a ante pharetra sagittis. Vivamus eu turpis id arcu eleifend posuere. Nulla fringilla, est sed consectetur convallis, neque nulla imperdiet quam, sit amet sodales nunc urna ut dui. Cras nibh urna, tincidunt et fermentum sit amet, fringilla ut lectus. Integer nec velit at risus elementum lobortis gravida eget velit. In iaculis nulla justo. Sed quis velit purus.
\r\n\r\n Suspendisse potenti. Aenean condimentum lectus vitae quam consequat sollicitudin id eu ante. Phasellus pellentesque pulvinar purus id vehicula. Vivamus blandit, purus ac accumsan placerat, eros mi porttitor elit, at varius ligula leo eget velit. Donec gravida pellentesque arcu nec malesuada. Cras vulputate, est a posuere tincidunt, turpis enim fringilla sem, at facilisis dui nunc id nibh. Maecenas tincidunt tincidunt urna posuere molestie. Suspendisse tincidunt tempor elit nec elementum. Donec luctus, nunc quis rutrum consequat, ipsum dui hendrerit ante, a pretium dui nisl sit amet ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt ultrices tortor sit amet lacinia. Maecenas lacus diam, iaculis at ultricies ac, scelerisque non neque. Ut suscipit mattis posuere. Vestibulum quis orci vulputate ligula tempus ultricies.
\r\n',-3,'2012-12-12 11:45:18','2012-12-12 11:45:18'),(54,0,'Fusce nulla magna, commodo imperdiet viverra non','\r\n Suspendisse potenti. Aenean condimentum lectus vitae quam consequat sollicitudin id eu ante. Phasellus pellentesque pulvinar purus id vehicula. Vivamus blandit, purus ac accumsan placerat, eros mi porttitor elit, at varius ligula leo eget velit. Donec gravida pellentesque arcu nec malesuada. Cras vulputate, est a posuere tincidunt, turpis enim fringilla sem, at facilisis dui nunc id nibh. Maecenas tincidunt tincidunt urna posuere molestie. Suspendisse tincidunt tempor elit nec elementum. Donec luctus, nunc quis rutrum consequat, ipsum dui hendrerit ante, a pretium dui nisl sit amet ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt ultrices tortor sit amet lacinia. Maecenas lacus diam, iaculis at ultricies ac, scelerisque non neque. Ut suscipit mattis posuere. Vestibulum quis orci vulputate ligula tempus ultricies.
\r\n\r\n Fusce ac bibendum metus. Nulla venenatis felis est, non aliquet nulla. Nulla ac turpis dui, eu fringilla massa. Sed eget mi a augue tempor convallis. Suspendisse eleifend accumsan turpis, tincidunt luctus leo porttitor ac. Duis leo nibh, faucibus eu sodales eu, lacinia sit amet risus. Phasellus facilisis eros ac tellus eleifend pulvinar. Proin nec enim nisi, eu pulvinar sapien. Nullam luctus blandit risus, vitae auctor tortor scelerisque in. Vestibulum aliquet mattis bibendum. Aliquam egestas pharetra neque pellentesque lobortis. Aliquam facilisis, velit at lobortis bibendum, tellus velit rhoncus nisl, sit amet fringilla felis libero eu nunc. Morbi elit leo, semper vitae vestibulum sit amet, porttitor ut lorem. Donec auctor viverra adipiscing. In at pharetra elit. Quisque ac diam orci.
\r\n\r\n Fusce nulla magna, commodo imperdiet viverra non, pellentesque ac nulla. Pellentesque malesuada elit nunc. Mauris et enim quis lectus volutpat accumsan. Duis scelerisque dolor in mauris tempor euismod. Sed dictum, lacus at tincidunt tincidunt, purus purus auctor lorem, sed molestie metus purus eu elit. Nulla fringilla, urna non euismod interdum, ligula nulla adipiscing leo, ut aliquam felis ligula sit amet leo. Morbi eros tortor, bibendum quis imperdiet a, gravida vel purus. Donec rutrum dapibus quam ac scelerisque. Donec euismod sodales elit ut lacinia. In augue mauris, interdum eu venenatis id, placerat eget ipsum. Sed tellus erat, aliquet vitae egestas a, lobortis in dui. Cras ac lacus interdum eros vulputate ornare. Praesent lacinia, nisi et consectetur pellentesque, ipsum ipsum iaculis enim, sed bibendum nibh velit sed mi. Morbi a arcu magna. Aenean volutpat pretium augue vitae tempor. Cras commodo posuere urna, sed dignissim velit cursus sit amet.
\r\n',-4,'2012-12-12 11:45:50','2012-12-12 11:45:50');