init('checkout'); } /** * Unset all data associated with object */ public function unsetAll() { parent::unsetAll(); $this->_quote = null; } /** * Set customer instance * * @param Mage_Customer_Model_Customer|null $customer * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ public function setCustomer($customer) { $this->_customer = $customer; return $this; } /** * Check whether current session has quote * * @return bool */ public function hasQuote() { return isset($this->_quote); } /** * Set quote to be loaded even if inactive * * @param bool $load * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ public function setLoadInactive($load = true) { $this->_loadInactive = $load; return $this; } /** * Get checkout quote instance by current session * * @return Mage_Sales_Model_Quote */ public function getQuote() { Mage::dispatchEvent('custom_quote_process', array('checkout_session' => $this)); if ($this->_quote === null) { /** @var $quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote */ $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()); if ($this->getQuoteId()) { if ($this->_loadInactive) { $quote->load($this->getQuoteId()); } else { $quote->loadActive($this->getQuoteId()); } if ($quote->getId()) { /** * If current currency code of quote is not equal current currency code of store, * need recalculate totals of quote. It is possible if customer use currency switcher or * store switcher. */ if ($quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode() != Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode()) { $quote->setStore(Mage::app()->getStore()); $quote->collectTotals()->save(); /* * We mast to create new quote object, because collectTotals() * can to create links with other objects. */ $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()); $quote->load($this->getQuoteId()); } } else { $this->setQuoteId(null); } } $customerSession = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session'); if (!$this->getQuoteId()) { if ($customerSession->isLoggedIn() || $this->_customer) { $customer = ($this->_customer) ? $this->_customer : $customerSession->getCustomer(); $quote->loadByCustomer($customer); $this->setQuoteId($quote->getId()); } else { $quote->setIsCheckoutCart(true); Mage::dispatchEvent('checkout_quote_init', array('quote'=>$quote)); } } if ($this->getQuoteId()) { if ($customerSession->isLoggedIn() || $this->_customer) { $customer = ($this->_customer) ? $this->_customer : $customerSession->getCustomer(); $quote->setCustomer($customer); } } $quote->setStore(Mage::app()->getStore()); $this->_quote = $quote; } if ($remoteAddr = Mage::helper('core/http')->getRemoteAddr()) { $this->_quote->setRemoteIp($remoteAddr); $xForwardIp = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); $this->_quote->setXForwardedFor($xForwardIp); } return $this->_quote; } protected function _getQuoteIdKey() { return 'quote_id_' . Mage::app()->getStore()->getWebsiteId(); } public function setQuoteId($quoteId) { $this->setData($this->_getQuoteIdKey(), $quoteId); } public function getQuoteId() { return $this->getData($this->_getQuoteIdKey()); } /** * Load data for customer quote and merge with current quote * * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ public function loadCustomerQuote() { if (!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerId()) { return $this; } Mage::dispatchEvent('load_customer_quote_before', array('checkout_session' => $this)); $customerQuote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote') ->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()) ->loadByCustomer(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomerId()); if ($customerQuote->getId() && $this->getQuoteId() != $customerQuote->getId()) { if ($this->getQuoteId()) { $customerQuote->merge($this->getQuote()) ->collectTotals() ->save(); } $this->setQuoteId($customerQuote->getId()); if ($this->_quote) { $this->_quote->delete(); } $this->_quote = $customerQuote; } else { $this->getQuote()->getBillingAddress(); $this->getQuote()->getShippingAddress(); $this->getQuote()->setCustomer(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer()) ->setTotalsCollectedFlag(false) ->collectTotals() ->save(); } return $this; } public function setStepData($step, $data, $value=null) { $steps = $this->getSteps(); if (is_null($value)) { if (is_array($data)) { $steps[$step] = $data; } } else { if (!isset($steps[$step])) { $steps[$step] = array(); } if (is_string($data)) { $steps[$step][$data] = $value; } } $this->setSteps($steps); return $this; } public function getStepData($step=null, $data=null) { $steps = $this->getSteps(); if (is_null($step)) { return $steps; } if (!isset($steps[$step])) { return false; } if (is_null($data)) { return $steps[$step]; } if (!is_string($data) || !isset($steps[$step][$data])) { return false; } return $steps[$step][$data]; } /** * Retrieves list of all saved additional messages for different instances (e.g. quote items) in checkout session * Returned: array(itemKey => messageCollection, ...) * where itemKey is a unique hash (e.g 'quote_item17') to distinguish item messages among message collections * * @param bool $clear * * @return array */ public function getAdditionalMessages($clear = false) { $additionalMessages = $this->getData('additional_messages'); if (!$additionalMessages) { return array(); } if ($clear) { $this->setData('additional_messages', null); } return $additionalMessages; } /** * Retrieves list of item additional messages * itemKey is a unique hash (e.g 'quote_item17') to distinguish item messages among message collections * * @param string $itemKey * @param bool $clear * * @return null|Mage_Core_Model_Message_Collection */ public function getItemAdditionalMessages($itemKey, $clear = false) { $allMessages = $this->getAdditionalMessages(); if (!isset($allMessages[$itemKey])) { return null; } $messages = $allMessages[$itemKey]; if ($clear) { unset($allMessages[$itemKey]); $this->setAdditionalMessages($allMessages); } return $messages; } /** * Adds new message in this session to a list of additional messages for some item * itemKey is a unique hash (e.g 'quote_item17') to distinguish item messages among message collections * * @param string $itemKey * @param Mage_Core_Model_Message $message * * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ public function addItemAdditionalMessage($itemKey, $message) { $allMessages = $this->getAdditionalMessages(); if (!isset($allMessages[$itemKey])) { $allMessages[$itemKey] = Mage::getModel('core/message_collection'); } $allMessages[$itemKey]->add($message); $this->setAdditionalMessages($allMessages); return $this; } /** * Retrieves list of quote item messages * @param int $itemId * @param bool $clear * * @return null|Mage_Core_Model_Message_Collection */ public function getQuoteItemMessages($itemId, $clear = false) { return $this->getItemAdditionalMessages('quote_item' . $itemId, $clear); } /** * Adds new message to a list of quote item messages, saved in this session * * @param int $itemId * @param Mage_Core_Model_Message $message * * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session */ function addQuoteItemMessage($itemId, $message) { return $this->addItemAdditionalMessage('quote_item' . $itemId, $message); } public function clear() { Mage::dispatchEvent('checkout_quote_destroy', array('quote'=>$this->getQuote())); $this->_quote = null; $this->setQuoteId(null); $this->setLastSuccessQuoteId(null); } /** * Clear misc checkout parameters */ public function clearHelperData() { $this->setLastBillingAgreementId(null) ->setRedirectUrl(null) ->setLastOrderId(null) ->setLastRealOrderId(null) ->setLastRecurringProfileIds(null) ->setAdditionalMessages(null) ; } public function resetCheckout() { $this->setCheckoutState(self::CHECKOUT_STATE_BEGIN); return $this; } public function replaceQuote($quote) { $this->_quote = $quote; $this->setQuoteId($quote->getId()); return $this; } }