{ "PasswordConfirmation":"Password confirmation does not match", "EmailWrongFormat":"Email is in wrong format", "EmptyField":"This is a required field", "InvalidUrl":"Url is in wrong format", "InvalidDate":"Date is in wrong format", "ConfirmPassword":"Password doesn't match its confirmation", "InvalidImage":"The uploaded file is not an image", "Unique":"%fieldName% must be unique", "FalseExtension":"File '%file%' has a false extension", "Email_InvalidHostname":"'%host%' is not a valid hostname", "Email_HostNotInList":"'%host%' appears to be a DNS hostname but cannot match TLD against known list", "Email_LocalNotAllowed":"'%host%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed", "Email_NameWrongDotFormat":"'%name%' can not be matched against dot-atom format", "Email_NameWrongQuotedFormat":"'%name%' can not be matched against quoted-string format", "Email_NameInvalidLocal":"'%name%' is not a valid local part", "Email_InvalidBasicFormat":"'%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format local-part@hostname" }