*/ class Mage_Sales_Block_Order_Info extends Mage_Core_Block_Template { protected $_links = array(); protected function _construct() { parent::_construct(); $this->setTemplate('sales/order/info.phtml'); } protected function _prepareLayout() { if ($headBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')) { $headBlock->setTitle($this->__('Order # %s', $this->getOrder()->getRealOrderId())); } $this->setChild( 'payment_info', $this->helper('payment')->getInfoBlock($this->getOrder()->getPayment()) ); } public function getPaymentInfoHtml() { return $this->getChildHtml('payment_info'); } /** * Retrieve current order model instance * * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Order */ public function getOrder() { return Mage::registry('current_order'); } public function addLink($name, $path, $label) { $this->_links[$name] = new Varien_Object(array( 'name' => $name, 'label' => $label, 'url' => empty($path) ? '' : Mage::getUrl($path, array('order_id' => $this->getOrder()->getId())) )); return $this; } public function getLinks() { $this->checkLinks(); return $this->_links; } private function checkLinks() { $order = $this->getOrder(); if (!$order->hasInvoices()) { unset($this->_links['invoice']); } if (!$order->hasShipments()) { unset($this->_links['shipment']); } if (!$order->hasCreditmemos()) { unset($this->_links['creditmemo']); } } /** * Get url for reorder action * * @deprecated after, logic moved to new block * @param Mage_Sales_Order $order * @return string */ public function getReorderUrl($order) { if (!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) { return $this->getUrl('sales/guest/reorder', array('order_id' => $order->getId())); } return $this->getUrl('sales/order/reorder', array('order_id' => $order->getId())); } /** * Get url for printing order * * @deprecated after, logic moved to new block * @param Mage_Sales_Order $order * @return string */ public function getPrintUrl($order) { if (!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) { return $this->getUrl('sales/guest/print', array('order_id' => $order->getId())); } return $this->getUrl('sales/order/print', array('order_id' => $order->getId())); } }