TRUNCATE `qs_DPageOption`; INSERT INTO `qs_DPageOption` (`name`, `title`, `show`, `value`, `sorter`) VALUES ('allowDelete', 'Allow Delete', 'n', 'n', '5'), ('allowSubpages', 'Allow Subpages', 'n', 'y', '11'), ('enabled', 'Show on User End', 'y', 'y', '4'), ('final', 'Final Page', 'n', 'n', '8'), ('isAccountNavigation', 'Include to Account Navigation', 'n', 'n', '15'), ('isAdditional', 'Is Additional', 'n', 'n', '12'), ('isIndexing', 'Show in Sitemap.xml', 'y', 'y', '7'), ('isSecure', 'Secure Page', 'n', 'n', '6'), ('redirect', 'Redirect to Another Webpage', 'y', 'n', '10'), ('requireSu', 'Require Su Mode for Ctrl Menu', 'n', 'n', '14'), ('showInCtrlMenu', 'Show in Ctrl Menu', 'n', 'n', '13'), ('showInDropdowns', 'Include in the Result of the Method App_Cms_Obj::getPages4Select()', 'n', 'y', '16'), ('showInFooter', 'Show in Footer', 'y', 'n', '3'), ('showInMenu', 'Show in Menu', 'y', 'n', '2'), ('showInSiteMap', 'Show in Sitemap', 'y', 'n', '1'), ('showSideBlock', 'Show Side Blocks', 'n', 'y', '17'), ('system', 'System (Hidden in Admin End)', 'n', 'n', '9'); UPDATE `qs_DPageOption` SET `value` = 'y', `show` = 'y', `title` = 'Show in sitemap.xml' WHERE `name` = 'isIndexing'; UPDATE `qs_DraftPageOption` SET `show` = 'y' WHERE `name` = 'isIndexing'; UPDATE `qs_PageOption` SET `show` = 'y' WHERE `name` = 'isIndexing'; UPDATE `qs_PageOption` AS `mt` JOIN `qs_PageOption` AS `st` ON `st`.`idPage` = `mt`.`idPage` SET `mt`.`value` = `st`.`value` WHERE `st`.`name` = 'showInSiteMap' AND `mt`.`name` = 'isIndexing';