*/ class Mage_Cms_Model_Resource_Page_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Collection_Abstract { /** * Load data for preview flag * * @var bool */ protected $_previewFlag; /** * Define resource model * */ protected function _construct() { $this->_init('cms/page'); $this->_map['fields']['page_id'] = 'main_table.page_id'; $this->_map['fields']['store'] = 'store_table.store_id'; } /** * deprecated after, use toOptionIdArray() * * @return array */ public function toOptionArray() { return $this->_toOptionArray('identifier', 'title'); } /** * Returns pairs identifier - title for unique identifiers * and pairs identifier|page_id - title for non-unique after first * * @return array */ public function toOptionIdArray() { $res = array(); $existingIdentifiers = array(); foreach ($this as $item) { $identifier = $item->getData('identifier'); $data['value'] = $identifier; $data['label'] = $item->getData('title'); if (in_array($identifier, $existingIdentifiers)) { $data['value'] .= '|' . $item->getData('page_id'); } else { $existingIdentifiers[] = $identifier; } $res[] = $data; } return $res; } /** * Set first store flag * * @param bool $flag * @return Mage_Cms_Model_Resource_Page_Collection */ public function setFirstStoreFlag($flag = false) { $this->_previewFlag = $flag; return $this; } /** * Perform operations after collection load * * @return Mage_Cms_Model_Resource_Page_Collection */ protected function _afterLoad() { if ($this->_previewFlag) { $items = $this->getColumnValues('page_id'); $connection = $this->getConnection(); if (count($items)) { $select = $connection->select() ->from(array('cps'=>$this->getTable('cms/page_store'))) ->where('cps.page_id IN (?)', $items); if ($result = $connection->fetchPairs($select)) { foreach ($this as $item) { if (!isset($result[$item->getData('page_id')])) { continue; } if ($result[$item->getData('page_id')] == 0) { $stores = Mage::app()->getStores(false, true); $storeId = current($stores)->getId(); $storeCode = key($stores); } else { $storeId = $result[$item->getData('page_id')]; $storeCode = Mage::app()->getStore($storeId)->getCode(); } $item->setData('_first_store_id', $storeId); $item->setData('store_code', $storeCode); } } } } return parent::_afterLoad(); } /** * Add filter by store * * @param int|Mage_Core_Model_Store $store * @param bool $withAdmin * @return Mage_Cms_Model_Resource_Page_Collection */ public function addStoreFilter($store, $withAdmin = true) { if (!$this->getFlag('store_filter_added')) { if ($store instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Store) { $store = array($store->getId()); } if (!is_array($store)) { $store = array($store); } if ($withAdmin) { $store[] = Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID; } $this->addFilter('store', array('in' => $store), 'public'); } return $this; } /** * Join store relation table if there is store filter */ protected function _renderFiltersBefore() { if ($this->getFilter('store')) { $this->getSelect()->join( array('store_table' => $this->getTable('cms/page_store')), 'main_table.page_id = store_table.page_id', array() )->group('main_table.page_id'); /* * Allow analytic functions usage because of one field grouping */ $this->_useAnalyticFunction = true; } return parent::_renderFiltersBefore(); } /** * Get SQL for get record count. * Extra GROUP BY strip added. * * @return Varien_Db_Select */ public function getSelectCountSql() { $countSelect = parent::getSelectCountSql(); $countSelect->reset(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP); return $countSelect; } }